Nine Descending Suns Shaking The Soul

Longfei looked furious!

The reason was that this unappreciative Junior Brother of his had not given him any face. This had resulted in him losing the Young Master's trust. Longfei had painstaking exhausted all sorts of means in order to regain the trust of this Young Master.

"Junior Brother, let's finish this quickly. You still have 9 more challenges. Ha ha! It will be really disgraceful for the Songyang Sword Sect if you can't even hold up your sword in the end!"

Longfei sneered snidely at Yu Mo.

Yu Mo appeared to be indifferent, but everyone knew how nervous he was based on the way his hands were shaking.

Although he had mastered the technique imparted by his Ancestral Master and was able to execute the Nine-Sky Setting Sun Technique, he was still very nervous.

Now, the burden of the entire sect had fallen on his shoulders. This was the first time he'd ever felt such heavy pressure.