The Planet-Destroying Demon Venerate

The Planet-Destroying Demon Venerate!

The Sacred Ice Palace's Shengzi looked extremely uncomfortable upon hearing the Shenwu Sect's elder. He personally knew the Planet-Destroying Demon Venerate.

In fact, the Sacred Ice Palace harbored great animosity against the Planet-Destroying Demon Venerate. Back when the great elder of Sacred Ice Palace had been about to break through and become a Yuan Venerate, the Planet-Destroying Demon Venerate's sudden attacks had caused them to lose everything.

If their great elder had successfully broken through, then the Shenwu Sect would have been nothing compared to Sacred Ice Palace.

It could even be said that the Shenwu Sect could easily have grovelled to Sacred Ice Palace if it had not been for the Planet-Destroying Demon Venerate.

Unfortunately, even though they hated this being to the core, they were helpless against the Planet-Destroying Demon Venerate.