Alliance Head

Yuan Venerate Liaozhen was also considered a formidable figure in the Dakongfan Sect. Although his cultivation base wasn't great, he had excellent eloquence and was highly valued by several elders in the sect.

This time, he had been tasked to get the two Taiyi Yuan Venerates in Xiluo Mountain to submit, which wasn't a difficult task in his opinion.

He could get it done immediately as long as he wanted to.

The two seated Shentian Taiyi Yuan Venerates were merely objects he was going to toy with!

Although the two Shentian Taiyi Yuan Venerates evaded his attempts and even responded with hints of a threat, this was merely a ridiculous attempt in the opinion of Yuan Venerate Liaozhen.

He was fully confident that he could make a small alliance like this submit under the might of the Dakongfan Sect and slowly disintegrate it.