Too Fast, Three Sacred Curse Techniques

Although the Guardian King Galos was in name a servant of the Great Master of the Dakongfan Sect, the origin of his birth was not inferior to the Great Master of the Dakongfan Sect by any means.

Guardian King Galos had been born from nothing before the Vast Sky Sacred Realm had even been created. It was said that Guardian King Galos was a figure who came from the same era as a Sacred Venerate.

However, the main reason why he had become a servant of the Great Master of the Dakongfan Sect was because the Sacred Venerate had hatched a plan with his disciple and forced Guardian King Galos to submit.

It was also because of Guardian King Galos that the Dakongfan Sect had been able to progress to the status it had now. However, because of the development and improvement of the Dakongfan Sect, there were also fewer things Guardian King Galos needed to handle personally.