
Mai was surprised when she felt him grab her head. She didn't mind it though, she had been beginning to think that he was going to be passive the whole time and was delighted to realize that was not the case.

Mai stared at Han Bings face. His head was slightly tilted up with his eyes closed reminiscing about what had just happened. She watched as his eyes slowly opened to reveal beautiful eyes looking back at her.

"Mai, that.. that was" Han Bing attempted to say something but couldn't quite yet.

Mai stood up as she gave him a tight hug, whispering into his ear "next time it will be your turn."

Mai really wanted to laugh at the innocent expression that was on Han Bings face as he tried to imagine what that would involve but thought against it.

"Guess all those romance novels that I read really did have it right" Mai thought to herself as this was the first time that she had ever done that to someone.

"We got off topic though! What about dessert?" Mai asked Han Bing.

"Right …. Ill go change then I will take you where ever you want to go" Han Bing said.

"Mmm" Mai agreed with him.

They both went to leave the kitchen room when they discovered the four servants waiting for them outside. Mai couldn't help but blush deeply. "Did they hear anything that happened?" Mai asked herself. Trying to figure out how much they knew about what just happened.

"Would my mistress like a bath? Zhi Ruo asked.

"Oh god they know. It's not like I got dirty but a bath sounds extremely nice right now." Mai couldn't help but think to herself. "Sure," Mai replied meekly.

All the servant besides Zhi Yan went on there way to prepare a bath. Han Bing also left to go change and also probably take a bath.

"So, what did you do! I am so curious, what was it like? Gosh Han Bing is so dreamy" Zhi Yan couldn't help but ask as soon as her grandmother was far enough to not hear.

"Haha, ummm, that is for your husband to show you… they like when you use your tongue." Mai said trying to not give away to many details.

Zhi Yans face was full of confusion "Tongue?" She asked.

"You will see when you get a husband" Mai replied not wanted to give advice to another person as she had barely any actually experience.

Zhi Yan was quite as she tried to imagine what exactly you could do with your tongue to make someone cry out like that.

After both of them took the time to get ready to go to the market, Han Bing called a carriage and they were off.

"Mai that was, cough , extremely incredible" Han Bing said when they got into the carriage.

"Mmm I enjoyed it as well." Mai replied with a soft voice.

Han Bing looked as if he wanted to say more about the subject but blushed instead.

"So where should we find this cow?" Mai asked.

"I have a couple of servants scouting out the market and other places. Once they find one, they will find us and report where it is located. So just take this time to look around" Han Bing said proudly. Thinking that he had solved both of there problems about going to the market just leaving a perfectly good solution.

"That's good" Mai said.

"Men are the same everywhere, never wanting to go shopping" Mai thought to herself. "Well at least he is trying."

When they arrived Mai was greeted by the sight of a busy street that was full of vendors set up on either side. The warn down road that the market was held on was simple packed dirt that had thousands of footprints in it. The road went down as far as the eye could see with the vendors slowly changing from food, to other materials.

Mai was so excited that she almost ran out to look at all the unusual or interesting objects that she had never seen before. Han Bing let out a soft reminder to be safe and that pickpockets and ruffians covered this place. Mai nodded and started to slowly look at the stalls that she thought was most interesting.

Mai picked up random objects that she had never seen before in the modern world. Some were pottery dishes that reminded her of those that were in museums, whereas others were objects that she couldn't imagine what sort of function they held.

She saw vendors advertising all sorts of herbal recipes from curing all illnesses to killing your enemies. If left to her own devices, it would take her over a week to see every part of the market and all it had to offer. "Didn't Han Bing call this the Eastern Market?" Mai thought to herself. "Does that mean that there is another one that is just as big somewhere else?" Mai could only imagine how large the city actually was if it could hold such large markets.


Han Bing was surprised at how often Mai would pick up an object to examine it closer and than put it down. "She does know that I will get her whatever she wants right?" Han Bing thought to himself.

"Do you not like any of the things that you have picked up?" Han Bing asked when his curiosity got the better of him.

"It's just that I have never seen them before!" Mai said with her face giving off a glow that other men in the crowd couldn't help but look at. Han Bing eyed all of these men down trying to say that she was his and no one else's. Even with that though, the men couldn't help but stare at the beauty in front of them that was so letting off such positive energy, instinctively drawn towards her.

"Dammit, why can't these men go look for there own wife!" Han Bing thought to himself. Even if Mai wasn't officially his wife as he hadn't gotten the approval from the Emperor to marry he still wouldn't let that small technicality stop him from thinking so.

"Young master" a servant said that appeared besides Han Bing with a slight bow. "I have discovered the locations of someone selling a cow."

Before Han Bing could say anything Mai let out a like eeeek in excitement. Grabbing his arm to go in whatever direction the servant pointed to.

All the men in the crowd who had been staring at Mai sent death glares towards Han Bing.