Bad luck

Maria bitterly fought with the birdman with all that she had. The wounds on her body were innumerable cuts and bruises not a place of her body remained intact.

"Wakak kik Nak" The birdman sneered maliciously, it was obvious he was persuaded that his victory was near and was 'hanging the bearskin before he had killed the bear.'

Maria spat a mouthful of blood as she looked at the creature with the highest disdain.

"Bastard creature go to hell!" Roaring her curse she took out a magic rune that had deflagration purpose. " Burn!" Throwing it toward his face she then ducked down as an explosion deflagrated taking the birdman and half the front of the small house!

Sadly it drew in ten more of them as they came to see what had exploded finding there kin half charged down they rushed up to invest.

Finding a woman holding more of those runes they split up and spread out they no longer held any desire for capturing this female for mating they now wanted her skin…

Maria threw the five last runes out trying to maximize the damage dealt she knew that no matter what she would not survive this battle her wounds were already too severe, her condition was beyond saving.

Her thought wondered to her lover and her precious daughter.

"Forgive me dears I will leave first."

She told them both in her mind as she let go awaiting the explosion.

Out of the outskirt of the village coming back from the forest the group of men heard the large deflagration of the multiple runes that had exploded each had the strength of a grade four explosive spell it was enough to lift the house and blow it to shreds.

The noise was so loud birds flew off, wolves ran for their lives, creatures hid away in their dens and burrows.

The men were left stunned, the desolation of the village was horrible bodies of birdmen mixed with those of dead women, children and mostly all the elders of the villages laid down their lives to save them laid on the roads as they had not been able to flee fast enough.

John ran toward his house there was still a fight going on he could hear the magic being cast as more of those birds gathered over.

"MARIA! SPERANZA!" He screamed a top of his lungs panic taking his heart clenching it down heavily.

The house that had blown was his own the magic being cast was filled with the aura of his daughter! That child was fighting an army on her own! This crazy stubborn girl she should be hiding not facing so many of them on her own!

"Speranza if they don't kill you watch what this daddy will do to your ass!"

He was roaring even more angrily. Activating a fly magic spell he flew toward his house running being to slow.

Arriving at the top of the small hill where their house had stood he found the dying Maria under house debris and catacombs.

"Maria!" He yelped sorrowfully rushing to remove her from the debris he cradled her in his arm holding her to his chest. " Maria... Maria…" he called her name hoping she would regain consciousness.

Slowly the battered Maria regained some of her senses seeing her beloved she spoke slowly using the last of her forces "Speranza… many… sor..ry.." As she spoke she slowly closed her eyes again but this time they would never open again…

Gently placing his wife down as he gently caressed her face, rage burning in his heart as sorrow filled the gap he had no time to mourn his soulmate after all their child was still in danger.

He needed to get to her before she would be captured or worse...

He would destroy that tribe here and now.

He wasn't one of the strongest sorcerers of the region just for show! Even if he needed to use the last of his strength to do it he would. This blood debt needed to be paid in full!


A large fireball engulfed five birdmen in a moment. "DIE! Perris as you should… all of you Burn in hell." He keeps cursing the darn bird heads they could all die a miserable death.

With another flick of his hand, he created a firewall that spread around burning to death and severely wounding others. The flames seemed to birthed in hell as it ravaged the scenery.

The peaceful house of a family of three now was raised to the ground body laid everywhere.

No matter where John laid his eyes he could not find his daughter she had vanished from sight.

Further in a secluded prairie Speranza was fighting with the last of the birdmen.

She had oppressed them but sadly they were highly resistant and their numbers made them quite the troublesome foes for a sorceress, hence a reverse of the situation had happened.

Using the trees and the tall herbs Speranza could hide and confuse them. Toying with them for a good hour. having them stumble on wolves and other animals.

From the initial ten, only five remained and they were more determined to catch this rotten human than anything but they had lost all trace of the girl...

Seeing a tall human warrior like silhouette Speranza healthy headed toward him, sadly for her, even the quietest of her breath was clearly head by him a knife planted itself in the tree next to her.

Brushing against her neck drawing a fine line of blood, she was momentarily stunned that stranger had attacked her without reason or rhythms.

"Come out or the next one will be in the middle of your head." He said in a low tone.

"Hands where I can see them." He added platonically but the underlying tone was dangerously chilling and left no note of refuting.

" Don't shoot I'm not ill-intentioned I am only lost." Speaking in a softer tone trying to appease this knock of crazy head that shoot knife without warning.

Exiting her hiding spot slowly her hands at shoulder heights she looks at the man and her eyes grew a little wider it was a dark elf how could her luck be so bad?

Finally laying eyes on the sorry cut figure of the girl he couldn't help but raise a brow it was a puny little human girl and with the state, she was in she couldn't even be a threat to him even in a thousand years…

The mutually stared at one another.

Looking at him she first noted is blood red eyes, his sharp handsome elvish face but it seems very fierce thanks to the metal piercing he arbour on the earlobe to the tip which was all link by a small chain. All of that surrounded by a long jet black hair that looked wild and untamed.

His stature was tall around six feet maybe even a little more.

His light leather armour had metal spikes at the shoulders straps at the waist held two long swords that looked dark and evil.

The aura of death those swords unleashed wasn't a joke, they had probably bath in countless people blood to give such a fierce aura.

Her expressions could not escape his trained eyes, he had seen her eyes grow slightly wider as she saw him at first now there was a little frown between her eyebrows.

He could hear her heartbeat a little out of sink which meant she might be scared of him, but the fact she was still slightly panting out of breath could also be the reason.

Her cloth carried the smell of burnt wood and flesh, they were in tatters and rags barely holding up and mostly covered her ,but only hid barely her figure leaving just enough for his imagination...

Now towering her as he looks down he glides his fingers under her chin to lift and tilt her head. Unable to resist his urge to touch those fire red hair he lets them gently glide between his fingers.

He never had urges like this normally he had seen all kind of women more seductive from evil temptress to pure and naive virgins in the villages and town his armies raided gathering slaves and goods.

Some fetched his fancies to release his primal urges but he never desired to own them even after committing the deed. Not caring what happened to them after.

Speranza dared not to move she knew he would overpower her if she made a move... But her arms are going numb, the feeling of little ants climbing her arms making it hard to just stay still.

Lowering her hands slowly to each side as she continues to look to this tyrannic elf.

Finally letting go of her hair.

He sat down on a tree stump and started building a fire as the night was falling he glanced at the girl that was awkwardly standing there seems to be at lost on what to do or say.

"Come here and sit you'll get cold with what you're wearing." His tone was no longer full of hostile undercurrent and was lightly lazy and detached without being cold.

With him commenting on her cloth she now gave her own self a look she could not help but gasp.

Her top barely covered her breast hanging by a few threads, her hair was disorderly messy and smelled putrid and charred, her skin was dark thanks to the fire soot making her look anything but pretty…

Worst she felt embarrassed since the cloth was already very short and now with the huge gaps revelling nearly all her forms no wonder that man had been touching her since they met...

But likely cause she looked like an ugly duck and smelled worse than mud likely it had put his urges on ice...

About fifteen minutes later once the fire was going strong the dark elf got up and spoke commandingly.

"Stay here I will be right back with some food to eat."

Once he had said this he retracted his gaze from her small face and disappeared into the woods.

Unlike normal elves that only see slightly better than humans in the dark, dark elves where the night and darkness masters seeing even better than in broad daylight.

After waiting a few minutes Speranza decided to move toward the little creek that was only a few meters away, in fact, it was less than five meters.

Gathering water to drink considering that it was deep enough to bath, she removed her tattered cloth and stepped into it to wash.

Gathering water to drink considering that it was deep enough to bath, she removed her tattered cloth and stepped into it to wash.