The first day

At the darkest hour just before the break of dawn, a shadow landed near the tent where the two laid down.

Enforcer opened one eye as he laid without moving from his position arm around the girl's small shoulders so she could rest her head on his chest.

Her left leg rested atop his as she had plastered her body to him sucking his warmth thanks to the hellish cold temperature.

"General the next target has been established as the waterhold of the northern sea country. The prime target has been seen there."

"Mm. I will make my way there now beat it." Waving a hand in dismissal motion closing back his eye while his fingers run and glide through Speranza's hair gently as he enjoys the touch.

The shadow disappeared the next moment after acquiring to the order.

Dawn the sun gently entered the gap of the tent entrance gently shining through it. The sun rays finally warming the land of the forest.

Feeling the rays warm her face, Speranza, stirred slowly from her comfortable slumber.

Letting a soft sigh fighting to stay in the slumbering state refusing to wake. Wanting to extend the time she remained into this comfortable embrace.

As she felt her slumber slip away she stretched her body feeling the body and leg that next to her she immediately sobered up and froze.

"Morning." Enforcer teased the girl with a quick kiss on her lips making an evil smug smile.

"Slept well?" He stated more then he asked as it was self-evident that she had well rested by her rosy complexion and fresh looks.

Blushing a little she made a slight nod.

"I will prepare breakfast now."

She turned around to get up, realizing that she had been wrapped up in the warm furs.

And this through the night it made it no wonders that she had stayed warm and did not suffer from the deep cold of the mystical forest of the northern border.

Taking the opportunity that served itself on a silver platter. He teased with a sole finger the length of her spine and gave her firm little rump a smack making her yelp with grievances and anxiousness.

Being unable to voice herself because if this guy abandoned her here she might as well never get out.

She used to love adventures but she now understood the world was large and she had barely opened her wings, that she had fallen out of her home nest.

She was worried, he was no family member, dark elves aren't in general good news.

Most of them are heartless killing villages and towns or unlucky adventures that ran into their parties.

She was worried rumours wanted that they were a kind that took humans and other races mostly for labour slaves taking them into the abyss where the sun never reached.

Enforcer observed her one thousand expressions as she keeps thinking he could easily read her and what she was thinking, it simply amused him.

Not even bothering to clarify anything about his intent or any of the sort. Simply letting her imagination run wild.

Still stuck, in the many fur covers; like a sausage.

She tried to untangle herself for a little while. This demon watched her struggle out of the covers! To then realize the temperature still was pretty cold ~around five degrees.

She plunged right back into them.

Shivering and teeth clattering glaring at the man that got up torso exposed as if nothing, not even a shiver...

Squatting down in front of the curled shivering girl. He smirked, placing a finger under her chin lifting it up gently. He could than gaze into those azure blue eyes.

His piercing mock filled gaze, It peered into her own while she could see the ridicule in his eyes.

Speaking in that usual conceited tone his lips curled up in that cruel smile of his.

"Thought you would go make breakfast to eat? Don't worry I won't let you go cold to much." His smile turned eerily cruel.

"I'll start a fire so wear proper clothes the days in the forest are still cold in the morning and even more chilling at night. Your lucky to have run into me otherwise I'm afraid you would already be frozen solid and become an ice sculpture."

By this, he was hitting her that if, she had survived the night, it only thanks to him!

The quilt and equipment she had were good but not good enough for this weather. Making her bitterly aware that she owned him for staying alive.

Then he took one of his bags and took out a Birdman head out of the bag.

"You should recognize this right? "

"I found five of them in total I wonder what they were looking for…"

This was another blow to her, now he had killed her pursuer.

While saying that he had found them near.

During the time he was hunting last night meaning that she could be safe and sound solely because he had killed them all!

She was speechless what he was telling her is that in facts her life now belonged to him!

As the facts were told; she lowered her head her gaze turned complicated.

This man was basically telling; he would keep her safe but, she would belong to him! How could she willingly accept this?

If she wasn't in such a dire strait. She would tell him to go to hell!

But the bitter truth was she wouldn't last a week alone!

Nevermind the fact she was lost, in a more than thousand mile large forest!

Which is filled with creatures more deadly than she could ever imagine she wasn't prepared. She only had emergency measure gear and items.

She looked at him, leaving without another word said.

She opened her bag getting a pink coloured jacket out and put it on.

Softly she let out a deep sigh.

Her thoughts were in shambles; pushing and rushing through her head at light speed.

What could she do stuck here in this forest aside coping with him?

She could do nothing.

Making her very upset and depressed, no one ever dared to treat her like a toy before.

Clearly, this hateful character, on the other hand, used her for his own amusement.

He seemed to enjoy making her fluster and speechless…

Still, she needed to go do her chores ~otherwise, why would he help her?

Thinking of this she got up, went next to the firepit, but only after fetching some water. For cooking some gruel for both of them to eat.

Lucky she had lots of dry food, at least she would not starve to death…

After being done, leaving for a hunt he spat out more words to make her fluster, relishing in her mixed expressions.

"Girly don't miss me too much; ~I am only going for some small games, give me a little while and I will have some fresh meat for you to fill your belly with."

While speaking those words, he ruffled her long fire hair then letting them slip between his fingers before promptly making his exit.