The territory of the hydra

The boat ride remained uneventful after that episode. Once the sun started to set Arkalat woke Speranza up after docking the boat to a large tree with a thick rope, so they could hunt and cook dinner.

Waking up Speranza felt awkward standing near him, therefore, she quickly went to busy herself to boil water and ready the vegetables as he set a safe perimeter before heading to hunt their evening meal.

Both exchanged no words neither broke the ice and she sighed a relieved breath once he had left.

While he had set a barrier around there camp preventing wild animals from invading it and steering troubles it could not prevent intelligent monsters once they had found its location. The barrier worked in line with a force sphere preventing the sent of the food and human girl from being carried over making it harder for monster races from discovering their presence from the sent.

Speranza busied herself to make a stew using the previous day catch using the remaining bones and meat to flavour it. Then once it had boiled enough to give broth, removing the now unneeded bones leaving the meat pieces inside to add content and flavour she added a few spices. Largely resembling a beef stew. Not knowing what kind of animal the man had given her to use but the taste recalled the flavour of beef. Hearing rustling she looked up to the woods as she fanned the flames with a small cooking fire fan.

kaar dhec daan tuugaan or khruuraan ar ogaar daagaan

The voices seemed not too far her eyes went wide her heart froze. What the hell, how could she be this unlucky? She retreated to the boat very quietly. It was hidden from view and hopefully, those creatures wouldn't find their camp and would pass her.

Placing her hand over her mouth to quiet down her breathing sounds. If she could avoid confronting those unknown things she would. Rather lose the meal then her life, after all, she was nowhere strong enough to take one orc or the like goblins she could deal with if there was not too many.

At this moment she had totally forgotten that within the boat monsters would never find her it possessed the same barrier but was ten times more powerful even a wyvern would be clueless. There was no need for her to fight those creatures...

Jackpot she thought if it only was ten goblins. Goblins look like a small humanoid with gray to green skin colour rather ugly looking and about the height of a ten years old child. Wile ten of them was a bit on the many sides but she was confident enough as long they did not have reinforcement. She could also sneak attack tactic on them to gain the upper hand with distance her spells could be used at a long distance she could nuke them dead before they reached her… At least this was her plan.

The unknowing goblins where now scavenging inside the camp until a chain made of lightning befell them four of them got the bulk of the hit and died on the spot, two of them were too far and thus remained unscratched the rest varied to minor scratches to stunned up fainting.

She panted heavily that spell was a high consumption one it required a lot of energy to materialize and was her most powerful widespread area spell. It could hit many enemies as long as they were close together and that there were no allies mixed in or they could get shocked as well.

The remaining goblins started to look around they had not seen where the lightning had struck from they even look at the sky in confusion!

Speranza smiled she could win this they all where tightly joined and bunched up one more strike and she would defeat all of them.

This time they were standing close to the fire she could use it to burn them to crips!

Sneaking about at the edge of the forest from the boat so they would not see her as she readied her spell. Suddenly, she felt a heavy hand land on her and grab from the back. Turning around to see who it was nearly hoping it was that damned elf man, yet when she saw what it was she cried out petrified of terror it was an orc those goblin had orcs with them.

She was doomed, her ear piercing shouts momentary causing deafness in the orc forcing him to remove his hand to cover his sensitive ears. Using a voice enhancing magic to imitate a banshee wail she ran off darting in the direction of the river orcs and goblins likely would not pursue her underwater… She had no hope of defeating that many of them. And if they did her electric chain would gain force thanks to the water element.


In the meantime, Arkalat was hunting some boar for the night diner tracking it down quickly the hunt was over before the hour ended. He has great hunting skills many wouldn't be able to compare with his keen sense and observation power. Quickly eviscerating the pig to let the blood out so the meat does not spoil. Tying it up into a tree head down as the blood flows out. Skinning and removing the entrails from it taking whatever is eatable and throwing what isn't. Gathering two small but thick enough trees and making a make shit carrier for the pig to bring it back to camp.

Walking in the forest toward the camp Arkalat is in no hurry the barrier should be good enough no monster should easily find the camp and if they did the noise they would make would be enough for her to hide inside the boat where they would never find her even if they stared right at it!

After walking for more than thirty minutes he heard a banshee wail, no it was not a wail it was that girl's voice boosted and higher pitched thanks to a spell. Did something entered the camp and successfully found her? He started running toward the camp, he still was pretty far the voice was dim but he knew that this was magic and if he heard it others could as well this darn girl sure used the worst spell possible! They were on the territory of a hydra hopefully the darn thing would not show up or it would be a pain in the ass…


As Speranza reached hips water level with the orcs and goblins hot on her tail tall snakeheads came out of the water one, two, three, four, five… height heads she did not dare move anymore. The thing was not looking at her but at all the orcs and goblins wich where now running in all direction in an utter panic! The thing coughs easily two orcs gobbling them down.

Once they all had run away the frozen girl was petrified as the thing stared into her eyes she entered a trance-like state.