
tug the tiger by the tail

Dravick wondered why the general of his brother came not only nocking to his door but was roaring like an angry lion even the deads likely heard his roars…

Getting up unenthusiastically Dravick gaze wondered to the lovely curves that were exposed before leaving to meet with the roaring lion.

"What are you barking for Nemesis Enforcer." He spoke languidly to him obviously trying to defuse the man because this lunatic might as well turn his home upside down, sunny side up or break the yoke if he wanted...

"Where Is she?" he said behind gritted teeth. "Where is the girl your darn pet stole from my camp." Arkalat drew his sword and placed it under Dravik chin.

"You lunatic care to tell me what she looks like before impaling me with that sword?" Not phased in the least, he even made twisted humour at the fuming general Nemesis Enforcer.

After all, he had the chic for making that lunatic angry… they could be said to hold the longest love-hate relation without anyone actually dying yet…

"Small red hair girl." Seeming to value his words like gold he merely resumed with four words.

"Just my luck. Well just your luck really, she will be quite happy to see you…" An amused light flashed in his eyes he did not care whether the toy was his or not in fact if this girl could be used against this lunatic in the future it was even more fun… he had not done anything yet…

Well, he had but nothing that could not be cured… Anyhow it was nothing of a big deal. Enforcer could very well cure her out of her predicament it would give the general a boon. She would be very "willing" he could tell the girl was still pure, for some reason while that general wasn't the most lustful out there such alluring girl was very hard to ignore. Enforcer was not the one to hold back if he had a woman at his disposal he would use it without scruple and leave it behind in the morning…

He, on the other hand, might be more lustful but at least he did not let his women die of hunger or let them be used by others unless he discarded them for wrongdoings.

If he did then the girls would live a life worse than death as all his unneutered male servants and guards could use them at any time.

"Spit it out where is she."

He spat out angrily, his eyes narrowing dangerously.

"Relax I have not touched her yet. She's in the women quarters I will send a female servant to fetch her, come let me treat you to a room seriously you need to relax sometime your so serious I bed you would hurt your lifespan being like this all the time."

Arkalat nearly spat blood out in anger this guy how shameless was he? Did he need to relax and get a room? What for? He only wanted to retrieve that girl that plagued his mind so much that his anxiety subdued hearing that he had yet to do anything…

Following the snakeskin demon to a room that looked straight out of a thousand night storybook with translucent drapes canopy cascading over the bed which were more like overgrown cushions bunched up with low sofas. This type of room normally used in luxurious brothels to create ambience…

He could not help but frown this type of place clearly did not fit that girl. He should not indulge himself either he had already scared the thing stiff once and was trying to tame it slowly.

While it was hard to say who was taming who in this, although she was quite passive toward him she melted his armour slowly as well as toning down his more aggressive side which was a feat in itself.

Dravick sat himself down and opening a bottle of wine as he poured two glasses.

"She will arrive shortly her room that I had assigned her isn't far from this one. She is quite the stunning girl I envy you for finding her first if not I would have kept her close." He stated with a smirk on his snake face making a perfect smile soon after.

Enforcer drank a mouthful of the liquid he feared not poisons he being immune to a good load of them could care less about if it was or not poisoned.

Soon the servant announced the girl entering Arkalat eyes became glued to her silhouette the ample harem pants that revealed her small ankles and was perfectly adjusted to her hips defining them while promoting her natural curves the adjusted bustier embellished her assets while the head veil that reached down to her heels and tied around her wrist hiding nothing but contrasted with her soft pale peach skin as it fell down from her hair held by a delicate golden tiara.

She looked like those dancers in banquets, a temptress from the depths of the abyss or even better, she was the faery of the lands of fire.

He wanted to turn his gaze but he could not so much that a place below started to feel too constrained…