
Be mine

Directing himself to Speranza he gently patted her hair and gently glided his finger over her right cheek while sitting back next to her.

Gently waking her up from her dream, as the substance affected her even while she slept. It would damage her slowly in time. He simply could not let her sleep knowing it was slowly causing her to be hurt internally.

Her soft skin seemed glossier and fairer than usual with the contrast of the skimpiest clothes that the bastard snake demon had her wear. It was a real torture for him to look and feel while also restraining himself from eating her right up.

Letting out a soft whimper as she steered awake Speranza looked up to him with some confusion.

Normally she would be startled to see him so close while waking up but feeling him gently pat her hair she could not help but lean in.

Desperately craving those gentle touch but soon they felt like it was not enough she wanted more she desired so much more but did not know how to express herself.

Once she was more awake he stopped and tried to have her focus on his words seeing there was no calling her to reason.

He then picked her up and walked toward the lavish bathroom which contained a bath filled with lukewarm water just hot enough not to be freezing but cold enough to have her momentarily awake and focused.

He gently smiled down at the girl in his arms before throwing her in the bath!

"ARkAlat!" She roared surfacing. "What did you throw me into cold water for?!"

He smirked and looked down at the wet kitty that had its claws out with a ruffled expression.

"Awake now?" He simply said. How much self-control did he have to use just now not to simply bite her and gobble her down without even a bone left?

But he knew it would take her a minute or two to recall the events, the poison that made the aphrodisiac was rather strong and clouded all her judgement and only a deep shock could momentary restore her but it would not last too long.

But it would still be long enough for her to be able to make her decision on what he would need to do if she chose to tuff it out she might die in the worst case.

While he would try to ensure her safety, he hopped deep down, that she would choose to let him act as the counter.

Although he did not want to win her unfairly, it is fair if it comes from her. After all, he was not the one that had poisoned her with that.

"Speranza listen to me well."

He spoke seriously no trace of his usual frivolous self to be seen.

"you been poisoned with a very strong aphrodisiac chance are it already has started to damage your magic.

You have three choices, saying this he raised three fingers.

-- First you tuff it out and risk death or serious injury to your internal flow and veins.

-- Second, you become mine and I will act as a counter to it for you and you will become my woman from this day onward.

--third you can ask the snakeskin to do the counter but you will become his harem member and don't ask me for help after this to escape him...

Facing the choices she felt she indeed had none? One was near death excruciating pain she had felt it the more time advanced the more painful it became…

Making her crave the touch of men to the point where she could not think of anything else!

Only that would alleviate it somewhat but it was far from enough. She was not dumb enough to think she would walk away with her virtue intact in either of the choices left.

"Arkalat. Before I make my decision tell me do you have anyone else wife or otherwise? If I chose you will I become one out of many?

She stood ramrod straight her eyes looking up at him her chin slightly raised she was a proud person If she was to be one out of many she would rather die!

He was slightly taken aback with her questions but he simply answered. "No"

She would be his one and only even if the abyssals where people that cared not for polygamy or monogamy the first was more seen in the higher echelons of the peoples. Simply because a poor man could not afford to feed many wives.

The number of wives greatly depended on the men's income and capacity to feed the women and their children. A man could have as many wives as he wanted as long he could feed them and tend to there needs.

But he also knew where she was from men only had one wife and normally it was for life divorce was not well seen and the matchmaking was done with a lot of considerations. They aimed for couples that would be harmonious easily matching similar persons to one another.

Hearing his affirmation she asked.

"Are you willing to make an oath to the gods, to heaven and earth that you will only have me as long as we are both alive?"

She asked softly her tone was starting to tremble, the effects were claiming her sanity slowly once more.

Entering the water as he dropped his leather jacket on the floor letting it slide down before discarding it. Making solemn vows.

"I General Nemesis Enforcer Kozak Arkalat swears to the gods, heaven and earth that I will not take other wives and concubines nor outside mistresses in this lifetime." Advancing while he discarded his clothes until he stood in his underpants in front of her.

Speranza could not help but let her eyes wonder his body he had a perfect twelve pack! All his muscle were well toned and defined without looking to overgrown. She couldn't help but ogle them like a starving beast…

It made him smirk lightly to see her ogle him like he was a nice piece of food but it did not matter to him she was finally his. While it wasn't a flawless victory he still had her, he could slowly savour it now…

He gently glided his hand along her cheek, down her neck to her back taking the restraint of her bustier off the cloth fell revealing the roundness of her perking full mounds. He clearly remembered them from the time he had surprised her bathing.

But peeking from afar was not the same as being invited to not only peek but feel as well. His hand rubbed her right breast while his other arm trailed her back to support her. Bringing her closer to him his hand left her plum to focus on the little dot that had become erected thanks to the stimulation and cold.

A soft moan escaped her throat finally she was feeling some satisfaction but it still was far from alleviating all the heat she felt she wanted more so much more as she looked up to him, her watery gaze sultry and alluring her slightly parted full pink lips demanded attention from him.

Much obliged her granted her wish silently he picked her up placing her on the bath edge where he slowly started to devour her lips kissing her till her breath was cut short nimbly nibbling on her lips while removing her hip belt then loosening her pants so they could be taken off.

Sliding her pants down he gazed to her revealed form and curves a nymph fae that's was his thoughts she was perfectly sized everywhere her face was like a small delicate flower.

He appreciated the views before picking her up again taking her to the bed and cushions where he started to tease her flower bud as he laid her down.

Laying behind her he used his leg to clamp hers open as she tried to close them when the honey flowed. Her soft moans and whimpers her ragged rapid breathing making her unable to make any coherent thoughts.

Finding herself being flipped from the side to her back in on smooth motion soon after he deeply kissed her once again breath was cut short as this time a double attack was made with his ram neither gently not to roughly it rammed into her heavens gates.

Opening her lands for him to conquer and take passionately.

They remained intertwined until the sunlight passed through the curtains only then did She fall asleep battered exhausted all her limbs refused to answer to her anymore… All she sought now was the comfort of his arms to sleep in.

Looking at the small woman between his arms he placed a gentle kiss atop her head and closed his own eyes to meditate as he never truly slept deeply and always remained on guard.

From now on he would have a woman and some time soon he would have a child to protect.

The prospect filled him with an unknown feeling to him, as well as, he tried to ignore it to meditate but he simply could not! He never struggled so much in his life then again he never had any special someone she was his very of many things for him.

She was the first he did not outwrite kill upon meeting, the first he desired more than just a nightly possession in the passing and the first he did not mind is she ended up being seeded by him...

Even more, he felt the need to protect her strongly and hold her dear, hence he had dared to make the oaths to the three.

He gently glided his finger along her lower back as he stared at the ceiling unable to sleep...