
the inn

Speranza and the rest of her group made their way to the rundown inn walking on docks that were connected to one another to form floating streets. A fall into the water would not be fun in no way piranhas swim in those the waters on would fear to be dead before even saying ouch.

Reaching the building that counted as an inn she gazed at it. She knew it would be bad but nothing could have prepared her for this kind of bad. The roof clearly lacked some roof tiles the walls looked like they could crumble at any time she deeply sighed this is a catastrophe would the building crumble if there are some strong winds? She thinks she would rather sleep in their travel small boat then this… at least she would not be afraid that the roof fell on her head…

The two concubines of Dravick also looked at the place like it was the end of the world someone tells them why they would need to sleep there? They were now used to sleeping comfortably and in luxury why would they go to such a rundown shack if not for there master following this girl and that elf?

They did not know Dravick full identity only his most trusted servants knew. For them, he was a rich master of noble background but that was as far as they were aware.

On their way back Dravick and Arkalat split up at a sub avenue to head toward an alleyway leading to a more isolated shack.

Arkalat walked to its front door then looked at the dilapidated state of it, in fact, the whole town was in a state that was horrible. Not just the building even the people.

They were obviously mostly poor and unhealthy and the few that had money had the only businesses in town. The rest could only work for pennies and be at their mercy it was truly a town made from tyranny.

Entering the "bar" and hideout he walked straight to the second floor where he looked for a dark corner to sit down ordering a mead drink.


Dravick soon made his way to the inn he frowned at the building he feared it would crumble but he knew in this town this was the best inn.

Seeing his manservant waiting on him he headed over as the servant greeted him by kneeling at his feet.

"Master the room has been arranged and the ladies are settled in." the manservant dared not to lift his head as he continued to speak. "This slave will lead master to the proper room." He did not dare tally and delay and quickly lead his master to the room.

Voices passed the door the two young girls were chatting and obviously were complaining about the quality of the living conditions.

One of the girls screamed. "There is something there Oh! Dear lord!"

He entered the room storming in as he feared a monster might have entered the window and could well be threatening them.

His eyes Stare toward all the corners and to the window until he hears a small "squeaking" and went toward the area where a big fat brown rat greeted him with its fangs! With a flicker of his finger, a magic shot through it and it fell to the floor dead and unmoving.

His left eye and lip corner twitched in annoyance, But he could not blame the girls they were afraid of the creature. He could only blame is excessive pampering of his two concubines and there lack of seeing the outside world, looking at the two shivering girls that had an expression of utter terror to a mear rat he wondered if he was right to bring them along… But then the image of the red-haired girl that stood in front of the hydra as she was pursued by the orcs he told himself that those two would just have to experience the world to grow…

"It's only a small rat both of you do not need to fear." He still tried to coax them into calming down. They, after all, were still his favourite women and seeing their expression so pale it still tugged at his guts.

Calming down, the two girls walked to their master greeting him in unison. "This servant greets the master." the two girls kneeled down not daring to lift their head they had acted like idiots and were feeling shameful, they both knew they had displeased their master. Crying inside they could only blame the rat and their unreasonable fear of the rodent.

They kneeled on the bed they had climbed to hide from the rodent walking silently Dravick walked as if a ghost he made no sounds of footsteps. Gently he patted their heads with his hands. "Both of you do not worry nothing bad will happen to you while you follow me." His tone coaxing them as he patted their heads.

The silver hair beauty tearfully lifted her head up she knew well how to tug at his heartstrings and played them to her best abilities.


Speranza looks at the room a single bed the size of a mid-height man and large enough for one and a half person. Seeing the size of it she frowned how would they both sleep on this? Plus it looked like it would fall to ruins at any time.

Looking at the large wash basin she decided to worry about it later, for now, she wanted to take a bath at least even this shabby place knew that people needed baths…

Placing the room separators in front of the door so if someone opened the door she would not be seen from the hall after all Arkalat still had to come back.

She had heard Dravick's voice next door she wondered where Arkalat was.

She also knew he had some business to take care of maybe he was not done and Dravick came back earlier after all it wasn't his own business.

Finishing to fill up the tub she got into it trying to relax a little the clothes she had wore placed onto her bed she closed her eyes feeling tired and a bit uneasy.


Wearing a dark coloured hooded cloak covering her features and face a girl came to sit in front of Arkalat at his table while he drank slowly. She passed him a slip and left getting up she spoke "this one will see you next time." the tone was low as if one was saying greetings of departure.

He then got up and left toward his inn...