
To the pits of hell

Placing her daily items, in their proper spaces in her cabins.

She instructed the girls to make sure there weren't any loose items, which could fly off and come hit them would there be a storm.

The girls took no time to place everything out once that was done they all verified them. None of them wanted to be the one responsible for items flying around and hitting them mid-flight!

Arkalate went to tell his crew that the final destination had changed to the new city of Teon.

At first, they were all surprised but nodded and made the proper preparations.

The city of Teon is a coastal city, but it is up in the limits of the Ice lands that never melt. Being one of the few cities that had a hells gate but that the people of the underworld found it so not impressive to the point that they never surfaced there.

Once everything calmed, and the direction changed.

Taking the window gape of high tides allowing them to set out both boats separated there ways.

Arkalat sighed, He needed to tell his wife that they would head down to the hells gate.

Hopefully, she would not become terrified at the idea of going down the gate.

After all, that land was viewed as hell on earth for the humans.

No sun ever shined in. The light came from crystals that emitted some lights.

Some pocket caves were significant enough that entire cities could be fitted into them, but the roads in between were hazardous.

And there was also the different inhabitants. Like the surface, the underworld had many kingdoms.

Some were neutral while other downright hostile to anything or anyone.

Black skinned tone elves were by far the most dangerous of all. While he was considered a "dark" elf, he was not from there branch of descendants.

His branch was the "poison elves" those that lived near deep seas made out of poisons they had high tolerance now thanks to that to the worlds toxins.

Their society followed the father as leader of a family while those dark-skinned elves followed the woman model but to a scary extremity and were profoundly racist against all races.

The trip there would take about two to four months depending on how lucky or unlucky the winds were. Entering the caves and going down to the underworld up to the deepness of the kingdom of the abyss. Would take another four to eight months.

The road was tough to trek on, and monsters would be rampant.

Once in Aberon, he would wait for her to deliver their child unless she gave birth to it while on the roads to make their way back up.

Initially, he was not going to return to the city of Aberon until a hundred years had passed and his mission would have concluded.

Deep in his thought, he headed back to his little wife cabin area.

Entering their resting chambers, he found her sitting next to the large window. Her eyes were looking in the distant horizon.

Her head rested on it as she seemed to have become lost in her world.

Entering the room quietly he came to sit down next to her picking her up and sitting her down on his laps.

Exchanging no words, he protectively hugs his little sweet-heart.

After a short time, he spoke in whispers to her ear.

"I have received orders to return to the kingdom I hail from by its king. the road there will take months, and I might not be able to come back up for months to years."

He stayed silent as he hugged her a bit tighter.

"The track is exceptionally hazardous on top of it I cannot guarantee I can keep you safe at all times."

"The mear thought of having to leave you both behind is killing me. But it would be the safer option of the two. "

"I will let you choose; Come with me but face dangers that I can't even come to foresee or stay behind but we might separate for months to years."

Speranza stayed silent a few moments, he had felt her stiffen when he said she could remain behind. While it would be safe, it did not mean he would be happy she did.

After all, now this little sprout of a woman was his, and he was now very used to her constant presence plus, she had his child in her belly! He wanted to see its face!

She said two words still looking at the horizon. "I'll go."

Now it was his turn to be frozen, he had not heard wrong right?

seeing his lack of reaction she repeated. "I'll come with you."

She leaned back and tilted her head to look up to him giving him a small smile.

seeing his frozen expression of shock, she caressed his face with her hand.

"General Nemesis Enforcer Kozak Arkalat, I will follow you to the pits of hell."

Seeing he was staring at her wide-eyed, she giggled softly and turned around in his arms to give him an attacking kiss.

Finally, he reacted! Holding her tenderly he pressed her to his chest slightly overcome by his emotions. He kissed her deeply until both out of breath. Only to continue to hug her tightly.

She had a knack for of setting his feelings and sending them in whirlwinds.

With one wave of her hands, she could make his sky bright or stormy, but he loved it.