
Gods of plague

The man entered his animal skin and wood hut with Speranza and her child tied to her.

The girl clearly had lost too much of her blood combined to the physical exhaustion she was sleeping heavily and had not woken once since he had started to travel after placing her into the carrier.

He placed her down on a fur skin bed which was filled with hay as mattress covering them both.

Gazing to her face he could not help but wonder what kind of bastard would abandon woman and child in the forest for her to fight tooth and nail against beast to the point that her dress was wreck beyond mendable.

He frowned his wild brown hair and strong stoic feature gave him an air of heroic battle worn man.

Shaking his head slowly as he pulled his gaze away, turning toward the central fire chimney placing wood to burn so the hut would be warm.

Tomorrow when the girl woke up he would talk to the village chief and see what he says, after all, he wasn't married so a lone girl with a child living with him would not look good. Even if he did not care to feed two extra mouths while she recovered he could not make a single gain from it.

He would talk to the girl first then see the village chief.

Lost in own thoughts he placed a pot of water with meat crudely chop vegetables next to the fire to boil and cook.

Walking to the village two girls and two beasts advance in determined steps

The village people were simple folks. Farming and hunting for food, being scavengers at times if they found by a stroke of luck anything good.

Of course, seeing two girls walk in with a Dragon and a wyvern they were worried.

There were warriors in their village but those could not be mentioned along with the strength of a wyvern.

The village chief while older was once a valiant man and even it is more advanced years he still looked quite the man. His stature while looking older had not yet lost too much of his younger valiance. The people wore clothes made of animal skin.

The huts and building made of crude wood and animal tanned leather.

The girls let their eyes wander the place. A village of barbarians the dragons were positive, Speranza was here, but with so much people inside the village tracking her down would be a little hard.

The girls frowned. There had been blood inside the cave; -a lot of it.

Seeing the bulky older man walk toward them the girls state their business hoping that these people spoke the common tongue.

Hearing this the man was a little taken by surprise no one had reported finding a woman.

But since they did not come as enemies it was good. He turned to his people asking if anyone had found or knew who had found the missing girl.

Their confused look was his answer no one seemed aware of the girl whereabouts.

Turning his gaze back to the two girls and the dragons that looked not pleased with their answer he said.

"Well maybe the person who found her isn't here?" He tried to pacify the dragon and wyvern more then the girls, after all, if it wasn't for those things those girls would not be any threats and they would not be worthy of entering his eyes.

After those words, the girls looked at each other making eye contact with the fey dragon which took off at that moment.

The village chief sweated buckets. If those girls did not separate from the wyvern he could not hold them down to make sure those beasts did not attack.

Seeing the white dressed girl climb onto its back with a cunning smirk on her lips never mind sweating buckets, he was now sweating rivers…

As he looked at the feral dressing woman that looked as a demoness from hell.

Her dark elf lineage was clear to see, as she toyed with a mesh of her hair waiting in the central place of the village. He dared not make a move.

The smile that wasn't on her lips made everyone that could see it wary. They used dragons as pets and mounts what kind of strength was that?

They were the god of plague and he hoped they found what they looked for and leave.

At the outskirt of the village in a small hut, Speranza was unaware her friends had made their way to her.

Waking up to the smell of food she looked around a bit confused about her surroundings.

She could see everything around the hut from the bed it was a single room hut.

Looking down at her chest seeing her baby sound asleep she let out a sigh of relief.

She did not know who had found them but that person had saved both her and her child. She felt grateful but also worried. No one saved anyone out of the goodness of heart she had learned that.

Hearing the flap of the door move she snapped her gaze toward it. Taking in what came into her eyes as she did. A tall massive muscular barbarian man with wild brown hair and deep brown eyes. His facial feature was stern and stoic. He seemed frozen looking at her eyes.

Chie POV.

We knew she was here the wyvern and fey dragon had smelled her those fools either truly didn't know or they thought of fooling us.

But the way that older man stared at me and Demona told me we did not enter his eyes. Very well. We could make an example out of him.

I climbed onto the wyvern's back leaving Demona alone. Not that we needed the wyvern against those people. Compared to the Aquarians these were like school kids. Only one of us was needed.

Thinking that I couldn't help but smirk thinking back to the hellish training the general had served us on the last week we fought him we were beaten black and blue over and over. But who was the general? And who were them? If Demona could not handle them alone she might as well go bow down to the general in death and ask for his forgiveness for being useless.

The fey dragon circled a hut from above it must be where her smell was the strongest: -she had to be inside.