
All to the heart

Stepping closer and closer to the boy with an eerie deathly aura the skeletal soldiers approached neither fast nor slow.

The boy groaned in pain as his brow furrowed as he slowly opened his eyes to meet with the site of a blade coming down toward him.

Gaining is sense just fast enough to roll half to the side and see the blade enters the ground rather deeply and be stuck.

Cold sweat ran down his back as he sucked in his breath.-that had been a rather close brush!

The dragonling woke to the commotion opening his eyes jumping to his feet quickly trying to fly but his wing had been damaged and could no longer support to fly at least until it would heal. He could still, however, jump and glide.

While his breath weapon would not be that strong because of his young age it could still be lethal. Problem was a psychic dragon breath is corrosive and has no eyes for allies or foes!

He could not carelessly unleash it either!

Johnathan rolled a few more time to make distance and roll up to his feet.

On hand on his short sword handle the other on the ground. He gazed straight ahead to the mass of enemies that was surging forth.

He only had a blunt wood sword but that was alright undead skeletons are weak to such blunt he thought as long he could dodge and strike there weak point he would be fine.

The psychic dragon would have to act as a shield as he would act as the sword.

With a fast mind communication via the telekinetic ability of the dragon both moved in sync making short work of the ten or so soldiers that had found them.

They needed to move from that spot more would come. The others would soon swarm over the area!

Johnathan rode the dragon once more heading toward the exit side at least the direction they thought would lead them out since they had been knocked off from the sky.

Thanks to the thick cloud of miasma little did they know that now they were heading back toward the heart!

The boy and dragonling moved with long strides met with long gliding jumps for added speed.

While the dragon wing membrane was wounded and unable to sustain flight it did not bother him to do long jumps.


Speranza and Co hurried to the location at breakneck speed.

"Chie, do you see him?" Speranza worried gaze wandered the barren lands.

Shaking her head solemnly has her gaze surveyed the land.

In their rush to leave they had not grabbed any strong magic items, they hoped that the child had not left for long and that they could quickly catch up to him.

However, it seemed that they had assumed wrong and either the child never left for this direction or that he had already reached much more ahead of them.


Arkalat rode on his wyvern surveying the movement made by the enemy army that were swarming toward the south, his gaze darkened. Could they have already spotted his son?

He sure hoped that they did not if they did how long could a small five years old boy have the stamina needed to fight so many?

Even if his son wasn't a five year old. It was simply impossible! He could only hope that the dragon that he rode was still healthy and sound, thus allowing him to be able to flee or at least hold off until he arrived!

He had to reach even faster, taking out his long sword with a powerful force he unleashed it tearing through the void to make a pathway.

As he and his black wyvern entered the void a red wyvern exited the void with an old man appearing behind them!

It smelled the air his eyes sparkled as it turned its gaze to the heart it had found what it had been searching for! It finally had found her scent!

the old man walked on the clouds "let us go, old friend, it seems we are not too late this time."

Father, mother and son all converged to a single point, where the lich and the Dracolich stood, the heart of the miasma where the family of tree would have a new brush with faith