
It's been 3 days after that incident. When police and ambulance came to school, it make a fuss to students and teachers. After that. Principal was escorted to police's car, guarded by 2 armed police. Soon his bodyguard's bodies was taken to ambulance. People who see that misunderstood that principal was the one who killed them. But it helped the police. After all, if it says the principal of famed highschool doing human traficking, it will cause a big commotion. Police decided that the principal will be arrested on charges of killing two peoples.

Miss Ann and two others from government came to my house as promised. They faced with my parents as they said about my accomplishment, to be exact, the two others just keep saying nonsense. I can see Miss Ann's body already trembling, as like holding back something. I can only bitterly smile to see her like that. It took about one hour for them to saying my exxagerated accomplishment. After that they give my reward and we send them off. Miss Ann stay with us for a while to hear my answer.

"So what you answer, Ryan ?" asked her after my parents entered house.

"I'll join you." I thought for a while before answering. I already dragged to this. It's meaningless to stop here. This experience will affected me for lifetime.

"Good then. Wait for me after school. I'll take you to headquarter to complete all the requirements." She left after saying that.

"Brother, what do you mean by join her ?" Natalie's voice startled me. I don't expect her to come home now.

"Why are you back at this hour ? Aren't you have club activities ?" I asked her, hoping she will be fooled.

"It was canceled. Our teacher have urgent matter, so the club activities for today was canceled."

"Oh. Okay. Come in. Don't keep standing in front of house." I hurried into the house.


"What ?"

"What do you mean by joining her ?" As expected .She isn't fooled.

"Haah.." I sighed. It's seems my sister will know about what I'm going to do.

"I'll join Miss Ann as a special agent."

"Whaa" She was shocked. Her face paled. Her body trembling. I understand it. To be a special agent meant we are ready to die every time when doing a mission.

"YOU FOOOOLL. STUPID BROTHER." She said that and ran into the house.

I shook my head as I headed into house.

At dinner, Natalie still ignore me. Our parents missunderstood it as I play a joke at her. I let them like that as it help me to hide the fact I'll join the secret department. At night, as I prepared to go to sleep, someone knocked my door.

"Brother, it's me. May I come in ?" It's Natalie's voice. I opened the door and saw Natalie standing there.

"Come in." as I invite her in.

"Thank you." She sat at my bed, staring at me.

"What is it ?" I said. It's annoyed me when she staring me with that eyes. Eyes that hold back tears.

She leaped to my chest and hugged me tightly. She began to sob. I just pat her back to calm her down. After a while, she calmed down. She stared at me.

"What ? Do you have something to tell to your handsome brother ?" I said jokingly to her.

"Hmph. Narcistic fool." She replied.

Silence comes after it.

"Are you really going to be a special agent ?" She asked.

"Yeah." I replied with smile.

"Why ?"

"Because I was dragged to that kind of world. And I feel that kind of world was my place. Also I can protected my family, my friend, and my important person, all the people who I care. So don't worry." I said with smile.

Natalie hugged me and start to sob again. She eventually fell asleep in my embrace. I placed her at my bed and give her a light kiss on her forehead. I leave my room and go to living room.

I lay down in sofa and sleep there, until my sister wake me up in the morning.