Special Agent Callahan

This then brings us back to the topic at hand.

"Is everything okay in there, sir?"

Special Agent Callahan is just outside of the van, the hidden sanctuary of Subject 1, only at the foot of a mountain, surrounded by an endless barrage of trees.

"Yes, ma'am. Everything is okay! Stop banging my god damn DOOR!"

Subject 1 then swiftly covered the body of Special Agent Barnes using three comforters and two blankets. He then closed the lamplight right on top of a table beside the bed where the agent was. Since light could easily pierce through the small crevices all over the van, making it shed a few streaks of light in the outside world, Callahan saw what Subject 1 had done and saw it as nothing but a red flag.

Callahan then checked her body to find where she had hidden that object, which he never thought she would use in the middle of the night, somewhere in a place that she could only describe as 'nowhere.' She tapped her stomach to see if she placed it there, but she only managed to feel her ID. Callahan didn't even know that she was still wearing it until now; heck, she didn't even know that she had it on throughout the day. Callahan then tapped all over her waist. Finally, she felt it. Although it was too dark for her to see things correctly and her sight was locked on the door, anticipating for it to open anytime soon, she still felt its rough surface.

With a soft sigh, Special Agent Callahan drew her gun but only pointed at onto the ground. I didn't even know why he started doing that! For all I know, drawing her gun because of a suspicion that she had is something unethical for a police officer who doesn't have a warrant. Nevertheless, Callahan pulled his gun, intending to use it because of a questionable spree of recklessness.

"Sir," Callahan cried with a gasp, "I'm going to open the door!" Callahan, a newly employed federal agent who suddenly started banging on a stranger's door without a warrant of arrest, continued with her shrill but fearful voice.

She then pointed her gun at the doorknob as she heard the muffled voice of Subject 1 approaching her. Since she was already exhausted, hungry, and downright broken spiritually, emotionally, and physically, Callahan could not comprehend what the person on the other side of the door was saying. The only thing she had in mind was to nab this guy once and for all!

Subject 1 then heard a loud banging on the door, which irritated him further. "Please, calm down, miss, I—" Subject 1 said as he opened the door of his van, but he was promptly interrupted once he felt the person on the other side of the door hitting his body. No, to be more specific, Callahan dove down onto Subject 1's chest, unconscious, with a bruise on the back of her head, dripping onto her nape. "What the fuck?" Subject 1 mumbled as he saw the special agent on his hand and noticed her gun on the ground.

But that was not the only thing he noticed once he allowed his eyes to wander around the familiar darkness outside of his van.

Gasping for air as if he had run a marathon, Justin stood there a few feet away from the door while holding a thick branch. Subject 1 also noticed that there was a streak of blood dripping on the surface of the branch. The man then looked at the pale person in front of his van, not wanting to take his sight off him.

"Did I..." Justin said while looking at the unconscious woman that Subject 1 was holding on his chest. "Did I do the right thing?" Justin mumbled weakly with a hint of regret on his face as he slowly raised his sight to look at Subject 1's face.

Not wanting to take his eyes off him, Subject 1 threw Callahan's unconscious body into the van without breaking eye contact with Justin. Subject 1 then swiftly walked towards Justin, still looking at his hazel eyes with a love-struck gaze.

"Yes," Subject 1 said, as he held Justin's cheeks tightly, looking at him as if he was the most treasured gem in the whole wide world. "Yes, you did the best thing you could ever do to me, Justin."

"I'm glad..." Justin said while dropping the huge branch in his hand, touching the cold hands on his face. "I'm glad I hit her head."

"No. I don't mean that." Subject 1 said while shaking his head.

"What do you mean, sir?" Justin warily whispered with knitted brows.

"You came back." Subject 1 mumbled with a crazed grin enveloping his face; he could almost drool just by the sight of Justin's face alone. "That's the best thing you've ever done to me."

Now, while you're looking at Justin and Subject 1 kissing each other, with tongue and all, let's talk about how the fuck Justin suddenly teleported behind Callahan out of fucking nowhere. Don't worry, they'll be kissing each other for, like, 16 minutes, so we have time.

Right after "allegedly" sucking the bar owner's dick for a solid hour or two, Justin hurriedly went back to Subject 1's van, still having some of that cum stain all over his face. He didn't want to stay there any longer, not even for a shower or a mouth wash, which is, like, super fucking disgusting, hunny, at least get a cup of Listerine! But to be fair to Justin, he was professional. He really came back when his client asked him to do so, an excellent work ethic! A good candidate for Subject 2, perhaps? Hmm?

Anyway, that's now why we're here right now. Let's make this quick since I've been wanting to pee for an hour now! Justin hurriedly went back to the mountains, then he heard Callahan being a huge noise queen, going around with her tiger voice like, "LET ME IN! LET ME IIIIIN!" She was all hysterical and shit! We have like, a five-minute clip of that! I'll send it to you guys in your DMs; it's so fucking funny! Then Justin was all like, "holy shit! That doesn't look very cashmoney, lemme uuuhhhhh... take a random branch literally just chilling there in the dirt and some shit." which he did. Justin then SMASHED that bitch's head raw, like, I'm talking about mad RAW! In the process, Callahan's head hit the metallic door of Subject 1's van, but she was still barely conscious at that time, so Justin whacked her head a second time. That was when Callahan's consciousness finally went down to the shadow realm, like, real good! Coincidentally, Subject 1 also opened his door by the time Callahan went blank.

Now... We may or may not helped Justin with that branch, and maybe we did help juuuuust a bit, but to be fair to us, no matter how much Justin whacked Callahan, it wouldn't be enough to make her unconscious in a typical day. However, forget about a day, Callahan was not having a good week! She was too tired and too weak to even allow her mind to hang barely in that thin thread between consciousness and sleep. Her brain just allowed itself to let her have the sleep she deserves, which, in turn, got her in this awful, terrible state.

That's about that as to how Justin managed to stop Callahan from exposing Subject 1 and probably gunning him down in the process, aaaand... Well, look at that! They're still kissing each other even after all that infodump! What a doll these two are! Yeah, let's cut that clip now, please. Geez...

Obviously, when Callahan woke up, she was already tied up, but not on a bed. No, she got the shittier end of the stick. When she woke up, she was already naked with a ball gag on her mouth while the entirety of her body was all tied up as tightly as humanly possible. She could even feel the rope touching her bones a bit; it was beyond excruciating. Heck, the only part of her that wasn't rope-bound was her breast, which is not a good look, hunny, but that's the point.

This is Subject 1's way to humiliate her until she broke, drop, and beg for death to come her way. Yes, the point is to have her say those magic words, call it consensual killing. Nevertheless, Subject 1 knew that he doesn't have the patience to wait that long for her to die; he doesn't even intend to rape both of them first. He just wants them both gone before the sun rises in the far horizon.

"You're finally awake." Subject 1, who was sitting in front of Callahan, said with a stern look on his face.

Notice that Subject 1 was the only one here in front of the rope-bound Callahan. This was all because he ordered Justin to go back to his apartment for the night and return tomorrow to help him dispose of the two bodies in a deep, deep grave that they had already prepared two days prior.

Callahan noticed what had happened to her but decided not to be discouraged and still growled at the man in front of him, further hurting her body because of how tightly bound she was. It made her stomach churn to see Barnes on the bed behind Subject 1, lying there with chains all over her body, not knowing that he was still alive, so she concluded that he must have already been dead. That was a fact enough to break Callahan's spirit, for she had gotten the jackpot, but she would be too dead to tell the world that she had solved the case with her bright partner. Tears started to drop from her eyes, but she was still screaming and hissing, making her tears collide with her spit on his face. This was enough to distort her once beautiful face and turn into a malevolent shadow of one it was once just a day before her capture.

The man then took his knife on the ground along with a thin card beside it. Callahan noticed that it was her ID. Confused as to what he would do it knowing that she would still die here anyway, Callahan timidly screamed a few words at Subject 1, but none of them were intelligible for any of us to understand.

Then again, seeing her furrowed brow, reddened eyes, shaking body, and fuming head were enough for all of us to understand that he was more than willing to be alive even after knowing that her death was just seconds away from her.

"So you're Callahan, huh?" Subject 1 grinned while looking at the woman's ID card. "Celine Callahan." He said, biting his lips while fanning the ID on his face.

The man then hurriedly stood up, ready to strike at Callahan's exposed bosom, making her chest bleed till she died. Callahan saw the towering figure of Subject 1 while he was holding his knife silently before she saw the man's lips open ever so slowly as he cracked a few bones in his neck.

"Poor Celine."

That was when it happened, a single shot.

It happened, a thing, a requirement for all of us to be in here.

You know it, you can listen to the clip all you want later, but why wait when you're about to see the most beautiful anti-climactic scene in the world?




Play—Erm, play that clip again.




With a bullet straight on his head, Subject 1 fell onto the ground, shedding his blood all over the floor.


He's dead.

Celine Callahan then saw the heaving figure of the naked William Barnes on the bed where he was once bound, the bed where she thought he laid dead. With a gun in his hand, Callahan knew that had happened; even a grade school student would understand what had just happened. Barnes then dropped the gun onto the ground before swiftly running towards Callahan to release her from her. She didn't even try to question how he was still alive or how the chains around him suddenly ceased to exist. Callahan was just too happy to see her friend alive again.

He's dead.

A bullet in his forehead like a simple dot that symbolizes the end of his story.

And I ordered it.

I caused it to happen.


I'll explain. Let me just um... haa... Let me just take a pee real quick.

Uhm... For now, let's just let them listen to Subject 1's final words. I feel like... They haven't really understood the weight of that... those words.

"Poor Celine."