Just Chunk His Body Down There, Mr. Whitebug

"What exactly are you trying to say?" Lucas said while the rest of the people on-stage suddenly started to look at the creature above us. However, when I did look at where they're looking, all I could see was emptiness and blank.

"yOu WeRe GiVeN TwEnTy MiNuTeS ScReEeEeENTiMe!" The gurgling voice of something said in the darkness around us along with the sound of countless feet tapping the surface of what sounded like a metal wall. "yOuR bULLsHiT iS ANNNOOOOYYYIIIIIIING! YoU sPeNt EiGhTeEeeEEEEEeEN mInUtEs DoInG fUuUuUuUuCkING NOTHIIIIIIIIIING! NoW, tHe MaTriArCh iS mAd, aNd ShE wAnTs YoU oUt oF hErHoUsSSsSSsSSE!"

"That..." Timmy said with a moan as he kept on punching his testicles hard, increasing in intensity as time goes on. "That's UGH... unfair... hhaaaa!"