Truth Behind The Apocalypse

"I'll get this this and this oh as well as this how much?"

Getting money out of those hoodlums hands are quite troublesome but spending the money is quite easy.

A beat down of a group of normal humans that have yet to evolve is easy because they can't put up a energy wall. An energy wall is a shield that uses Ling Qi. People in the Apocalypse era name the energy that filled the world in many different ways but it is all the same in the end.

Energy is a source of power in the apocalypse era and a symbol of strength.

Well right now the energy in the world is still low and the amount that can be absorbed is even less but the minute the Apocalypse starts the bubble holding in that energy will burst and the purple mist will flow. If any living being was able to absorb the energy even a thousandth of the energy at the time and not burst from the power then he could have directly turned into a half-deity.

But that is only a theory. Even the body Feng Yu has currently wouldn't be able to withstand even a thousandth of the total world power at that time.

But not being able to absorb that much at the time of the Apocalypse doesn't mean it can't be absorbed at separate times.

In the time of the Apocalypse there were these stones that contained an immense amount of energy within called Ling Shi.

But where did these stones come from some might ask. Well the truth is you can find these stones in your nearest jewelry shop!

Diamonds are the stones that can contain an immense amount of energy. They are clear currently due to there being almost no energy in the air. When the energy level in them reaches the maximum capacity they will change to the color of black.

There are 3 main colors of a Ling Shi they are Red, Purple and Black of course there is also the colorless one which doesn't have any energy in it but that can't be considered a Ling Shi.

Only Diamonds are Ling Shi as only they are able to store energy.

What was I buying just before? Well I was buying the material that will soon change into useful material after the world is filled with Ling Qi.

"Feng... we shouldn't do this..."

"What are you talking about?"

"We can't take money like that. And they'll get revenge."

"Let them come then. Lets go home."

The Seed of the world tree in my body really needs nourishment now as I expended a lot of energy to use the reincarnation cycle. The world tree's seed is currently extremely weak and although the soul is fused with me I still need to have the body fuse with mine.

I came back to the past for 2 reason and one was to save those close to me and the other was to become a true god and ascend!

For that I need a good foundation and not just one that the apocalypse forcefully gave me but a true foundation!

Due to the Apocalypse the Ling Qi in the world hit all living things in the world like a storm and filled there bodies with power this forcefully pulled all beings to evolve. All living beings that evolved produced a crystal of Qi. That might seem like a good thing for us but I know the truth.

The truth is that this world is connected to the Divine Race, Demonic Race and the Beast Race and these races have made the Earth there Ling Qi Supply. They used to steal the Ling Qi from Earth and they split it into 3 parts the amount of Ling Qi that they received was immense as the Earth is a New Cultivation planet. But after stealing the Energy from Earth for 5000 years the World has started to under go the first cycle of change. That is when the Earth started to collect all of its energy back into its atmosphere. It gave the Earth Intelligence. The Earth angry with its leak of energy sealed the Earth. The Earth Created a Energy Field around its atmosphere making it block off all beings outside of Plant.

The supply of Ling Qi for these races suddenly went short on supplies. But will these races stand for this? The answer is NO. On the first year of the change 21st Century they have already tried to stop the Energy Field from forming but failed. For a total of 12 years the divine leaders of these races have started to attack this Energy field and will finally break it open on the 2012 but because of the Field the Earth has stored 12 years of Ling Qi and at the time of its field breaking it used half of the energy to create new world laws and the other half to supply the worlds living beings with power. It's laws included preventing beings higher then a deity from coming to the Earth. It made it so that it will kill all deity tier beings even when it undergoes slumber of unknown years.

Thus what Feng Yu wants is to create a true foundation so that he can ascend to become a god. He didn't want to be contained in this prison that Earth had made. A Prison that will kill all beings of the deity level.

For that dream he needs to build a true foundation before the forceful Apocalypse Ling Qi Burst!