First Day of Classes (4)

Inna's eye bulged as she stared at him in disbelief.

"Wha—Are you sure?!"

Knowing that he caught her attention, Raghnall smiled in delight.

"Yeah. Earn enough points and you'll earn an excused absence from any class you can choose from."

Inna was about to enthusiastically agree in taking the test, all bets be damned. But then, she remembered the 'deal' she made with Solomon.

"Well… uhm… too bad for you. I… don't skip classes. I'm a… good student."

Inna forced herself to say it.

Hearing the strain in her voice, Raghnall furrowed his brows in confusion.

Wait, why is she refusing?

Good student, my foot!

She definitely looks like the type who'll skip classes!

Raghnall racked his brains for a better proposition.

"Ah!" He exclaimed softly. "Actually, there are other things along with it too!"

Inna's ears perked up at his statement.

"Other 'privileges' of these points include, being able to have an excused tardiness, excused homework, and I think the most important for you…"

Raghnall grinned.

"A premium meal set! A large cut of beef steak filled with a special signature citrus sauce, along with baked potatoes, 2 loaves of bread, and roasted vegetables on the sides. And for the beverage, a deluxe orange juice filled with healing powers for fatigue and even has an enchantment that can even improve your memory by a slight margin."

Inna's eyes sparkled at the mention of food. She's actually quite hungry now since her last meal was during 5 in the morning. And that meal only consisted of bread, cheese, and fried egg. She looked at Raghnall with drool on her mouth.

"Bruh, you lost me at 'steak.' And that's all I need to know. I'm in! Test or whatever, I need that meal!"

Raghnall smiled mischievously in delight.

Heh, I guess I'll be able to see something interesting, after all…

And because of that, for the whole duration of the day, Inna's mind was stuck on the premium meal set that Raghnall talked about.

Even after she ate the porridge that was supposed to be her lunch, her mind was still stuck on that image of a luscious large cut of steak and the potatoes that went along with it. In fact, because her lunch was porridge, it made her crave the premium meal set more.

Although the social status is used to determine your meals, they also add in your classes in consideration. Those who were in low classes like the Belladonna, Chamomile and Anemone were given a small loaf of bread but they had more meat for the men and more vegetables for the women. That's because they are the ones who needs more growth in terms of strength. While those who were in the middle classes had two loaves of bread but only the highest classes can choose their meal and have juices. And the difference of social status is reflected in the quality of the meat, the bread, the vegetables, and the juices.

All these might sound complicated, but for Inna, it was actually pretty simple.

That's because the food for the lowest of all classes is just porridge.

That's right.

Plain, boring porridge.

Well, actually, it's not that boring. It had small chunks of floating vegetables in it. But for Inna, she merely ignored their existence.

After carefully scooping up the white salty porridge while avoiding the vegetables, Inna felt like she just went through the most tiresome minesweeper game she'd ever played. And what's worse was that it actually made her hungrier. So, as she finished up her last class, she still ended up daydreaming about the day where she gets that premium meal set.

And when her last class finally ended at the 20th hour, she immediately ran back to the dorms for dinner. Because, in there, she can eat whatever she wants as long as she makes it herself or its readily available. And since teachers are given any food they want, Inna began to raid Ulima's storage.

After slicing 4 loaves of bread into makeshift buns, adding in 3 slices of cheese, and placing fluffy scrambled eggs as the 'patty', Inna was finally able to make her egg sandwich. She held it like a burger and brainwashed herself into thinking that it's actually from a fast food chain. When she finished the second sandwich, she finally felt like she's actually eating proper food.

Feeling full and energized, she felt like she can finally do some work. She cleaned up her mess before going to her room.

Sitting on the chair at the side of the room, she looked longingly for the bed beside her. But, knowing that she had about three projects and tests for tomorrow, she had no choice but to silently cry inside instead.

Before starting, she checked the time with her spell.


Okay, I have nine hours until 6 am. Let's do this shit.

She grabbed her self-bound notebook and flipped to a new page.

"Okay, let's start with a plan. What should I work on first?"

Two-page essay about Chapter 1, 2, 4, 6 in Fundamentals of Magic

One page essay about the basic postures necessary for magical energy circulation in the body

A reflection paper towards the first theory of Magical Properties

"Oh, and Raghnall's stupid test as well. I need to study that."

Inna groaned in annoyance.

Speaking of tests, she will also have tests on Spell Casting, History, and Anatomy.

But, nah, she'd rather wing it instead. Given with her workload now, there's no way she can do everything in just nine hours, without sleeping.

And when she saw that it was already ten minutes past nine, she finally decided to work on the project from the easiest to the hardest.

So, she grabbed a piece of paper and proceeded to write the one page essay about the basic postures. It was fairly easy since all she needed to do was describe them. And the postures were discussed in the beginning of the lecture so she was able to take down notes.

And she can just bullshit the paper halfway through.

Since, you know, it's just one page.