A Cool Summer Breeze

I sit here waiting at the pet urgent care for 10th time in as many weeks. It's the dead winter my dog is still sick. The meds aren't working his skin is always bugging him. He licks it to the pont of becoming infected. He has the soonest appointment we could get with a determatoligist but that is 7 days to far away. Pus now leaks from under one leg. We hope they can help us keep him as healthy as we can. We hope that he can make it to that appointment. We hope for much but less has come.

The only thing that keeps me san and stably at this moment is the breeze coming through the car window. It is the dead of winter it should be freezing but when I close my eyes and feel that breeze smell the salt in the cool desert air made hummed from the rain that had just passed I'm in a different place and a different time. Laughter fills my ears as I sit on a roof top bar. The ocean is a stone through a way. The stars glittering with the questions and alur of space. A drink of sour blue sits in front of me. A pool where children splash is off to the side.

The sent of delicious food wafts from the table before me and I smile as that breeze brushes my bare shoulders in the gentalist of caress. Here I am happy and laughing. I'm with my family at a place surrounded with strangers but the usual unease is missing because it is to nice. It's too good. Soon it will get to cold and the warmth of blankets on my bed will call me to them but not now. Right now the world is good and full of life.

It is nothing like the death that ravages the world right now. And as long as that breeze holds just right I don't have to be in the now I can be there on that summer night feeling that breeze against my skin.