Trash, rejoice.

A group of young kids followed an old man along a winding mountain road, there was a stark contrast between the two parties; the man looked incredibly bored, dressed in a traditional tunic of somewhat decent quality, his eyes alternatively surveying the 7/8 year old kids with a cold glint and the road ahead, while he moved along with his slow gait.

The kids on the other hand looked like they had just suffered a tremendous loss, some still had unshed tears in their eyes, some even had welt marks on their bodies. They were mostly badly dressed and were barely able to keep up with the old man despite the slow pace, soullesly ambling along behind him, none of them uttered a sound while marching.

Lin Fang turned around and glared at the farthest kid:

"Keep moving you trash, it's bad enough that you humiliated and embarassed your previous family at the testing stone, now are you trying to waste my time as well?

Let me tell you wastes how life is going to work-out from now on, since you managed the amazing feat of being the worst and least talented kids of your generation in Blue Lake County, you are now orphans and property of the sect.

We do not keep lazy bums around here, the food and board we provide will have to be paid for by your toil, and since you are a bunch of useless garbage don't expect to receive anything good from it.

You will work the fields from 6 AM till noon, if the foreman is satisfied with your progress you will have half an hour to eat your gruel, after that you will be charged with various tasks ranging from woodcutting to water supply to doing anything that is demanded of you, the same conditions apply as to whether you get to eat supper.

If you vermin have any aspiration of bettering yourselves, which I highly doubt just by looking at you, the sect will give you a chance by providing a basic white grade foundation tecnique, master any aspect in your free time and you might have a chance to escape your fate.

The curfew starts at 10 PM and anyone caught outside will be mercilessly beaten, so you better stay put and don't even dream of trying to cause trouble, you're too dumb to achieve anything or to stay alive alone outside for that matter anyway."

While he was giving his tirade the group had finally reached their destination, a dingy, unreadable plaque stood outside a bunch of wooden thatches nestled in a valley surrounded by woods and traversed by a winding river, most of the rest of the real estate space was taken by orderly brown fields.

Lin Fang noticed the boy farming the closest field, immediately snorted and loudly uttered:

"Well trash here we are, before handing you over I'll provide you with some consolation free of charge, rejoice there is always someone worse than even your lowly selves; behold Huang Mu, though everyone here just calls him Mu, the prodigy who managed to not even light the testing stone."