Chapter 6- Welcome

Zeul Academy City

Before entering the academy, there's a city. Though we have no time for sightseeing for the reason of time. The city is great, it is filled with magic tools around. The city itself is filled with magic. I can't believe that the gate I entered got this city inside, it's like we are in the different dimension. I wonder where my mom's home is.

We entered the gate for the academy. The academy is located in the center most area of the city. In the academy, a castle is located. There are three towers in the castle, one in the left, one in the right, and one in the center. And the one in the center is so big, outside the academy's wall you'll think that you can't see it's top.

Behind the castle are another two towers. A white one and a black one.

Sir Gildarts left us four, but he gave us cards. I think it's for the place we are staying. He also lent us his guide to guide us to our place. The four of us separate ways to register ourselves.

I went on a tavern near the entrance, I followed the guide and it lead me to this tavern.

"Welcome to Zeul Academy TB02." A female attendant welcomed me. The attendant is a Witch, well her clothes is my clue. She is wearing a long black robe and I can feel the magic essence in it, it's really high. She's bringing with her a broom stick, and her pink hair. Pink hair is sign of being a witch.

"Ugh--- I'm here to register myself." I said.

"Oh I know! That's why you're here. Anyways I'm Karacule, and I will be your personal attendant." She said.

"Personal attendant?" I asked.

"Yes, hmm my job is not really attending your wants or needs, but I will attend to what you really need. Anyways, I will explain further after you register." She said.

"Okay, so how do I register? Do I fill out something again?" I asked.

"Not really, hmm come here." She gestured a come-here-gesture. I walked towards her. She pointed her palm on me, a light came out.

After a few moments, she talked.

"This job will be difficult." She said.

"Why difficult?" I asked.

"Hmm, let me explain my job first. So I will be your personal attendant, every maven has an attendant but only the tome maven has a personal attendant. Meaning, other mavens will share attendants. And my job as an attendant is to give you what you really need, and that is training. And it is difficult because even though officially, you're a Rank C maven, your actual class is Class S , because you're a sage Just like me. " she explained.

"You're also a sage? I thought you're a Witch." I said.

"Yes I am a witch and at the same time a Sage. A witch is my Class Identity and the Sage is my Class Rank." She explained.

"Class Identity? Class Rank? "I asked, confused.

"Class Identity is the Identity of a maven, so for Tome Maven, there are Witch, Warlock, Necromancer, Alchemist, Summoner, and Keeper. For Sword Maven , they have Swordsman and Blader. And so on. For Class Rank, it is your rank as a Maven. For tome maven, Class C mavens are apprentice, Class B mavens are wizards, Class A mavens are Great Wizard, and Class S are Sage." She explained.

"Oh I get it, you mean to say is that I'm a sage but an apprentice as well? Is that what makes your job difficult?" I asked.

"Not really, its just you already know a lot. I might have nothing to teach you. But I might find something after I'll know what you are capable of." Karacule said.

"So we'll wait till then?" I asked.

"Well yes, so for now go to your dorm and take a rest. The entrance ceremony will begin tomorrow at 8. Details will follow up at your dorm." She said.

I nodded.

Details will follow up? What does she mean? Oh well, I'll be taking my leave.

I got out of the tavern and the tavern vanished afterwards. The guide was outside, waiting. It flew towards the castle. And after a few minutes of walking, we reached the black tower.

With the help of the card Sir Gildarts gave, I reached my room. When I opened it, I saw heist sitting on his bed.

"You're here. " he said. I just nodded and sat down at my bed. After that, we did nothing unusual. We unpacked our things, separate wardrobes, then ate dinner and came back to our room.

When we came back to our room, there's a box in our bed. I walked towards my bed. I opened the box and inside it are magic tools and my uniform.

There's a magic pen that writes with mana, a wrist device that tells time, I think Heist calls it a watch, then there's also a unending amount of paper, the tool description said that it is a magic tool that immediately adds another page whenever the previous paper is fully written. For tome maven like me, it is the most useful tool. After checking our boxes, we slept.

The next day, everyone gathered at the open hall for the entrance ceremony. Every first years are there.

"Welcome to Zeul Academy Young Mavens" the headmaster said. Headmaster Graven is a Titled Maven Master. His Class Identity is a Warlock and his Class rank is Rank SSS-98. I knew this basic information because of the 'watch', the watch also has a function of giving the basic information of the teachers, trainers, staffs, and the leaders.

"This year, is a special year. It is exactly the 10,000 year since the founding of the academy. And with that, we will have more events than usual." Headmaster started.

"Fortunately, we have four new Tome Mavens, which is rare because usually, only 1 or 2 passes the examination of the Tome Mavens. So to recognize them, dear Mavens, kindly stand up."

The four of us stood up. All of the students clapped.

"And even among those mavens are two exceptional students, Lumina's Arthas and Nefarious' Azrael. They are judged by Gildarts himself. " what he said was unexpected. The two other tome mavens sat down, leaving me and Arthas standing. The students applauded once again.

"This year is promising, I do hope to see them in the spot light for this year's Admission Tournament."

"Once again young Mavens, welcome to Zeul City."


[Short update Only]