Chapter 4: Ancient Gear Relics

Elemental Elf is now Shaelven


Back at the South-East Alliance Defense Fortress, In and Hanger.

"Haa we're back." Farendel says while getting out of his Guardian. Seemingly he was a Shaelven, one of the 4 Races in the Alliances, and one of the 10 Known Races. As in the Alliance, there are Humans, Shaelven, Mouwarf, and Waevolks. Enemy Factions are the Zergs, Ushenac, and Goblins. Neutral Side, Qhelians, Saguwa, and Herolians.

We mostly know about, Qhelians, Humans, Zergs, Ushenac, and Goblins are, what about the other races?

Shaelvens are like Dark Elves, but their Skins range from Tanned to Pretty Gray. They got their nice Beauty and Handsome figures/body. Their hair are mostly Silvery White and it'll Shine like the Moon. They have high affinity to Darkness and Shadow Elements, along with their high perception, agility, racial night vision and such, they are natural born assassins. But also they have another high affinity elements which is related to their eye color, and Farendel's pupils are red which would mean he has high affinity to Fire.

Mouwarfs are like dwarves but human size and pretty buffed and strong. Like their Dwarven Traits, they like Making stuff, drinking alcohol, and all that. But their Birth rate is pretty lower than Human's Birth Rate, and they don't really like going out into battle. They would only go into forging, inventing or drinking.

As to Waevolks, they are Werebeasts, or Beastmen. They have different Tribes, as they have different animal traits. There are Bunny Tribe, Panther Tribe, Wolf Tribe, Lamia Tribe, Mermaid Tribe, Lion Tribe and Eagle Tribe. Each Tribe have their unique Racial Trait that is part of their Animal Trait. Bunny Tribe have their Speed, Panther Tribe have their Reflexes, Wolf Tribe have their Enhanced Senses. Lamia tribe got their Flexibility and Poison, Mermaid Tribe have their enhanced Prowesses when Underwater, Eagle Tribe have their Enhanced Prowess when in the Sky. And Lion tribe have their Battle Strength.

For The Neutral Faction Races, Herolians are a Nomadic Race along with being Neutral, and they usually have a small population and pretty separated. But even though they're small and spread out race, they are really abnormal strong and their skills are usually unmatched. They can even beat Elite Operator with a Powerful and Armed Guardian, without even using a Guardian. And their mindset is very peaceful and neutral to almost anything. They love the nature and would like to travel through unknown lands, and would record much of their findings. As for Appearance, pretty human except for their tanned skin random birth tattoos like Qhelians, but it doesn't give special or unique powers.

As for the Saguwa, pretty mysterious race that has a population of below a hundred. They don't have a physical body are like Ghosts, but they are not, as they can be touched or hurt from physical means. They tend to disappear out of thin air and appear somewhere else out of thin air. They come and go, but they don't do anything but watch and record, even read things. As they go looking for random knowledge or things they don't know, they don't take anything but record what they find and don't know. And no one had really talk to one of them as they don't appear before someone's eyes or meet anyone. But there was someone who spoke to them before, which is.... Kevin Heven. The man who almost changed almost the entire Era into a better one, all just due to his Inventions.

But coming back to the present, Valriya examined Farendel, Anne, Avian, and Maxus, to what their appearance was.

Farendel, Shaelven, Gray Skinned, Deep Blood Red Eyes, and pretty fit even though he seems be Lazy and Tired.

Anne was a Waevolk of the Bunny Tribe, though she is fast, she became a healer whose reaction and fast as Bunnies/Hares/Rabbits. She's a pretty experienced as a Healer and for Farendel, though lazy, very experienced. Her ears and tail were white and clear, eyes pink, and has a appearance of a Cute and Beautiful 18 year old looking girl.

Maxus is a pretty buffed up human male. Brown Hair, white skinned, in human standard that is. Brown Eyes, and very calmed looking. Calm, Cautious and few other things, less arrogant or hotheaded.

Valriya jumped out of the Calamity Reaper, and walked towards Catherine whose expression seemed of shock, due to seeing Valriya's appearance of a child. "Hello?" Valriya waves in front of Catherine's eyes trying to get out of her Stunned State.

"Uh~Huh? Oh! Sorry, I never expected to see a child in a Medium Built Guardian." Catherine apologizes. "It's ok, we should meet with General Alexander" Valriya walks out of the Hanger and with Catherine following behind her, but as Catherine stares at Valriya face, she thought of one thing to describe her, "Cute."


Upon reaching the Command Center, they see Alexander on the Command Chair that is almost in the middle of the room. He turns around, almost like those Cliche Scenes with on the Chair and turning around, greeting the person who entered.

"Finally here, come with me, we'll be talking about some classified information, so you four wait and stay here, while you two will come with me." Alexander tells Catherine and Valriya to follow him while the rest would stay in the Command Center to leave to do whatever.

Valriya and the two others entered a room that seemed to be closed off, from anything watching or hearing them. There was two Couches and a Table in the middle, Alexander sat on one side and, Catherine and Valriya sat on the other side.

"Ok, now let's talk about the Ancient Gear Elemental Relics." Alexander says to them and Catherine was stunned hearing him say that, "You know about the Ancient Gear Elemental Relics?!" Catherine asks in surprise.

Alexander points at Valriya, "This one hacked in your Database in the Camp that held most of the information that your team had recorded on your team excavation expedition." Catherine became even more stunned, "You hacked in my database which has a S-Tier Encryptions and Firewalls! Even though the Database has few of the information I gained, but I'm surprised to hear that you successfully infiltrated into my System."

Alexander shrugs, "Well, that's what you should expect from daughter of Kevin Heven. Being taught to the Hightower level." Catherine froze and blanked out from all the information she had learned of Valriya. Valriya snaps her out, and Catherine started to go crazy. "You're his Daughter! Whose your mother!? God damnit! Someone got to him first!" She started to say all sorts of things which made them dumbfounded that Catherine was actually in love Kevin Heven.

"I'm his adopted Daughter, so no need to go crazy about" Valriya tells her, which got her to calm down. Catherine sighs in relief, but got her into depression when she heard Valriya saying that he passed away. Catherine started to Cry, but soon got over it after a few minutes.

"*Sniff* *Sniff*, alright, get yourself back to together." Catherine turns back to normal and got serious all of a sudden. "Since it you and you, being the most trust worthy people I know of, I'll tell you something I have learned of and had never written down in the Database of mines." Hearing her they too got serious and listened carefully.

"There are more than those Ancient Gear Relics, and the ones you learned are called the Ancient Gear Elemental Relics. The Other relics that had found out that exist are called, Ancient Gear Spell Relics, Ancient Gear Armor Relics, Ancient Gear Weapon Relics, and Ancient Gear Module Relics.

Ancient Gear Spell Relics are powerful Staffs that can bring upon a certain spell that change the tides of the war, or take down cities or kingdoms really easily. There are Frost Nova Staff, Volcanic Magma Staff, Deathbringer Poison Staff, Reality Illusion Staff, Planetary Blackhole Staff, Time Rewinding Staff, and The most powerful staff there is, Materialistic Creation Staff, the staff to create any material you want to have, like the most indestructible material there is.

Ancient Gear Module Relics are modules that would attach and blend in with any suitable equipment there is. There is a Godly Appraisal Vision Module, something that could appraise and explain anything of anything on what their capabilities are. Infinite Energy Regenerator Module, a module that generate infinite energy of any kind, it could never run out. Absolute Maintainence Module, able to maintain any equipment to top condition and repair anything back to it's original capabilities and appearance. There are more but this one Module that seems to more powerful than the rest, it's called 5x Multiplier Module, the module that'll increases any equipment's capabilities by 5 time. Using this on a pistol could make it a sniper.

Ancient Gear Armor Relics, Fortress Armor, a large sized Guardian that holds unlimited amount of artillery, and it's defense can block any attacks, except for impact. Helios Marauder Armor, A Guardian that has a devilish appearance, controls Fire Type Spells that will do twice their usual power, and any attacks will give an explosion upon impact. There are more with powerful capabilities, but there is one that is more powerful than the rest, Supreme Overlord Armor, it controls Gravity, Space, and Destruction, it's hard to tell what most of the things it could do, as it was never really written.

Lastly Ancient Gear Weapon Relics, there are Sea God Trident, Heaven Piercing Spear, Holy Excalibur, and more, most powerful one amount them is Extinction Gauntlet, having the power to Erase anything almost from existence. Like turning God into nothing, powerful as that, nothing can really stop it. But Luckily and Supposedly it's hidden deep inside our world buried under hot molten lava. The Place where no one can obtain it and miss us it." Catherine stops talking and let them integrate everything they have now learned from her.

The first one to speak about them was Valriya, "Wow, I never really thought that there could soo much powerful items in this world. But knowing that our enemies have learned of them, we have to stop them obtaining them."

Alexander nods, "And so I've decided that you'll be creating a Elite Team that'll stop any operations that are in obtaining the Ancient Gear Relics." Valriya eyes widened, "Why me?" She asks him, "Well, you're the only trustworthy person to create a team in stoping anything that are going after the Ancient Gear Relics, and I'll assist you in finding these people you need." Alexander tells her and gives her a tablet, "This here holds information of every talented, trustworthy and powerful people that can help, ranging from good to bad people, as I feel that you make those evil people into good ones." Alexander smiles at her, he gets up and was about to leave, "Oh, there are also information of your new residence." He tells her and then leaves.

After he was gone, Valriya relaxed and connected her QCMD to the tablet and downloaded the list and info on her new residence. When Valriya looked at Catherine lost in thought, Valriya started to think of something. "Hey Catherine, do you want to join my Elite Team that I'm forced to make?" She asks of her.

Hearing her, Catherine came out of her thoughts, but thought about her suggestion. "Why?" Catherine asks, Valriya was dumbfounded at her question, "Why? What do you mean why? You're the most important person that I need to have in my team, as you have knowledge on many Ancient Knowledge that no one nearly have. So I need you to join my team to assist me and my future team to know everything we should know about on some Ancient Item or Text."Catherine thought about it and could tell it was a reasonable reason for her to join and her Question was pretty stupid to ask.

"Alright, I'll join, and assist you finding our new teammates." Catherine tells and Valriya smiles, "Well, I know already 4 people who should join us in this Quest."