
In the dimly lit and dusty room, Charles walks towards the corner, and he sees shields of varying sizes stacked on top of each other. "I don't want something that will hinder my movement." Charles thought as he looked towards small round plain copper shield that was about 10mm thick. "This should do, alright now a sword. Robert didn't tell me what Leon usually uses as a weapon, so I should use a short sword to be safe."

As Charles picks up a short copper sword a loud voice is heard all throughout the arena area. "Greetings to all fighters of the lower realm! The fight today is a duel between 2 young fighters! On the Northside, we have the top prospect of the young fighters in the lower rank, Leon! And on the Southside, we have a new young fighter in the lower rank, Charles!"

The guard outside the door knocks hard and shouts "Kid prep time is up! go through the corridor into the arena!" Charles takes in a deep breath and lets it out slowly "Alright let's do this."Charles grips his sword tightly and walks out through the dark corridor. His footsteps echoed through the corridor as his heart beats heavily.

A bright light shines at Charles's face as he exits the dark corridor and finally enters the arena. The arena's size was about half the size of a massive football stadium, and the floor was filled with dirt and sand as the hot winds blew the sand around. It was mostly fighters that filled the stands surrounding the arena with some guards watching the fight as well.

Charles looked directly ahead of where he stood and saw Leon carrying a copper Broadsword with a broad smile on his face with eyes looking at Charles as though he was fresh meat. "Time to die new Kid!" Leon shouted as the announcer begun the match "The fight begins now!"

Charles quickly brought his shield up to face Leon's head on strike! I need to think of a way to deal with his aggressive fighting style! I need to find an opening somehow! As Charles tries the think of a way to deal with the situation Leon holds his Broadsword in a high position and slams it down onto Charles's shield causing Charles to fly back a couple of steps! He's strong; I need to avoid his hits as much as possible!

Leon takes a moment to get his sword back into position and laughs"Ha! If you're this weak, then this won't take long at all!" as Leon says that he rushes at Charles again with another overhead strike! Leon is doing that overhead strike again! I have to dodge it; I'll move to the right when he strikes! As Leon swings down his sword, Charles lifts his shield up again to block any hits coming at him and quickly runs to the right.

But Leon expected this, as Leon's sword slams onto the ground where Charles once stood he pushes himself and uses his shoulder to slam into Charles's shield. Charles gets pushed back again, and he quickly backs away from Leon. His left arm holding the shield is starting to numb a quite a bit. Shit if this keeps up my left arm is going to break. Charles tries to shake off the numbness as he looks at Leon picking up the broadsword back up.

"Kid listen! You have to start using your whole body don't only use your weapons!" Janko quickly advised Charles "My whole body? Alright, I'll give it a shot!" Charles decided to go on the offensive this time and rushes at Leon. "Hmph just because I haven't cut you yet doesn't mean you can get cocky!" Leon mocks Charles and brings his sword back up again to do another overhead strike

Charles rushes in and side steps to the right to avoid the overhead strike, Leon noticed this and lifted his left leg to kick Charles away but Charles grabs Leon's leg under his armpit and slashes Leon's thigh. Immediately feeling intense pain in his thigh, he lets go of his broadsword and swings his fist at Charles knocking him away.

"That kid managed to land a cut on Leon!" "But Leon is really pissed now I wonder if he can survive Leon's anger!" Charles slowly gets up from the ground and picks up his sword as he gets ready for another round. During that time Leon quickly rips off his shirt to bandage his thigh as he stares at Charles with killing intent. "I swear no more playing around; I'm gonna chop you up into mincemeat!"

Leon grabs his broadsword back up and walks towards Charles with anger. Alright, his pissed now, that move I did probably won't work again so how will I get close to him? As Charles thinks about this, he lifts his shield up and waits to see what Leon will do. Instead of doing an overhead strike Leon goes for a barrage strikes swinging his sword left to right to left over and over again onto Charles's Sheild "What's wrong?! You cut me before so why not try again?! You gonna keep hiding under that shield?!" Leon mocks Charles's defensiveness as he keeps striking the bronze shield.

Crap if this keeps up the shield and my arm won't make it! And finally, on the 20th strike, the shield breaks leaving Charles wide open! "Got you!" Leon grabs this opportunity and swings down his blade onto Charles. Shit, I can't die not like this! Charles quickly brings his sword up to defend himself, but the bronze shortsword couldn't handle the strength of the strike and causes Charles to move back by a few steps.

Charles couldn't feel his left arm anymore after the shield broke and his sword is about to break soon. There is no way I can die here! Leon looks at the giant chip on his broadsword and laughs "Ha! It looks like I win! Now then why don't you sit tight there as I cut you limb by limb!" Leon starts limping towards Charles as his wound starts bleeding again.

Charles starts moving back in a fright; I don't want to die, I don't want to die, I DON'T WANT TO DIE!...

Charles stops moving as he stares at Leon whose slowly limping towards him. No, I won't die, I've been over complicating things. All I have to do is stab him, right? Yeah, stab him. Charles grips his sword tightly and starts moving forward.

"Oh? You finally realize that you're going to die?! HAHAHAHA! Come then! Come so I can cut you down!" Leon smiles as he sees Charles walking towards him like a pig entering the slaughterhouse. "Looks like Charles accepted his fate, Robert." Rock looks at Robert with pity "Yeah, It was inevitable." Robert closes his eyes; he couldn't see a kid he had befriended be cut down like livestock.

Leon lifts his sword up and shouts "Die!" And he swings his sword down" The cheers of Leons gang members roared throughout the arena cheering their leader, but suddenly the arena goes silent. As the blade comes crashing down towards Charles, he lifts the cracked bronze shortsword up and hits the side of the broadsword away as though it was a toy. "What?!" Leon looks at Charles with a shocked face and sees Charles eyes glowing amber. In panic Leon quickly releases the grip on his sword to punch Charles in the face but Charles dodges it by an inch. Charles then grips his shortsword even harder and rams it straight into Leon's stomach!

"W-what t-the...f-fuck...." Leon shivers in pain and holds Charles' arm but doesn't have the strength to do anything with the excruciating pain. Charles breaks almost broken Shortsword leaving half of the blade inside Leon and shouts"KNEEL!" and suddenly an overwhelming pressure forces the bleeding Leon to fall to his knees and bows "Y-you... bastard, I..a-am going to ki-" but before he could finish his words Charles shoves the broken sword into Leon's throat and the latter falls to the ground dead.

The whole arena goes silent trying to figure out what just happened. Didn't Leon have the upper hand?! He was going to win! How did some random kid manage to kill him?! But the announcer who has seen many upset battles before quickly recovers from the shock and announces: "The winner of today's duel is Charles!"

"Robert he won! The kid won!" Ogg shook Robert in excitement. "What?!" Robert opened his eyes to look at the arena and sees Charles standing over a dead Leon "H-how?!" Robert stands up in shock. "Kid, you finally fused with the skill at last! Great timing!" Janko laughs happily. "What was that? Everything was in slow motion! Most importantly why didn't you help me when I was fighting!?" Charles shouted back in confusion "If you're looking for fighting techniques and other stuff I can help you, but when it comes to actual fighting I'm as good as a fish on land!"

Charles sighs as he heard how unreliable Janko was but seeing the dead body of Leon made him much happier. I did it! I survived! Charles raises his arm into the air and shouts "I survived!" and the fighters in the arena clap to congratulate Charles on surviving. Meanwhile, Leon's gang sat in shock as they wonder what they will do next. "Hey, no hard feelings right Charles?!"