New fighting style!

Charles charges at Sieg with shield and sword in hand as Sieg gets ready to attack. Sieg swings his battle-ax down onto Charles, Charles quickly raises his shield up and keeps moving to let his shield's round surface deflect the blade. As the battle-ax swung down onto Charles's shield the battle-ax slides off but left a crack in the shield. Charles felt the impact of the battle-ax as he moved in but ignored it, as he moved to the left he didn't expect the end of the battle-ax to smack into his face!

"You don't have enough battle awareness. Focus!" Sieg says as he kicks Charles away. Charles gets pushed back by a few feet before starting to cough. "Hey, kid you alright" Janko finally spoke. "Yeah, I think I'm fine. Why did you suddenly come out to talk Janko?" Charles asks "Oh I just wanted to let you know that since you've fused with that skill I gave you weapons are pretty much dead weight!" Janko replied "Dead weight but isn't a weapon one of the most important things in a fight?!" Charles asked "Yes it's true that weapons are extremely important but that is if you were a normal person! But you're now fused with the skill I gave you so weapons just restrict your movement!" Janko explained.

"Concentrate!" Sieg shouted as he rushes at Charles battle-ax at hand. "Alright, I'll take your advice, Janko!" Charles quickly throws his shield at Sieg and charges! "Trying to distract me? Naive!" Sieg commented as he knocks the wooden shield away. Charles then swings his sword at Sieg trying to make Sieg focus on the sword. "Hmph!" Sieg quickly uses his battle-ax to deflect the sword. Charles then used this opportunity to let go of the sword and punch Sieg in the stomach. But instead of feeling flesh all he felt was hard muscle! "Just what are you doing?" Sieg asks as he uses the end of his battle-ax to try and hit Charles.

But before the end could hit Charles everything went in slow motion for him. Charles quickly uses this opportunity to use both his hands to knock away the battle-ax in another direction. "The hell?!" Sieg shouts in shock as he didn't expect this type of reaction speed from Charles. Charles immediately uses both his hands to slam down onto Sieg's chest knocking Sieg back 3 steps. Sieg starts coughing as he comments "Using your fists as weapons? You really got some balls kid!"

Charles felt a burning sensation on both his arms "Janko what do I do?! His body is extremely hard! I don't want to break my arms trying to beat him up!" Charles exclaimed. "You need to train your fist! Alright, when punching someone you don't just straight punch a stronger person like what you just did! You'll just break your bones! What you got to do is aim for his joints, also known as weak spots!" Janko explained "Joints? Alright, anything else I should keep notes on?" Charles asks "Aim for his liver! Basically his sides! Most people are weak to liver punches! Oh and try kicking him in his family jewels if there's a need to! And if your feeling really brave try to counter his attacks!" Janko replied.

"Again with you spacing out! I don't understand why you keep doing that but in a life or death battle nobody is gonna wait for you!" Sieg shouts as he swings down his battle-ax. "Shit!" Charles shouted as the slow motion kicks in again. Charles quickly runs forward close to Sieg almost hugging him and punches the right side of Sieg causing Sieg to lose strength for a second and limps forward. "Gah, what?!" Sieg shouts in pain. Alright, I got him! "Great kid! Now pummel him!" Janko exclaimed!

Now that Sieg limped forward as though he was bowing and holding his stomach Charles uses this chance to slam his knee into Sieg's face! The impact was so forceful that it caused a loud thud sound! Sieg gets somehow manages to stay on his feet but wobbles backward. "Damn that hurt!" Sieg manages to hold on for now. Charles uses this chance while Sieg is dazed to kick the back of his knee and Sieg falls into a kneeling position!

Charles goes in for a kick to the face but Sieg grabs hold of Charles's leg with ease and shouts: "Alright let us stop this practice session for now." Sieg says as he slowly stands up and let's go of Charles's leg. Charles is shocked as Sieg recovers quickly! "That was quite the fighting style you got going on there. Never seen someone fight with no weapons against a weapon wielder before. Though I'll say this before you start going into fights barehanded. Think about how your gonna get close to someone wielding a longsword?" Sieg commented.

Charles slowly thinks about it and realizes that it would be practically impossible to get close to a longsword user to deal a sufficient blow without getting cut! Charles starts losing respect for Janko again. "Hey I can only give tips, I never said that I'm some sort of actual battle master! I only point out fighting techniques! Besides it kind of worked when you fought Sieg just now! All you need to do is get close to your opponent!" Janko said in his defense.

"Seeing how you're much stronger in an extremely close range I have a recommendation for you," Sieg says as he walks towards the weapons racks and gives Charles a rapier and a long dagger. "Duel wielding? But why am I using two different types of weapons?" Charles asks. "Yes, I think this would suit you best." Sieg replied Janko then starts talking: "I'll explain why he chose that for you! the reason for two different weapons is down to two things. First one is that if you have two rapiers, for example, their both the same length right? But when you fight with two weapons of the same length they will hit each other when you use it in certain ways, this is bad as it hampers your movement in combat and that's the worst thing you want." Janko explains.

"The second thing is due to the weapon type. Now if you are using two daggers that would be fine since their small but they don't have enough reach from the opponent so that's bad. So you use a weapon with a long reach like for example a rapier. now with back to the first problem, you can't have 2 long reach weapon so you grab a dagger as a choice but use a long one so that you at least have some reach. Now a long dagger is much better to block and hold that block than a sword due to it's shorter center of gravity." Janko explains and keeps going on and on about the advantages and disadvantages but Charles lost interest halfway through Janko's explanation.

"Well, I could give it a shot, thanks for the recommendation Sieg!" Charles says as he looks at the rapier in his right hand and the dagger in his left. "Alright try fighting me for a bit!" Sieg says as he brings his battle-ax crashing down at Charles! Charles quickly sidesteps the attack, seeing this Sieg quickly switches his stands and swings his battle-ax to his left. Charles brings up both the dagger and rapier to block the swing!

Sieg pulls back his battle-ax and swings again! This time Charles jumps back to avoid the swing and charges forward with the rapier aiming for Sieg's stomach but Sieg manages to twist his body to dodge the incoming rapier! Sieg steps back by 2 steps to regain some footing and swings his battle-ax like an uppercut towards Charles with a lot of force! With the battle-ax coming up to Charles who had just gone back to his standing stance everything went into slow motion. Jeez, it's like Sieg wants to kill me with this attack! If it wasn't for the skill Janko gave me I'd probably have been flying by now! Charles decides to move to the left to dodge the battle-ax and strikes with the rapier.

But unlike what Charles predicted the swing Sieg did halt halfway as he dodges Charles's rapier and hits Charles with the end of his battle-ax knocking Charles to the ground. "Alright that should be enough for today, Keep training with those two weapons and you will do quite well! Anyways I'm tired so I'll head back to my own room. You should do the same, Charles. See you tomorrow!" Sieg says as he places the battle-ax back to the weapon rack and walks off.

"Hey, Janko can I ask you something?" Charles asks as he stands back up and dusts off the sand from his hemp clothes."Yeah? What is it?" Janko replies "Why is it that I don't feel when I see stuff in slow-motion just now compared to when I was finished fighting Leon?" Charles asks in confusion "You still haven't figured it out!? It was because of your "Emperor's Voice" that did it!"