Chapter 2 Overlord


Once the voice sounded everyone began to look at each other waiting for the person who would try to kill them all. In the corner of my eye I can see another counter, that is slowly counting down the time remaining to become the overlord of this group.

The fear, anger, confusion, all these emotions and more keep appearing on the faces of these strangers, until finally the counter is approaching zero and we can't wait any longer.

Suddenly almost as one, three voices sound out, one filled with a timid greed, one full of naked aggression, and finally one perfectly calm.

"O..o overlord"



I step forward after calling out in a calm voice, feeling completely refreshed because I could finally stop hiding behind the mask I wear that big brother commanded I put on. Completely free from the moral dilemma I need to constantly stress over I feel like a weight of a mountain as been shrugged off.

With a smile I look over at the other two who have stepped out and to my surprise one of them was the old man. Sweating profusely he looks at me and the last one to call out the large black man, looking like he is having a the time of his life he starts hopping on the spot throwing out a few clumsy punches like he is trying to impersonate a boxer warming up.

I realise that once I took that step I couldn't move forward towards my new opponents, figuring out what's happening I wait for the annoying voice and as I expected

"PFFT HA HA HA, now we have a show little ones. Before the bloodbath let me remind you that before you can kill anyone else, there can only be one overlord left standing. I hope you don't regret your choice later. Now without anymore waiting, LET THE SLAUGHTER BEGIN HU HA HA HA."

With his final annoying laugh I feel the restriction to my movement lifted and I look over at my two foes. The old man pales almost as if he can't understand what he has done until a look of madness comes over him and he starts laughing crazily. Seemingly having lost his mind he slowly starts moving towards the black man. Then when the black man just grins taunting the pot bellied man, with that he finally snaps and rushes into a tackle moving far faster then anyone thought he could.

A look of surprise flashes over my face as the black man is tackled to the ground from the other man's momentum. Realising this is my chance I slowly make my way over as to not warn them in advance of my approach, though it seems unnecessary from the fact the fat man is straddling the black man and is just raining down punches on his face, as the black man's arms attempt to soak up some of the abuse.

Finally after a couple of minutes the fatty is out of steam and the black man's face is caved in with blood and teeth scattered around. With his victory the man breaks into a intense roar of satisfaction.

''Aaaaaahhhhhhhh. Try to fuk with me you bloody are. Spit. Laugh at me, taunt me, go ahead try me. HAHAHAHAHA. Haven't felt this good in years.''

He starts looking around and seems to enjoy the others looks of fear, especially from the girls his eyes lingering on each of their bodies with a lewd look, almost drooling from the fantasy going on in his head. He realised something was off though. Everyone had a face of fear but they weren't staring at him but behind him. With a realisation that he forgot about someone he goes to stand up but feels something wrap around his neck and feeling a force hit the side of his head.


With his world going black a look of disbelief appears on his face, and with the unwillingness in his eyes radiating out he finally dies.

Letting go of the fat man not even knowing his name in the end I brush my hands off on my pants to get rid of the blood and sweat. A feeling of pleasure ripples through my body as I finally experience my first human kill. Standing there trying to savor the moment the annoying voice shows up to ruin the moment.

"CONGRATULATIONS we have an overlord for this round even if I personally would have preferred the fatty it's fine. For now though this round can begin, I hope you crowd of challengers put up a decent fight, HAHAHAHAHA"

With that the sound of sobbing ropes through the room as I realise that I can hear the girls who have been crying, almost since the beginning and felt like the real fight had finally started.

I sprint towards the short guy because he seems to be my biggest threat. As I came closer the originally tough look faded as fear replaced it in his eyes, they were widening so far I could almost see my reflection as I got closer.

In his panic he attempted to throw a punch that was easily sidestepped and with my counterpunch landing in his gut he drops to his knees puking. After he finally finishes spewing his insides he begins sobbing and begins to beg for his life. When he lifts his head a chill races across his spine as his attacker has vanished from his view.

With another loud snap another contestant dies and the sobbing cries grow louder from the girls. I don't over savor this time because the tall skinny man wraps his arm around my neck. I throw my head back and feel his nose break from the impact. He stumbles away holding his nose as blood gushes down his face.

If I died from my own little trick I would have felt a little depressed. Now only feeling angry that this weakling tried to kill me, I charge right at him. He tries to low kick me but it has no power behind it and I catch it while going forward. With my arm wrapping around his leg I wrap my other arm around his waist and thrust my shoulder into his gut, picking him up off the ground as I raise my level. He swings his arms around trying to stop me but those powerless punches only serves to anger me more. Once I pick him up as high as I can I pull his leg up and throw his waist down causing his whole body to slam into the ground.

Coughing up blood he can't catch his breath, between his broken nose bleeding into his mouth and being winded my the slam he can't seem to get any air. Finally coughing out all the blood he gulps in air only to see a shadow coming down in his sight, before he can even raise his arms the foot already stomps down crushing his skull and ending his life.

I feel pain in my foot thinking that guy really had a thick skull for being so skinny, I catch my breath as I scan the others still left. The Hispanic women is on her knees praying to her god for protection. Her Spanish is flowing so fast I can only catch a few words that my grade ten Spanish helps me understand. It would almost be funny if it wasnt so damn sad.

The three school girls are huddled together, the white and brown ones are crying while the Asian just stares me down daring me to come over. I smile at her stare thinking she has a much better chance in the days to come, if it's anything like what big sister said it would be like. At least she will last longer then her friends.

The last one was the white women, she is just staring at the bodies and then looking at me. After a moment she starts walking towards me tears running down her face but she tries to smile while unbuttoning her shirt. Slipping it off she kneels in front of me reaching for my shorts.

"P..please don't hurt me, I promise I can make you feel good. Trust me as long as you let me go you can use me anyway you want."

I grin at her and she smiles thinking that her attempts are working. But I push her down and turn her over. She shakes her ass while asking me to be gentle. She's pulling down her pants when I grab her head from behind and whisper.

"Sorry doll but I already bet all my starting points on me, Winning with a complete kill count. Any other time I would have accepted, don't feel to bad, it's not that your not sexy it's just bad timing."

She sobs out as her world is dragged back down into hell from the whispered words of the devil himself.


Without any other distractions I walk over to the women praying and after crossing over my chest snap her neck as well. I straighten my back and let her fall forward onto the floor.

With no one else it's just the three school girls. Two sobbing in fear not even able to look at me while the last one is still trying to stare me down.

Feeling a little awkward at being the bad guy I try a smile only to hear there sobbing getting louder.I frown,

shaking my head. I start to walk over and stop about three meters from them. I open my mouth to say something when the Asian girl charges out of her friends embrace straight at me. I nearly get hit from a roundhouse kick aimed at my head.

Swearing I duck while she keeps following up on her attack switching between punches and kicks, I can't tell which martial art it was but she has obviously trained for a long time.However without any real experience, I notice a gap in her offence and use it to catch her punch and turn it into a shoulder throw. She let's it happen and tumbles out of my grapple but the attacking and defending sides have reversed.

My brother taught me MMA for a few years and I used it to channel my darker urges into a more productive energy or at least that was his explanation. I don't have the flowing attacks she does but my aggressive approach allowed me to get in close and grapple with her. Overpowering her I finally get her in a stranglehold, she struggles hard throwing elbows and tries to kick me off but she slowly starts to run out of fight.

"I hope you don't hold any hard feelings, your friends won't feel any pain. If there is a next time we meet try not to kill me."

With her finally passing out from the hold I quickly snap her neck and walk towards her friends. The brown one starts to run away while the white one starts stripping. I frown thinking that girls like these two are the reason most think white girls are sluts.

Thinking about how disappointing the white girls were, compared to the Asian I snapped her neck before she could plead and give me a bigger headache.

The last girl was fairly fast but in a arena like this it only took me a few minutes before I caught up and finished her off. With the final snap ringing out the annoying voice made his reappearance.

"Wow you really have a neck fetish huh. Well anyways, CONGRATULATIONS OVERLORD. With this somewhat sad victory you have won the celebration challenge and allowed us to get a taste of what to expect in the time to come. We hope you will continue to entertain us. As for your rewards your personal guide will explain all you want to know. HUEHAHAHA, hope to see you again little overlords."

With the simple speech over my world went dark for the third time that day, only to reopen my eyes to find myself back in that same white room. Feeling tired, yet relaxed I calmed down and thought about what just happened. Ever since I was younger I imagined what it would be like to end another's life, but when it happened so many feelings and thoughts appeared that I still need time to adjust to.

"Welcome back little brother, I knew you had it in you and you even bet it all so you got five thousand points to start off instead of only a thousand" Her giggling was a welcome change form that announcers nasally laughing. "Now we can have an even bigger advantage with your prizes on top of your points. Oh right let me explain your prizes we don't have much longer before you will wake up and the game will commence."

In front of me three blue boxes appeared and one red box.

"You should stop staring and quickly open your overlord prizes silly."

Without thinking anything else I opened the first blue box and inside a card was at the bottom. It read tier 1 nanobot.