Chapter 5 Meeting Big Sister

Meeting Big Sister

Drifting off I opened my eyes to the white room once again, but with a few differences. Firstly it seemed to go from a 10m x 10m room to about 100m x 100m room. Secondly it had furniture, sofas, chairs, a bed, it even had a swing over in the corner.

Confused I looked around and after my initial surprise I finally noticed her. Sitting over on one of the couches she was just smiling at me with a perfect smile. It lit up her face and the world seemed brighter. She had white as jade skin that didn't seem pale but almost had a healthy pure glow to it. Her hair was a blazing red with purple tips that made her seem even brighter. Looking at me with eyes that were a clear green and deep as the sea made me not able to look away completely stunned.

Seeing my expression she giggle and the sound of her voice completely matched her perfect body being clear and relaxing to the ears. As soon as I heard it I knew who she was.

"What's the matter little brother did you go into shock seeing such a beautiful big sister?"

At that moment anyone would be able to figure out this was my guide that keeps calling herself my big sister.

"Ok now let's talk about my future plans. What do you recommend me buying from the store with my points?"

She pouted seeing me snap out of my daze so fast. She patted the seat next to her signaling for me to sit down. I moved over and sat down in the chair across from her ignoring her pouting face which would stun any man in his tracks. She sighed and stopped pouting as we began to talk.

"Fine, fine let's get down to business I guess. Well to start let me reintroduce myself I am Artemis a tier 3 guide on the verge of tier 4. I like the color purple and think bunnies on your planet are the cutest, especially the baby ones."

"That's nice, now then what do you recommend I buy at the system store."

Giving me a scary look that sent shivers down my back, she finally answers after a few minutes.

"No fun at all no wonder you don't have a girlfriend. Fine my recommendation is to quickly buy things that will get one of your stats to tier 1 as quick as possible."


"Huh? Didn't you look at the world tasks? Or the overlord bonus task?"

She looked at me the same why an adult would look at a child that just asked why two plus two equals four.

I realized I could open the system in here so I went into the task window and saw five tasks with the corresponding rewards next to them.

World Tasks:

Task 1: Have one stat reach tier 1

Reward: 100 tier 0 specialized nanobots of your choice

Time Limit: 9 days 7 hours

Task 2: have 3 stats reach tier 1

Reward: 100 tier 1 specialized nanobots of your choice

Time Limit: 9 days 7 hours

Task 3: Kill 100 creatures

Reward: Solution to improve all tier 0 systems by 10% and any tier 1 systems by 1%

Time Limit: 9 days 7 hours

Overlord Bonus tasks (Overlord winners only)

Task 1: Kill 1000 creatures that have been transported to your world

Reward: 1000 specialized tier 1 nanobots of your choice

Time Limit: 19 days 7 hours

Task 2: Have all systems reach tier 1

Reward: 100 tier 2 default nanobots

Time Limit: 19 days 7 hours

Staring at the different tasks I understand why she wants me to advance my stats fast, especially that last one. If I could get 100 tier 2 nanobots that cost such a shocking amount in the store, I'm sure I could stay ahead of the game for a while. Looking over at Artemis I ask what it means by creatures.

"Insects, fish, mammals, birds, special plants, also humans. Pretty much if you can kill it they will count towards your kills. I recommend you kill insects or humans either way there is a lot of them and right now you should be able to no problem."

"So insects, got it."

That response got another pout but I'm starting to build up a tolerance so it's getting easier to look at her without going into a daze. Once I made sure I was ok I continued.

"How are the creatures being transported different from the animals on earth?"

"To start they will be stronger in there own way. Take goblins for example their advantage is in there numbers. As a species they are a tier 0 but there reproductive systems are between tier 2 and tier 3. They can make any other race bear their children or they can get any other race to knock them up. This causes some of them to be of higher tier so be careful against all creatures not just the scary looking ones."

"So there were actual goblins on another planet somewhere out there?"

"Not exactly but close enough, add in our own modifications and ta daa you get goblins. Same with other races we took your people's different stories and made them real so you guys have some idea what is attacking you or else you guys might just get some random alien creature and die of fright. The ones you should aim for are the tier zero races at first. Ratmen, goblins, fishmen, gomes, and races like those are the best to farm off early, and as long as you don't let down your guard you shouldn't die."

"Farm? What's in it for me to kill the transported creatures besides that first task?"

"Points of course, how else will you get EVO points. Plus it's easier for me to give you tasks to kill other races. You should also learn a trade like blacksmith or tailor. As long as you do something like that I can give you tasks that are related."

"Ok what's in it for you when I complete task?"

"Simple I'm a guide. Most of my race are how would you understand. Hmmmm. Oh I guess you would call us A.I. so to speak. My race is technology based. We can rank up based on points we get for playing games like EVO WARS for example. The longer you stay alive, get stronger, and complete tasks I get more points and the higher rank I get the more privileges and authority will be rewarded for me. Win, win right."

Thinking for a second I guess that made sense.

"But why bother with this? Who plans the process of an entire world going into hyper evolution, just for a game?"

"Well you see it's actually a battle between fractions so to speak. I belong to the humanoid fraction which is why I got you randomly instead of being your little snakes guide. There are three fractions that compete in this game humanoid, creature, and eco. The three fractions compete here and the race that is able to come out on top is given extra rewards. Also if there is an individual that is extremely powerful we might offer him, her, or it a chance to compete in some galactic competitions."

"Why would we want to do that and again why would you guys compete like that."

"Firstly for power of course. The really strong people always want to get stronger and once this world comes to a peaceful period it's harder to increase your strength once you reach such a high level. The galactic competitions offer chances to advance your strength between tough opponents and generous rewards. Secondly for our entertainment of course. You see my race has a really long lifespan especially if we get to a really high tier some will live for billions of years so we get really bored. The solution to that problem are games to distract us from our boredom. Of course we aren't cruel we only use planets like yours that are about to be destroyed for our games. We have known about your world for millions of years but haven't interfered until now because we have morals."

In a confusing and very high vantage point kinda way it makes sense. I guess in their eyes we are just different kinds of ants being put in a box and told to kill until one is confirmed the strongest, Darwin would be proud.

"Ok I understand now let me sleep."


With that I closed my eyes and drifted off ignoring her attempts to keep talking. I woke up at my usual time of six in the morning and figured I should check my stats.

Name: Hunter Nespolon

Age: 17

Species: Human

Current nanobots:

Tier 0: 1600 (+600)

Tier 1: 100

Companion nanobots: 100

Current energy: 2040

Current energy absorption: 115/hour

Circulatory system: tier 0 15.03%

Digestive system: tier 0 20.21%

Endocrine system: tier 0 10.04%

Integumentary system: tier 0 23.00% (+3%)

Immune system: tier 0 17.35%

Muscular system: tier 0 22.33%

Nervous system: tier 0 21.08%

Renal system: tier 0 16.76%

Reproductive system: tier 0 15.03%

Respiratory system: tier 0 17.57%

Skeletal system: tier 0 19.64%

Note: average human is tier 0 15%

Current time 6:00 am

System Warning: Energy insufficient for needs, auto shutdown of nano activities. Recommend using energy pack.

Thinking it over 10000 points of energy really doesn't get me much. I start browsing through the store of things that improve absorption of energy. I eventually bought information for 500 evo points and found three ways to increase absorption early on. Number one improve the Integumentary system and at 50% the absorption is even more efficient at 10 points an hour per percent. The second way is to improve the respiratory system to 50% so that you start absorbing the energy when you breathe and that gives you about the 5 points per percent an hour, same as what I get through my skin now. The third way is to eat meat with a large amount of energy in it but there really isn't any meat outside what you can buy in the store.

Thinking it over I look at the solutions to improve my absorption through my skin or things to just improve my Integumentary system altogether. After browsing I find a few with different degrees of strength and wound up buying the strongest one I could for 4000 points it should improve my system by 25% but it comes with a warning of extreme pain. After quickly thinking about what Artemis said and about my future I can't hold back due to some pain. I quickly tell my brothers to not freak out if they hear me shouting out in pain for the next little while, I got a bunch of weird looks but they understood after a brief explanation.

Back in my room I put Frost on my bed as I sit down on the floor and prepare myself. Once I feel ready and made sure to but my nanobots on ideal except the tier 1 bots that are improving my system, I buy the solution and it sort of appeared in front me in a flash. Probably teleportation or something, I don't bother trying to think about it to hard. With a calming breath I tilt up the flash it came in and drank it.