Chapter 11 Mutation

Through the night I awoke a few time but quickly passed out again, over and over the cycle repeated. Finally I opened my eyes and didn't feel like I was in a vat of acid, slowly sitting up I notice the room was a mess, the chair and desk were destroyed, the blanket and sheets on the bed were in pieces, the walls had scratch marks all over.

I looked down and noticed my skin was peeling again, except unlike before where it was a thin lay this time it was at least two centimeters thick. I looked on the floor and noticed some discarded nails and hair, panicking I look at my hands and noticed my nails were a light blue. I went over to the mirror on the wall that survived and gasped, my hair which was pitch black before now had streaks of white flowing through it. That wasn't the only change though, my eyes witch used to be brown now looked blue not bright like Frost's but a dark blue that drawed you in like a void. Shaking my head to snap out of it, I tried to calm down.

First things first, I took off the tattered remains of my clothes and started peeling of the new layer of skin. After finding some new clothes in the closet I sat down opening up my personal tab.

Name: Hunter Nespolon

Age: 17

Species: Human

Bloodline: Frozen Serpent

Current nanobots:

Tier 0: 3900 (+900)

Tier 1: 100

Companion nanobots: 100

Current energy: 670

Current energy absorption: 5000/hour

Circulatory system: tier 0 30.03%

Digestive system: tier 42.21%

Endocrine system: tier 0 25.04%

Integumentary system: tier 1 00.00% (+2%)

[Mutation detected: poison]

Immune system: tier 0 35.35%

Muscular system: tier 0 42.33%

Nervous system: tier 0 31.08%

Renal system: tier 0 32.76%

Reproductive system: tier 0 30.03%

Respiratory system: tier 0 36.57%

Skeletal system: tier 0 43.64%

Note: average human is tier 0 15%

Current time 10:00 AM

System Notice: In upgrading your system to tier one host's bloodline has caused an mutation mutation to appear. The type of mutation is a unique poison that causes extreme discomfort to the same gender, while is an aphrodisiac to the opposite gender that can become addictive. This poison is released in a low potency form through airborne pheromones, high potency is produced by host's bodily fluids. System recommends caution due to both effects. Host needs to improve his endocrine system to at least fifty percent to control airborne poison.

Shit, did I just become a literal chic magnet. Dammit upgrade my endocrine system to fifty percent, it's only half way there. Sight fine I can do this,especially since my energy per hour has gone through the roof, it doubled at fifty percent but now it increased by fivefold. Ok what am I going to do?

Ok I need to start increasing my tier 1 nanobots, I can get twenty five per hour to start that will use up half my energy per hour, the other half I'll use my tier 0 nanobots to improve my endocrine system. I'll use 1200 of the remaining to keep making new ones while the remainder can patrol my body and try to stop myself from releasing pheromones. Dammit, what am I going to do about the twins. If I upgrade at the rate of 2.5% per hour I still need ten hours, I look around to find paper of something to write on when a knock sounds at the door.

"Hunter are you ok? We came to check up on you."

"You awake me and Jessica made some breakfast you must me hungry."

Shit, I am hungry but now's not a great time.

"I have a problem right now, you two can't come in here."

Shouting at the door when I hear the lock click.


I try to rush to the door only to have it open and me crash into one of the sisters. If the hair style is the same as yesterday I crashed into Jasmine, apologizing to her as I grab the door and close it. Right before the door shuts I notice her face flush and pray to whoever is listening that it was because of the fall.

I start to explain through the door while making sure to relock it. After a few minutes of explanation and apologizes they understood what could have happened. They left the breakfast at my door, telling me they will have the vehicles running by this afternoon. I promised to have the problem sorted out by eight.

After listening to them walk away I open the door to grab my food as a white flash quickly climbed up my arm and sat on my neck. Sighing as Frost started to rub her face against my neck, I pat her head and close the door behind me. I eat the dried rations and bread barley filling my stomach.

Finished with breakfast I started to play around with my new abilities. Starting off with my nails I test them on a few things, they cut through wood with ease and I can leave deep gouges in the cement walls, it amazed me at the changes going up a tier brought. Next was my skin, I tried to stab myself gently with some of the scattered pieces of wood but they didn't even leave a scratch, I dont have my knife on me but I'll test that out later.

I kept busy when a knocking at my door made me alert. Walking over I ask who's there.

"It's me Jasmine, I brought you some lunch I'm going to leave it out here ok?"

Realizing it was already one and my stomach growling to show proof, I let down my guard a little.

"Thanks Jasmine, again sorry about earlier. Are you ok."

"I'm fine, I shouldn't have unlocked your door. Please don't feel bad when you were only trying to protect us."

Smiling to myself, glad she wasn't angry and didn't seem to have any backlash from being near me. Thankfully it was only a brief moment, I wasn't sweaty so only the airborne could have done anything, looks like it's potency really is mild.

Like that I ate my lunch and took a nap exhausted by the night before. I don't need to be awake to improve my system, the nanobots got that under control. Think how glad I am I don't have to spend hours of meditation to have small improvements, I was about to drift off when I remembered something. Last night I got a system notification about something, opening it up again I don't focus on my personal tab but the flashing tasks tab.

Completed world task 1, please select which system specialized tier 0 nanobots you would like to receive.

Oh sweet, with the news about the mutation I completed forgot about the task. Thinking it over I decided on the skeletal system, it was the next highest after my tier one system. This way I can upgrade my endocrine and skeletal systems before the time limit and complete the last world task.

Tier o skeletal nanites

Improves the skeletal system with improve efficiency, one nanobot is able to improve the skeletal system by 0.01% per hour with only using five energy. After system is upgraded it is still able to improve it by 0.001% per hour but at full energy costs. Note it still takes five nanobots and ten energy to create one more per hour.

Wow its it's even better then my tier 1 default nanobots for that system. I dont have the energy to spare right now, so I use my extra tier 0 default nanobots to gather energy while creating more. Happy at my new findings and how bright the future's looking for my personal strength, I start to doze off with a comfortable Frost on my chest.

Hmm, what time is it, and why does my chest feel so heavy? Frost isn't exactly light but I've gotten used to her weight on my chest as I sleep. Thinking something isn't right I try to sit up, only to have a force push my shoulders back down. I open my eyes to find Jasmine on top of me. Her face is flush and is grinding her hips on my waist.

"Hey Hunter you woke up, good I was just about to get to the good parts. Don't want to miss anything right. Oh you really are a big man aren't you."

She giggles as my little brother has soared up and is being pressed down by her ass.


I scream in my head as Jasmine leans forward.