Chapter 13 Vaccine

I put the pedal to the metal home as I noticed Jessica staring at me with increasing intensity. When we make it back I jump out of the car and run towards the house. Erik is standing there I could see the relief on his face turn to confusion as I hide behind his back.

"What's the matter with you? Are you hurt somewhere? Where is all that blood from."

I look down and see the bloodstains on my shirt from where the rat bit me.

"Most of it is from a rat, not important right now. Do we have any antidotes to snake poisons?"

"One sec, Alex come over here."

Alex came over from the other room, he had a labcoat on they suited him well. Alex is of Japanese descent with long black hair and a slim build.

"What do you need?"

I cut in.

"Ok long story short I fused bloodlines with Frost, this caused a mutation when I tiered up my system. This mutation gave me a poison that acts as well poison to other guys, to girls it kinda acts as an aphrodisiac."

They both just looked at me with weird looks.

"Listen the important thing is that when I fought a giant rat some of my blood got on Jessica. Before when me and Jasmine simply touched she became, well more assertive to say the least."

Jessica got out of the vehicle with a flushed face a little out of breath. Alex saw this and looks at me.

"Anything else I should know?"

"Ugh the poison can become addictive."

I hear Erik mumbling something like lucky sob before walking towards Jessica.

"Don't stop me Erik."

"Oh no, he's all yours."

Jessica looked shocked but a smile was soon found after. As she was walking past Erik he struck her in the back of the head with a chop. Jessica's eyes rolled back, passing out and caught by Erik before hitting the ground.

"Go get cleaned up I'll let Jasmine handle her for now. Alex see what you can cook up."

"Will do boss. Come with me Hunter."

Alex lead me to the kitchen where a bunch of vials and beakers were laying around. It seems like he turned this partly into a laboratory. He put gloves on and pointed at my shirt.

"Give it here please."

Taking off my shirt and giving it to him I realized the small wound from the rat was already gone, in its place where a few white lines that will soon be gone as well. Alex wound up taking some blood and saliva before he let me go, apparently it was a simple fix and he just need a little time.

I went back to the vehicle and grabbed the rat bringing it inside before the smell attracted anything. Frost just stares at it drooling until I cut off a piece of meat for her. Being attracted by the smell the two cats made their way over as well and started to dig into the chopped off leg. Erik also came over and grabbed some meat for shadow. Emily looked really reluctant but still promised to process it for us. Finally after telling Erik and the others about our little adventure I was able to go get some actual sleep. Frost still digesting her meal layed on top of me with a satisfied expression, at least as close to one a snake can make.

I decide it was time to take a look at my stats before bed.

Name: Hunter Nespolon

Age: 17

Species: Human

Bloodline: Frozen Serpent

Current nanobots:

Tier 0: 4380 (+480)

Tier 0 skeletal: 280

Tier 1: 400(+300)

Companion nanobots: 100

Current energy: 670

Current energy absorption: 5000/hour

Circulatory system: tier 0 30.03%

Digestive system: tier 42.21%

Endocrine system: tier 0 55.04% (+30%)

Integumentary system: tier 1 00.00%

[Mutation detected: poison]

Immune system: tier 0 35.35%

Muscular system: tier 0 42.33%

Nervous system: tier 0 31.08%

Renal system: tier 0 32.76%

Reproductive system: tier 0 30.03%

Respiratory system: tier 0 36.57%

Skeletal system: tier 0 43.64%

Note: average human is tier 0 15%

Current time 10:00 PM

Nodding to myself happy with the progress, I can make it so 1500 tier 0 are making new ones and keep the others producing at the same rate they already are. Now at this rate I'll be able to upgrade my endocrine and skeletal systems before the time limit is up. Thinking about my progress the urge to get stronger keeps rising inside me. I have never been someone who wants to be at the top but killing that rat gave me such a rush, I wonder how I'll feel after my first human kill. Fantasizing about different things I wanted to try, I finally dozed off.

I started to wake up to find I couldn't move, frowning I opened my eyes to fine the twins using my arms as pillows with their legs wrapped around my own.

Sigh I really need to be more alert in my sleep, wait how did they get past my lock. Seeing Frost still peacefully sleeping away I start to regret not getting a guard dog instead.

I try moving my left hand only to hear a moan in my ear as a result. I need to think about how to get out of this peacefully while ignoring my little brother saluting. My door starts to open to see Erik peeking his head in, I try to signal him to help me. His response was a shrug and a thumbs up, cursing him and swearing to get revenge as he closes the door. Trying to tell two apart as the one on my left starts to move, suddenly I feel my right ear being nibbled. Startled turn my head to see a teasing face, somehow I knew she was Jasmine.

"Morning Hunter looks like your friend is happy to see me."

She slipped her hand across my waist and found my little brother, slowly she started to grind her hips to match her strokes. In the process waking up Jessica, seeing what was happening her face goes bright red but still moves her hand to join her sister. Now with both girls playing with me, nibbling my neck and ears while doing so I feel my blood boil and give in to their demands. This started another battle with the only witness being a white snake that was moved to the dresser, no one noticing that it was watching while peeking from behind it's tail.

As soon as the battle was over the girls layed back down on my chest while we caught our breath. I'm starting to accept what I've gotten myself into, besides who hasn't fantasized about having twins before. Once their cravings were taken care of they turned back into meek girls, constantly hiding from my gaze by burying their heads into my chest. Smiling at the scene I relaxed for a while.

We finally got out of bed at eleven, with a constant stream of gazes coming towards us. Alex is still in the kitchen and I ask if there was any headway with the vaccine. He looked at me with a puzzled expression.

"Didn't the girls tell you I finished it last night?"

I looked back and noticed the twins had disappeared, shaking my head I go see Erik. Seeing him with a grin on his face I throw a jab at him. Dodging he laughs and asks.

"Why that violence, didn't your big brother not disturb your happy time?"

Embarrassed I ask how the situation of the city was looking.

"Not great to be honest. It's just like the rats downtown, the animals have taken over certain parts of the city. Max climbed a few apartment buildings to check out the situation. Rats downtown, cats to the east, dogs and wolves to the west, and finally fukin squirrels to the north. The squirrels have changed the most, they now look like furry children with bushy tails. Apparently Max saw them swarm a man leaving nothing but bones after a few minutes. The cats and dogs at least still look like cats and dogs, they are usually a bit bigger with a huge one here and there."

"Seems like the rats. Most animals will probably also increase in size, I hope bears and moose don't follow that pattern."

"I'm more worried about the insects, even before all this cockroaches could be found all over downtown, not to mention how ants are literally everywhere. That's just two of the main one but there is so many other groups we have to worry about. Then after worrying about the animals evolving those bastards are still sending in different species to spice things up. I fukin hope we are entertaining enough."

"How's it going upgrading your systems?"

"My circulatory system is at 94% thanks to the special nanites I got. My next highest is my respiratory system, its it's a little over fifty. I'm thinking of buying a bloodline fusion to use with shadows bloodline, they are expensive though. You were lucky saving yourself three thousand points and getting that solution instead."

""Hopefully you turn into the superhero and not a monster spider."

"Ya, ya. It will be fine you don't have scales yet do you."

"Fair enough, good luck."

With that I go to find the twins, looking around I finally found them working on the vehicles. They were checking for any serious damage caused by us hitting the cars we couldn't go around. I silently made my approach and grabbed their waists from behind causing them to jump.

"Sooooo, apparently the vaccine was done last night huh?"

Jessica's face turned bright pink and wouldn't look at me, while Jasmine just shyly said.

"You already said you would take full responsibility, we share everything."

I honestly had nothing to say to that, so I just nodded and asked if I could help with anything. They looked at each other and shrugged. I then spent the rest of the day moving heavy tools or spare parts for them.

Around six we took a break for dinner. Every gathered around the table, the girls keep giving me cautious looks, the guys on the other hand all had looks of envy. I can say I was embarrassed and focused really hard on my food, it was soup made from the leftover vegetables so they wouldn't go bad. It also has some cooked jerky. Once people started talking the awkward tension evaporated, everyone was talking about how they almost upgraded their first systems. People were comparing and bragging, over all having a good time.

After everyone was done Erik gathered us up and let them know the situation about the animals. I already talked to him about but some of the others were taken by surprise.

"Tomorrow we're gonna send some groups to loot some stores, everyone get a good night sleep. Who knows maybe those snails will finally get here tomorrow."

With that everyone went their own ways. I went to my own room with the only difference being that it wasn't me alone. The twins settled in and as we laid down they took a side each, of course Frost still slept on my chest. She seemed to have a taunting expression towards the girls which I found cute. Just like that day six ended and the start of the games were just four days away. Sighing I held the girls tighter and fell asleep.