Chapter 15 Looting

Riding in the armored bus is a little strange. For starters all the windows are reinforced with metal bars. I feel like I'm on my way to jail. We also took all the seats out the back to make more room, right now I'm standing trying to not fall from Erik's driving. Sigh, at least we are almost there.

Our target to loot was Mallmart, more than likely it has already been looted a bit, but we are hoping they focused on the food and electronics. The goal of our trip was to gather clothing, camping gear, tools, and other necessities like toilet paper that will be harder to find soon. Me and Max were standing while Erik drove,checking the sides to make sure it was safe. The mallmart is only a five minute drive normally but with all the abandoned cars on the road we needed to take a few detours.

After driving for fifteen minutes we finally pull into the loading dock behind the store. Max climbs up to the top of the bus using the ladder on the back, taking with him his rifle and a chair. His job is to watch our ride while we gather the supplies.

He sat down and gave a thumbs up while we headed over to the cargo door. The silence is eerie, this place has always been full of people when we shopped here in the past. Erik pulled out a disk grinder from the bus and made short work of the lock on the loading bay's door. We walked into the cargo bay to be received by an creepy silence. The walls are lined with boxes on shelves, because the lights were out it gave off a tense or maybe suspenseful vibe from a horror movie, I'm just waiting for a masked killer to jump out. I took out my machete and Erik pulled out two pistols as we began our search for the inventory roster.

"The inventory sheets should be in the offices, let's go but stay on your toes."

Nodding back at him we start walking to the set of doors with the sign saying manager's office on it. As we get closer we hear a whimpering and some grunts. Erik put his finger to his lips telling me to stay silent. As we got closer the sounds got louder, there was a window that we crouched beside to get a look inside.

The first thing I saw was a large pasty mass shaking up and down belonging to a fat middle aged man around forty or fifty. Underneath him seemed to be a woman that was unconscious, from the bruises that I could see you could tell she struggled. A girl in the corner of the office was gagged with something as she cried into with muffled sobs and screams. I looked over to find Erik gone.


Before I knew it Erik had kicked down the door aiming his gun at the fat man.

"Stop! Wait plea.."



Erik put two bullets through the man's knees causing him to squeal like a stuck pig. Rolling around grabbing his knees looking like an ugly pill bug, Erik walked over and kicked the man in the side, sending him crashing into the wall with a solid thud, breaking a few ribs in the process. Now the fat man is wheezing and crying no longer sounding human only a injured beast.

The girl in the corner started to scream into her gag pleading for help. Erik ignored her and checked on the girl on the ground, she looked to be in her mid twenties or so. Her clothing was ripped and torn around her chest and thighs. Stains are splattered in those areas with a sour smell. Her arms and face has black and blue, either she put up one hell of a fight or he just enjoyed beating her.

I go over to the tied up girl and pull her gag out, she flinched at my movement but I went slow and calm with my actions to stop from scaring her anymore. Once I pulled the gag out she just started to cry out for her big sister, probably the girl on the ground. They look fairly similar with dark brown hair, average build, and some decent curves. I untied her hands and she crawled over, she probably still has no feeling in her limbs because she seemed fairly awkward at moving. Eric took a step back from the unconscious girl so the sister could look after her. The girl scooped the unconscious girl's head into her lap crying out her name.

"Clare, Clare please be ok. I can't do this without you."

She broke down into sobs while slowly looking over Clare's injuries. Meanwhile the fat man is still wheezing by the wall, he seemed to be trying to not make a sound hoping we would let him off. Erik looks at me and says.

"Kill him, don't make it quick either. I know you have thought about your first taste and he may not be what you had in mind, but it doesn't matter show me your not all bark little brother. The world dosen't need beasts like him."

I stood up as if a switch turned off in my head, the sound from my surroundings turned off except that awful wheezing noise. I smiled as I put away my machete and pulled out my hunting knife instead. The fat man looked at me walking over, knife in hand and started to beg for his life. I just smiled which seemed to terrify him, into panicked sobs and pleas. I wonder what I look like at this moment? No matter though my fun is about to begin.

The fat man went quite after seeing his pleas have no affect. He waited until I was beside him before throwing a desperate punch, it was weak. I grabbed his fist and pressed it against the wall and pinned it there with my knife. He screamed as the knife went through his meaty fist and into the wall. I stomped his knees which sounded out with a satisfying crunch. While he was focused on that I grabbed his pinned arm and yanked down on it causing the hand to be torn open with a bloody tear down the middle. He rolled over crying for his mother as I grabbed him by his hair and pulled his head back, I made sure he could see the women he raped and tortured. He started pleading again.

"Sor.. sorry, sooo so sorry., I don't..t want to di...di..die. Forgive meeeee."

The sister just spat at his face with a look of disgust.

"Ok Hunter. Finish him."

With the que from Erik I started to stab him in the back over and over again, avoiding the vitals to make it last as long as possible. Blood was sprayed all over from his wounds and soon started to flow from his mouth. I kept stabbing until the last bit of light died from his eyes, and like that a beast was exterminated from our world. Relishing in this sense of pleasure or power, I don't know but it felt so good.

Letting go of the pig in human skin's hair his face falls into a puddle of his own blood. Looking down at myself finally noticing the blood splattered all over my body, I look around and but couldn't find anything to wipe it off so I left the room. I find the doors that lead to the actual store and go through them, finding my way over to the clothing section and grabbed a towel to start wiping myself down.

As I walked over I notice the store is a mess with shelves destroyed, food scattered everywhere, broken glass cages in the electronics section. It looked like a massive riot went through here.

After a few minutes I got as much as I could off and couldn't be bothered about the rest. I walk back to the office and look around again taking in more of the wrecked scene. Most of the food is gone if not scattered everywhere, same with the most of the electronics, I wonder what the use of taking those is considering most are fried from the radiation wave. As I get back the sisters are gone and Erik is searching the office, finally pulling out a massive stack of paper from the drawer. He notices I'm back and smiles, walking towards me and pats my head like he used to when I was younger.

"Good job little brother. Now let's go get what we can load up for now, we mostly want the tools and a few extra sets of blankets and clothes. But whatever you do don't forget the toilet paper. I once had to use leafs for a week and let's say it wasn't a pleasant experience."

With that oversharing moment gone we get to work finding the boxes we needed. It took us about two hours to find what we needed and get out, luckily nothing surprising happened. Now with a fully loaded bus and two extra passengers we started to head back the way we came.

Pulling out of the loading area and back onto the road it was smooth driving. Just as we were about to enter an underpass something happened, Erik stepped on the breaks and we were sent stumbling around trying to get our balance, thankfully the girls were already sitting or they might have went flying and hurt themselves.

I look out the window and noticed what happened, two long chains were spread out blocking the underpass from the other side. If Erik hadn't stopped we might have destroyed the front end of the bus. We all look around when Max spots the culprits behind us, they look like wannabe gangsters with low hanging shorts and undershirts on. They are armed with either pistol or rifles, they start to flank both sides of the bus. Erik honks and their leader with a black bandana on his head started yelling.

"Get out or your toast bitch."