Chapter 23 Cassandra

"Sigh, load her on the bus Hunter. Don't unchain her yet."


I grabbed the the draconian girl and threw her over my shoulder. She struggled a little but then feel silent, I was surprised by her weight. She's can't be taller then 180 centimeters and slim build, however she must weigh over three hundred pounds. Before my body started changing I probably wouldn't have been able to carry her.

Once I bring her into the bus the girls are confused, I shake off their questions and tell them I would explain later. Max makes it back onto the bus and tells us to head home. We got back faster than when we set out, mostly do to not having to search for more goblins.

Once we got home team 3 came out and were surprised when we started to unload the unconscious girls. We started to set up a medical center in the back yard, setting up cots so Alex could give them a check up. The girls set up a tent to strip them down and wash the fluids off, clothing them in new clothes.

Once all the girls were off loaded we had to deal with the draconian, she wouldn't let me out of her sight or else she would start howling. I carry her inside and down to the basement. Max and Jasmine follow me, Max asks me how to snap her out of this state.

"Well we have two options to try. Option one is to give her the antidote and get rid of my poison, she might be uncooperative though. Option two is to give her what she wants, that usually calms the twins down."

Jasmine blushes at that last part but still nods her agreement. Max on the other hand just stares at me.

"Will you give her what she wants? I mean ya she isn't ugly by any means but still."

"Well I could always get Jasmine to help me fire off a round or two into a cup, we can see if that will calm her down."

Jasmine blushes even redder at my idea. Max on the other hand tells me to try it. Jasmine went and grabbed a pitcher while Max practically ran from the room.

"Why did you grab a pitcher?"

"You really don't pay attention to how much you shoot inside me and my sister huh?"

She gives me a stare that I try to ignore.


"It's fine, it actually helps a little."


"Well you see, because we chose to not get pregnant by using the nanobots, we can actually use the energy from you ugh, loads to upgrade our reproductive system. Me and Jessica already have tier 1 reproductive systems because of that."

Stunned at her answer I just stood their until the thrashing draconian brought me back to the present. I start to take off my pants and unleash a little blue mist to help Jasmine get in the mood. I wound up shooting a load in her before remembering what we were doing. Once I shoot my second load into the pitcher I was surprised to find it fill up a little more then halfway.

I brought the pitcher over to the draconian, she stopped struggling against the chains as I started to pour the contents of the pitcher into her mouth. I won't lie the situation was turning me on as I watched the draconian, who is actually quite cute gulp down my load with an expression of desire. Once she was finished she calmed down quite a bit. Finally after a few minutes passed she finally talked.

"Coul...could I have some more p..please."

The aggressive and temperamental draconian from the gym was gone, in her place was a bashful girl asking for more of my little soliders. Jasmine helped me fire a third shot into the pitcher a few minutes later, again the draconian drank it with a look of joy and desire. Finally she seemed to be completely recovered.

"Could you release me please. These chains hurt quite a bit."

She could speak english well and even had somewhat of a Canadian accent. The staff at Evo Wars must have wanted us to understand each other. Well at least they didn't make it so we had to learn a bunch of new languages.

I warned her against being violent and assured her we don't want to harm her. She nodded and relaxed as I grabbed some bolt cutters, I carefully cut off the chains binding her. Once free she moved stiffly, trying to get the blood circulating again.

"What's your name? My name is Hunter."

She looked at me and blushed as she lowered her head.

"My name is Cassandra, I'm sorry about earlier at that wretched place."

"How did you wind up their? Goblins are generally weaker then draconians right, you seem quite strong considering they had to use chains to restrain you."

"I was part of a smaller group that was sent over to this planet. Me and another were sent out scouting. He was killed in an ambush by those awful creatures while I was taken away by those three brutes."

I guess three tier 1 goblins can over power a draconian, interesting.

"They tried to take me like they did those frail humans but I crushed one of the smaller ones balls. After that they tried to wear me down using they special aphrodisiac, but my body wouldn't wear down that easily to that weak stuff."

Again she lowered her head and blushed after looking at me. In a quiet voice she asked.

"Do you have a bloodline? I can sense a trace of the ancestors in your scent."

Huh? Wonder if she means the frozen serpent bloodline, wait. Didn't my bloodline change after that battle? Let's check the status page.

Name: Hunter Nespolon

Age: 17

Species: Human

Bloodline: Frozen Minor Dragon

Current nanobots:

Tier 0: 5080

Idle: 80

Tier 0 skeletal: 1080

Idle: 1080

Tier 1: 3400 (+950)

Idle : 2250

Tier 1 Brain: 1000

Idle: 1000

Companion nanobots: 200

Current energy: 0

Current energy absorption: 5000/hour

Circulatory system: tier 1 01.00% (+1.00%)

Digestive system: tier 58.61% (+16.40%)

Endocrine system: tier 1 00.00%

Integumentary system: tier 1 02.50% (+2.50%)

[Mutation detected: poison]

Immune system: tier 1 00.00%

Muscular system: tier 0 56.69% (+14.36%)

Nervous system: tier 1 00.00%

Renal system: tier 0 43.98% (+11.22%)

Reproductive system: tier 0 42.35% (+12.32%)

Respiratory system: tier 0 49.61% (+13.04%)

Skeletal system: tier 1 01.50% (+1.50%)

Note: average human is tier 0 15%

Current time: 2:00 AM

System Notice: Due to host's strong mental state your blood line has purified for the third time and evolved, this used all of the host's energy and caused the tier 1 production to cease. Will restart production now.

Frozen Serpents were the dependents of Frozen Minor Dragons, keep up the good work and try to evolve your bloodline even farther to give greater entertainment.

Yup, my bloodline evolved. It must be what Cassandra is sensing. Seeing her staring at me I forgot she was waiting for an answer.

"Ah, sorry. Yes I have the bloodline of a Minor Frozen Dragon."

She starts to nod vigorously.

"I knew I sensed the ancestors I your ah, scent."

Just then a white figure lunged at me and curled around my neck. Cassandra was startled but I knew right away who it was.

"Frost, I missed you to."

She keep nudging my chin until I started to rub her head. She finally noticed Cassandra and hissed at her. Puzzled at her reaction, but was soon laughing as I got a message.

Big brother you smell even better than usual, but why is there another girl with big brother's scent. No fair big brother needs to treat me to good things as well.

"Ok little white, what do you want as a treat?"

A moment later another messaged appeared.


Wow, I hope she isn't becoming a vampire. Well I guess my bloodline came from her, after evolving it my blood might help her evolve as well.

I scratch my finger just enough for some blood to drop out, Frost was instantly memorized before latching onto my finger. She ducked quite hard trying to get more blood. She managed to get a few drops before the wound stopped bleeding.

Once she let go of my finger her scales started to turn a faint pink before she fell asleep on my shoulders.

That whole time Cassandra was looking very confused as she watched this scene play out.

"Don't worry shes a companion, her name is Frost."

Cassandra nodded.

"Hunter, would it be possible for me to ugh, well could I stay here?"

Thinking for a second I could only see that as a good thing. We could get more information out of her willingly, and we might be able to form some kind of friendship with the draconians if one of their own is a member of our group. Before I agreed I asked her why she wanted to stay.

"You see, we value people with the bloodline from our ancestors very much. Even if it's only a minor dragon bloodline its it's better than most draconians have."

"Aren't you desendents of dragons? Why doesn't your people have their bloodlines."

"They diluted over time generation after generation. Now even people with minor dragon bloodlines are rare and they still need to be awakened before they can help."

"Is it hard to awaken a bloodline?"

"Very, most have to either go intense emotional stress or be on the verge of death to awaken their bloodline."

I see, so I purified during intense emotional stress, I wonder if that's what draconians call awakening. Anyways Erik and Max will probably say yes, but I should make sure.

"Give me a moment, I will ask the leaders quickly and be right back."

She nods but seems reluctant to part. I wonder if she is already addicted to my poison? Well that's a problem for later.

I start to head up stairs taking Jasmine with me, once I reach the top Max is waiting on one of the chairs in the livingroom.

"Well is she ok now?"

"Yes, actually she is very docile at the moment and even is asking to join our group."

"Huh, dam bastard give me your bloodline already."

"Hey, calm down Max. Don't be jealous, so its fine if she stays right?"

"Ya, shouldn't be a problem. Just keep an eye on her. Shes your responsibility now."

Why does she sound like a stray I found in the streets, whatever for now we need to get her some clothes.

"Jessica could you find Cassandra some clothes?"

"Sure, leave it to me. I just need a reward later for dressing up your new girl."

She started to give a cute pout, I couldn't help but hug her and start to play with her sensitive areas. Right as we were warming up Max smacked me on the back of the head.

"Get out of my sight, lucky bastard!"

Me and Jasmine fled from Max's rage while laughing. I went back downstairs to get Cassandra and lead her up to my room where Jasmine helped her find some clothes. Meanwhile I went downstairs to the kitchen for some food. As I started eating Erik came in, he obviously talked to Max because he gave me a thumbs up before walking away.