Chapter 30 Battle cry

(Camille POV)

Huh, Erik's team is coming over to my area. He seems to be a ok but his pack seems to a little out of breath.

"Are you ok Erik?"

"Ya, were fine but I was wondering if it was ok to team up for a while. My team needs a defensible area to catch their breath."

Well I guess we did come here for the possibility to cooperate in the future. I don't see anything wrong with his idea. I nod my head.

"Ok, just be careful of the web area. It would be a shame for one of your packmates to get trapped in the trap for our enemies."

Although I would find that to be extremely funny. Imagining Erik struggling against the strong webs of the younglings sure is a good picture. He he he.

"You ok Camille?"

"Yup, nevermind me. Set your team up over to the left, the other wolf spiders will work with you."

"Sounds good."

He nods towards me and takes his comrades over to the left, hopefully they don't become burdens. Huh, what does Legolas want now.

"Camille, is it wish to allow the humans to join our formation. I believe we should drive them away before they make a knot of our webs."

"When I ask you what your belief is than you may say it, until then go back to your position. Am I clear."

"Perfectly, pack leader."

Dam long leg. Just because he evolved to tier 1 he thinks he can have the same authority as me. I will need to put him in his place in the future, for now I will see what Erik and his pack have to offer.

(Erik POV)

Well I guess they aren't completely united in the spider pack. Not my problem at the moment though, I just need to make sure we don't embarrass ourselves.

"Brandon, Derek, you guys take up the front line. The rest will support from the sides. Don't step on the webs. Make sure you give them enough space so I don't have to save your ass. Our main goal is to catch our breath so try not to run around, just let the little green bastards come to us."


Ok, with that we should be fine for a while. Brandon is using his warhammer, and Derek is using his modified bat, they should be able to crush anything that comes close. I just need to make sure they don't get over run by the goblins.

Speaking of goblins, here they come.

Wow, Brandon just sent that little guy flying. Going, going, gone, that must have been at least thirty feet. Huh, I guess Brandon is a bit more bloodthirsty than I thought.

Well I can't just stand here, might as well join the fun.

(Camille POV)

That strength is truly terrifying. That goblin was destroyed on impact and actually killed the goblin it crashed into. I guess I didn't pay enough attention before but Erik's pack does have some power.

Let's see how they work together with the younglings.

"Cubs, go fight with the humans. Try to work together."

"Yes pack leader"

Ah, that's how I wish all the spiders were. The little wolf spiders are so obedient. Not to mention just the cutest, look how small they are with their little furry legs. Maybe I'm a little bias but my wolf spider younglings are way cuter than the daddy long leg younglings. Yup, no room for discussion.

Oh wow, the goblins are stronger than the pitiful ratmen. That's fine though, I'm all warmed up and ready to work out my muscles.

(Hunter POV)

Hahahaha, this truly is the best. I don't know what it is about ripping goblins apart but I like it way better than destroying ratmen. Maybe it's because I don't like rats? Oh well. Huh, where did this arm come from? Oh right this guy, here you go. Wait should his arm really go through his chest, he's dead already so I guess it works.

"Hey, little ant warrior. You still keeping up back their."

I look around and the ant that's been competing with me is covered in gore with a severed head in its maul.

"Don't look down on me fleshy, I am in the lead for kills."

"In you tiny dreams maybe. Ah, here comes some tier 1s whoever kills more should be the winner."

"Sounds fine to me. FOR THE HONOR OF HER HIGHNESS!"

Well he certainly is a motivated little guy. Can't let him win. He he, time to kill some more.

I rushed through the small goblins, killing them as I charged towards the tier 1s. I'm finally used to my new strength and my body responds the way I want it to. As I reach the tier 1s I can't help but smile. Looking at the terrified look on their faces I can't imagine how I look covered in blood and gore. That look makes my blood boil and the need for slaughter to rise even higher.

The front goblin uses the club in his hands to swing towards me killing a few little goblins in his way. I easily slide underneath it and launch a blow between his legs. I hear a creaking sound as the goblin screams in pain. I roll to the side as he falls to his knees, I jump off the ground and tear his throat out with my hand to stop his agonizing cries.

"First one is mine."

"Stupid fleshy the first one was mine."

I look over and the ant has a heart in its jaw with a goblin with a destroyed chest cage in front of it. He really is a productive little ant. I just need to kill faster.


Ha ha, my taunt worked. My smile is getting bigger, I can feel my cheeks rising but just can't help myself. My fun has only just begun.

(Camile POV)

Huh, Erik's little brother is a threat as well. He is going through those tier 1s like a spider catching a fly. That ant is impressive as well, although his battle cry is a little unique.

(Ruby POV)

Dam Crixus, so embarrassing