Chapter 43 Power

(Hunter POV)

Hot, cold, hot, cold, hot, cold. Over and over my body became a furnace than a freezer. Again and again I passed out from the pain only to be woken up by even greater pain. It took only what it felt like moments for my body to finish upgrading all my systems to tier 1 and just like Artemis said I started to change from the cells up.

My bones felt like they were breaking and healing, crumbling then fixing. My flesh felt like it was tearing then replacing, melting than reforming. Organs felt like they shattered and were replaced. These feelings rippled through my body again and again as I grit my teeth and endured as best as I could.

Finally my blood felt like it was on fire and started to flow out of me from the pores of my skin at an alarming rate. I couldn't do anything as my blood covered every inch of my body and the feeling of it wrapping around my body triggered fear that made my instincts scream but I grit my teeth and let it happen. Finally the feeling of fire left my veins but before I could be relieved for long my blood started to freeze and harden. Trapping me as my body went through agonising changes. Hot, cold, hot, cold, again and again as the pain kept grinding my sanity trying to drive me over the edge.

Thoughts of my family were the only thing that let me hang on. My brothers Erik and Brandon, even Max. My girls, Jessica, Jasmine, Cassandra, and Frost. They are waiting for me to finish this and come back to them. I need to do this, I need to become stronger to protect them. I NEED POWER!

Are you sure little one

What whos there, why are you in my head?

Answer me. Are you sure you want power. Will it not corrupt you, change you, erase the old you?

HAHAHAHA, nothing can corrupt me, nothing can change me, NOTHING WILL ERASE ME. I don't know who you are but if you can give me power, than give it to me. I need to protect my family from anything and to do that I will go through hell and back.

Well little one you aren't half bad. Little bloodthirsty but that isn't to bad. Little lusty but that's not a problem either. I guess you can call yourself a descendant of dragons, that is of course as long as the power don't kill you. So tell me little serpent will you become a mighty dragon, KING OF ALL CREATURES. Will you accept this power even with all the consequences that it will bring.

Give me power and everything else can go to hell if it tries to stop me.

Fine but do look out for our other descendants, there can only be one ruler. I wonder if it will be you.

Before I can respond it feels like someone dropped me into a vat of acid. I could feel my body start to break down piece by piece. Flesh fell away, muscles torn and ripped, bones cracked and crumbled, organs boiled and ruptured, finally veins burned and broke down. Every moment felt like years as pain assaulted my mind over and over again.

As painful the process of destruction was when my body finally started to rebuild was when I started to lose myself. The pain of your body breaking down is agonising but the feeling of your body slowly being rebuilt is like someone skin you alive, drop you onto a beach, and once you slowly get used to the sand finding its way into your body they start to dump bleach on what's left of you.

I stayed in that basement in utter agony for what felt like centuries until finally it stopped. At first I thought I just passed out but soon I realised it truly did stop. I truly have never been more happy then at this exact moment. I tried to move but couldn't, I felt like I was suppressed by a mountain. It didn't hurt unless I moved. I wonder if I should just stay still. No, I won't be held back.

I start to struggle, the pain increasing with every passing moment but I don't stop. If I stop now I will never be able to free myself. I remember what the old voice said, power off the dragon to be king of all things.


I roar out as I hear a cracking sound ring out as if the world broken into pieces. Light floods my vision as the restriction releases me. I open my mouth and give out a roar. Power washes throughout my body as I feel as if I could either rule over or destroy anything and everything.

I gain my bearings as I look around. I'm still in the cage in the basement. Pieces of shell seem to be on the floor around me. Was I in a egg? I wonder if there is any serious changes to how I look. I look over at the wall that had a mirror to take in any changes. What I wasn't prepared for were two wings that looked to be made of black copper to be spread out behind my back. My hair that was changing into a bluish white completely reverted into a blackish copper color. My eyes which I just got used to being blueish have turned to a amber color that seemed to shine with a radiance. My body looked powerful, from the shape and color of my muscles to the new length of my little brother.

I couldn't help but admire myself for a while before I thought of something. What does my character page say now. I open it to be shocked at the changes even more so than the changes to my body.