Chapter 45

Unknown location

Inside a large hall filled with screens either mounted to walls or drifting around, we find an assortment of different creatures walking and talking with people and floral. From dandelions talking to grasshoppers to lions chatting with trees. Each screen showing different scenes on earth, mostly battles between individuals but a few large groups mixed in as well. 

In the back corner resting on a large couch with a joyful smile that could enchant most males was Artemis or as she likes to be addressed Big Sis. Watching as Hunter destroyed the little goblin hideouts one after another. 

"Arty whatcha watching?"

"Oh Camila your little snakes's master is causing a fuss. At least he is entertaining, I just wish he was less stupid."

Slowly a meter long emerald green snake with a repeating hexagon pattern along her scales climbed the back of the couch. Looking with interest as a bloody figure ripped goblins to shreds. The bloodlust radiating off him cause the surrounding goblins to try and flee. The only result that ended as was to be hunted down one at a time.

"Wow he really is different from most of the humans huh. Most are shying away from bloodshed or at least try to use their guns. Your guy has no problem getting a little dirty."

"That's an understatement. I must say I prefer it this way, the only problem is that he and his group already cleared the majority of the goblin population. After this group the only one left is the largest and strongest."

"That shouldn't be a problem for him should it?"

"In most cases no, it would even be great because of the overlord mission bonus. The problem with this group is its leader."

"Now that you mention it, I remember reading about that group. So the tier 3 leader huh? Your guy won't actually try to fight that monster though right?"

"Sigh, maybe if he doesn't see what's left of that group's captives."

"What do you mean?"

Controlling the screen on a different monitor to change the location it viewed Artemis pointed to a certain captive of the goblin group barely left breathing. 

"That's not who I think it is right."

Artemis only sighs in response to her friend's question.

"What's his odds of winning."

"I don't know to be honest but it will be close and I'm not done using him for points yet."

"Why not issue a quest to make him go somewhere else."

"That would just work against me, hes the type that would feel like I'm trying to hide something."

The two of them, one human and one snake just watch as Hunter finished off the last of the small goblin group. Sure enough he started to jog before leaping into the air, speeding off towards the last goblin hideout. The final goblin group is using one of the tallest apartment buildings as its base. Twelve floors filled with the stench of blood and despair, all the previous occupants either managed to escape or were captured. Wither or not there still alive is up for debate considering the type of captors goblins are. Even if some managed to survive that may have been more of a curse than a blessing. 

(POV Hunter)

Looking up at the apartment buildings I must admit that it would be better to scout a bit more before charging in. Even with the ease I been destroying the little groups, this one feels different. I can almost sense the danger from the sidewalk, at the same time my blood started to boil at the thought of a real fight. The small fries are too weak maybe I should hunt down some lizard men after.

"Well either way ready or not here I come."

Moving towards the broken glass doors I can hear the tiny steps of goblins, they probably already know I'm here. Well they can try some tricks I'm ready.

(POV Author ;D)

As Hunter took steady steps into the disgusting hallway covered in dried blood and shit. The fresh blood leaking off Hunters body mixes into the mess, adding a fresh coat of crimson to the dark floor. 

As he moves in front of the first set of apartment doors the light sound of his footsteps could only be heard by the average person. Unfortunately for the little gobbos Hunter was no ordinary person and the sound of them taking a collective deep breath could be heard.

He just smiles as the doors on either side of him are swung open with tier 1 goblins storming out. Without missing a beat, he moves to his left grabbing the leading goblin by the throat crushing it as he throws him towards the goblin on his right. Not bothering with the two for the moment he enters the left apartment to the despair of the following goblins. Their last sight was explosions of blood coming from the goblins around them. Hunter either torn them the pieces or simple punched through their chests with a slight smirk on his face.


The war cry of the goblins from the right apartment sound as they burst through the door to what they would only describe as hell. A blood drenched figure greeted them with a mocking laugh.

Each group only had two tier 1 goblins and even before Hunter tiered up he wouldn't have had a hard time killing them. Never mind the small gathering of tier 0 cannon fodder. In a matter of minutes twenty three goblins died a gruesome death.

With ease he slaughtered his way through the first five floors. Tier 1 goblins started to become more common and the tier 0s less and less so. Finally on the sixth floor a tier 2 showed itself with an entourage of eight tier 1s. It roared a Challenge filled with cruelty and bloodlust. 

Hunter just pondered a second before commenting.

"Is there a tier 3 here? I'm not really getting a sense of danger from this guy."

The goblin obviously understood him as he became enraged and charged forward. With a club made from several rebar wires twisted together having the thickness of a man's thigh. 

Hunter leaned back barely dodging before countering with a punch to the gut, feeling the solid impact he knows that it didn't cause much damage. Switching from a fist to a claw he grabs and twists the goblins stomach getting a strong reaction. On either side tier 1s swing pickaxes aiming for his ribs.

"You guys take over a construction site?"

Rolling backwards to get out of the way the only response he got was angry growls. He extends his arms to jump out of his roll and dodges a low kick from the tier 2. Starting to take them a bit more seriously he cracks his neck and jumps into the fray. 

Starting with the tier 1s he slowly disables them while trying to avoid the tier 2. Shattering kneecaps of the first one on the left with a well placed kick. Sliding under a swing from the tier 2 that takes the head off the injured tier 1. Moving quickly behind him and goes to work disassembling the tier 1s one broken limb or the lucky ones got a fatal strike. 

Finally with three tier 1s dead and the rest rolling in agony around the tier 2. He seemed to be feeling a tingly of fear creeping up his back. Hunter's smile never left his face.

"Got the warm up out of the way, let's dance big boy."

[ Ok guys let me start off by saying sorry for the long time away. I'm truly more of a reader then a writer but I'll try to be more active then once a year. I also want to send out my thanks to all you guys that still send the occasional powerstone or review, too be honest your the reason I'm going to try to write again. I can't guarantee I wont disappear again but I'll try not to. Hope you enjoyed so far and I'll definitely have more soon.]