Chapter 49

Just as Hunter blacks out the three things happened. The first was several thousand AIs giving out curses that would make a sailor blush. Due to the odds they all gambled heavily on the goblin chief's chances, of course there were a few dozen that were grinning or what could pass as a grin in there species. Second Hunter received several notifications pertaining to his completion of the bonus overlord mission, as well as several dozens of others who also participated in the extermination of the goblins. Finally the world received a notice from the Evo system. 

Due to the first tyrant title being received several features shall now become public. First all groups of other world creatures have at least one tier 3, this was a hidden fact that was uncovered. They may or may not have an elite guard unit with them. Second due to the fast pace of which some are advancing while others proceed to waste time we have become bored with some of you. For greater entertainment we have decided to implement the subordinate system early, for more details check your updated help page or ask your guide. Finally we congratulate all who have survived this far as ten percent of the world's original population has already been killed. Now entertain us more. Sincerely Evo War Admins. 

This of course caused the majority of the world to start to panic. At the moment, fifty percent were still in tier 0. Around forty had managed to reach tier 1 and the last ten percent reached tier 2. Remember this includes all life that originated from earth, several species of animals were able to reach tier 1 immediately after Evo Wars started. Now the majority of tier 2s are the original apex predators from lions, great white sharks, some snakes, timber wolves, ect. The few tier 2s are the alphas of these groups and most have evolved decent intelligence and are now discussing in their forums about who could possibly eliminate a tier 3 already. As for humans well less than one percent have reached tier 2 so early. 

While all this was happening Hunter wasn't able to fully rest after blacking out. Almost immediately his conscience was pulled into a familiar white room. Looking around groggily he found Artemis in front of him in an all black school girl outfit. Resting on her shoulder was a practice kendo sword. As this thought finally finished processing Artemis brought down the hammer so to speak. With a loud thud Hunter finally fully awoke.


"Ok, I may have deserved that."









"I'm an idiot."

Pleased with her herself Artemis went over to sit down on a black loveseat where two children were sitting down. Frost with her snow white hair wearing the same snowflake style kimono as last time but she seemed to be a few years older compared to last time. Victor with his short dark green hair spiked up was wearing black shorts and a muscle shirt, considering he looks around nine or ten years old it's an adorable combo on him.

Taking a seat in the middle of the two she simply stared at Hunter until he got up and walked over to the chair in front of them.

"So to go over a few things, one your an idiot. Two you now really need to start making use of the Evo store, since you have decided to ignore my advice and continue to advance at a breakneck pace you can't stop. The entire population around Windsor is probably looking for you. Some want to befriend you, while others kill and eat you. Of course some wish to have your offspring and with your ever growing number of women I wonder if your looking forward to those."

Hunter started to grow pale at the thought of becoming a father.

"Anyways, as I was saying. You have how many evo points now and I think you've only browsed the store. Really how much of an idiot can one be. When you get back to your base start spending your points. You might want to give those sisters your bloodline."

Noticing Hunter take on the shade of paper she sighs.

"Not bloodline as in a child you moron, your actual bloodline. It's upgraded again from dragon subspecies to shadow dragon kin. Quite high quality and at your current rate you'll break those little girls soon enough. Of course if they are just for stress release don't bother."

This made Frost state at Hunter which made him unable to look in her direction. 

"Lastly because of you they opened the subordinate system earlier than usual. Take a look at that before blowing all your points on candy."


Before finishing his sentence the kendo sword came down one last time knocking him out.

Meanwhile the sisters and several others from the squad were rushing to the address they were sent. Noticing the carnage along the way they could be impressed. 

Reaching the apartment building some of them can smell the overwhelming amount of blood spilt. It was already late at night but some who had upgraded their night vision better than others could see some windows painted in blood. Reaching the front door they start making their way through hallways filled with carnage. The lack of anything living was in itself impressive considering the total amount of living creatures that once inhabited this building. 

After several minutes of climbing up the floors the group managed to reach the top floor. What greeted them was a few teenagers surrounding an unconscious person. The twins rushed over after identifying Hunter. 

Brandon on the other hand checked the body of a dead woman, once confirming who she was he could only shake his head. He thought for a moment before organizing everyone into different jobs. He threw the bodies of the high tier goblins out a hole in the wall and had others start transporting them back to their base. 

Finally Hunter started to wake up but before he could fully regain consciousness Brandon walked over sparks flying between his fingers. To the shock of the twins he knocked Hunter back out with a hard hit to the temple.

"Better to let him rest, take him home."

Nodding in a satisfying way he went to Hunter's siblings, bring them back was another headache he had.

"Erik won't like this. At least she is dead, otherwise I don't know how Hunter woulda reacted to Erik killing her."

With a long sigh the night continued on.

[Hope you enjoyed this kinda info chapter if there are any other details you want to know about let me know and I'll either work it into the story or just tell you. tell next time sincerely Evo Wars Admins, I mean Author]