
To "summarize" what his mother had said about cultivation would be that there are mainly nine levels of cultivation. There are an additional nine levels within the greater nine also. These are more called steps then levels.

The nine levels are as follows.

Qi discovering, this level focuses on mainly finding, discovering, and connecting with the Qi that is around everyone and everything. After connecting to the Qi that is in the world one must refine his dantian. When refining ones dantian there is a very small part of Qi which is also known as Spiritual power, which will come into one's body to turn it into a Qi "container". This is the first step on the road of cultivation, it is also one of the most important.

The second stage is called Qi gathering. This stage as one could probably imagine is all about gathering Qi. It is also this stage that most people are stuck on in their entire life. The main reason for this is that, almost anyone can get past Qi discovering. The actual road of cultivation starts in Qi gathering. If one has a bad base in Qi discovering, one will never get past Qi gathering. During Qi gathering one's spiritual "container" will grow by five times every proceeding level.

The next level is called Qi Condensation. This level is about taking the Qi that is from the universe and turning it into one's own power. In the preceding levels The Qi that one gathers is not their own. It is at this level that Qi turns into Spiritual Power. Spiritual power is what the individual can control. When people think of "Cultivators" and their supernatural power it is most likely people who were at this level who made those rumors. It is also this level where there are the most cultivators over all. When one gets to this level they can live for about one thousand years. One thousand years might seem like a tremendous amount of time but in reality, it is not.

Cultivating is an eternal and unending journey. People only assume that there are nine levels of cultivation. People think this because they have only heard rumors of people at this level. IT is entirely such a realm does not exist. Even more possible there might be levels beyond just nine levels.

Lime thought there were probably levels beyond just nine. There was no reason to think about these things as they were way above him right now. He was merely a "normal" mortal.

His mom didn't tell him about levels beyond the third. The reason for this was that she didn't want his head filled with pointless grandiose thoughts. She hoped for him to focus on what was directly infant of him. Another reason was that she wasn't entirely sure what load beyond the third level. She could make guesses, but guesses were still just guesses after all. She didn't want to fill Limes mind with not completely accurate information. She also dreaded looking supercilious to Lime.

After hearing all of this Lime said to his mom.

"Thanks Mom, I really love you."


"Mothers affection 95% > 100%"

"Changing Mothers affection into mothers blessing."

Lime asked the system to show him his blessings.


God of Gators Lv MAX

??? Lv Max

Mothers Blessing Lv Max (Mothers genuine and untainted love)

After seeing this Lime heard another Ding telling him that he had another subset open up.


Mother.... (what the heck is wrong with you man)

["why am I writing this? That is a great question, I feel like a degenerate ~GatorWine"]

Lime then noticed that he got another Enlightenment point.

Enlightenment points:

3 EP (Discovered Meta-Elf) (Found a Loli!) (Started your harem)

Lime just felt sick after seeing all of this.