00:14 April 1st - Lakewood, Colorado

Richard awoke suddenly. While he was not sure what had awoken him, he knew something was very, very wrong. The smell of blood and ruptured intestines filled the air. Coming off the cot slowly and in a crouch, his hand went to his ankle before silently opening the folding tactical knife he had placed there. 'Please let this be a nightmare...'

Moving slowly and cautiously to the door, he opened it a crack and the smell intensified. The hall lights were on, taking a moment to let his eyes acclimate to the brightness, Richard waited before using the blade as a mirror to see if there were any threatening shapes to either side of the hall. 'Did someone break in and stab someone in the gut? Is this a case of workplace violence?' Seeing nothing via his blade, Richard peeked out quickly looking both directions. Nothing.

Taking a quick glance at his watch and noting the time, Richard opened the door further. Keeping the knife low and against his thigh, he stepped out into the hall. He could hear some kind of strange sound coming from down the hall, all the way down by the security station. It almost sounded like an animal chewing and ripping at its kill. 'Could an animal have gotten in and taken down the guard? How in the hell could that have happened without me hearing anything? Mountain Lion? Why would one be all the way down here in town. They are far more likely to be up by my house...'

Shaking his head in order to dispel the unnecessary thoughts, at least for the moment, Richard moved slowly towards his office. His eyes never stopped scanning; foreword, side to side, near to far, check behind, repeat. His breath was even and slow, his movement as silent as possible. IF it was an animal, sudden or loud movements may attract its attention. Based on the smell, the current noise, and lack of shrieks of pain, if it was a person down, they were not likely to be alive. It seemed like forever to get to his office door, but in actuality it probably only took a minute at most. The door was still locked, which was a good sign that whatever was happening was not likely to be happening there.

Placing his finger against the lock, it made a slight click. Richard tensed, waiting anxiously as the noises, whatever they were stopped momentarily immediately afterwards. Suddenly, Consuela darted out of the NOC doorway, three doors down screaming, "GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD!!! GET IT OUT!!!" as she clawed at her own face, bloody runnels carved into her cheeks by her own nails. Something bloody burst out of the guard's area at the end of the hall and pounced at Consuela dragging her to the ground in a cacophony of growls and shrieks. Richard watched against, as in the moment he made a move forward to assist, blood began pumping from Consuela's neck. The fiend looked up, a bloody gibbet of flesh hanging from its jaws before he realized, it was not a beast, or an animal, at least not a four legged one, it was Peter! One of the janitorial staff.

Peter's eyes were unfocused and blood ran down his chin, completely covering his chest and abdomen. Richard had no idea what the hell was going on, but he narrowed his eyes contemplating what it would take to drop this fucker where he kneeled. But before he could act, the guard, the one who had been in the area Peter had come from, lurched into the hall as well, her intestines trailing behind her like some kind of macabre wedding train. Richard opened his door, darted in and slammed it shut. 'What the fuck?! That is some FUBAR shit!!!' Locking the door and dropping the security bar, Richard started to run to the bookshelves to get into the safe.

'Okay Snake Eater, you are trained for all kinds of shit. This is beyond fucked... targets are targets, they just need servicing. It does not matter that the target to be serviced should be, in any sane realm, dead... This room is secure. Call 9 1 1, check the cameras, kit up and wait for the police to arrive.'

Diving for the phone, Richard quickly dialed 9 1 1. "Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep..." Grabbing his cell phone, he tried again. "Bee Doo Dee. We're sorry, all circuits are busy now, please try your call again later. Message 17755. Bee Doo Dee. We're sorry, all circuits are busy now, please try your call again later. Message 17755."

"Fuck!" Richard cursed softly. Someone or something began banging on his door, trying to get it to open. Going to the safe, he decide to kit up before checking the cameras. Within moments, he had on a tactical vest complete with the Glock 26, spare magazines and rounds, zip strips, tactical knife, and other sundries. The Shotgun was lying on the desk as the weapon de jour, the MP-5K's stock was folded and on a tactical sling left, the M-4 Slung to his back. His Glock 17 was in a tactical thigh holster. Too many weapons, honestly, to be carrying at one time but fuck it. Strapping on his helmet with sound deadening technology to block loud noises, but not the rest after connecting the throat mike and put his tactical glasses on, Richard went over to the cameras. 'I am not a gun bunny... I am not a crunchy... what the fuck am I doing?' "Shit..."


View from Camera One - NOC

There is nothing in view that appears to be threating. Only things present are the workstations of the employees that should or could be there and some papers scattered around the central area.


View from Camera Two - Ten - COLO Server Rooms

There is nothing unusual seen on any of these cameras. Just row after row of server racks sitting atop the standard tiling found to cover the cable trays.


View from Camera Eleven - Hallway

There are three people, if you can call them that, attempting to break into Richard's office. Two of them... well two of them should be dead, if they are not already. Those two are the female guard and Consuela. Half of Consuela's neck is gone with her head tilted sideways as there is not enough muscle fibers left to support the cranium properly. Meanwhile, the guard's entire abdominal cavity is empty and trailing on the ground. Peter the third person and he is clawing at the door like a ravenous beast digging for his favorite prey.


View from Camera Twelve - Ready Room

The only thing seen here is the empty break room. There us possibly food in the refrigerator and some of the cabinets. There are medical supplies in the large first aid kit bolted to the wall as well as a fire extinguisher. Additionally, Richard's Woobie is lying next to the cot.


View from Camera Thirteen - Mike's Office

There is nothing unusual seen in Mike's Office. Just his desk, chairs, bookshelves...


View from Camera Fourteen - Janitorial Services

Richard sees someone in the room, but is unable to see clearly if it is a target or not as they huddled in the far corner and not moving. There is no blood seen and it appears that whoever it is has moved a janitorial cart to block the door and is using a plethora of brooms and mops jammed against it and the far wall to keep it in place.


View from Camera Fifteen - Guard Area

This camera is almost completed covered in blood spatter. What Richard can see is a mess. It appears that the guard may have tried to defend herself, but was unable to get her weapon into play. It appears that there is a pistol but under the desk, but the lighting and blood make it difficult to tell.


View from Exterior Camera One - Entrance

The walkway is currently clear of anything other than a light dusting of snow. It appears that it is snowing lightly.


View from Exterior Camera Two - Parking Lot

It is definitely snowing. The vehicles in the parking lot are starting to get covered by the frozen precipitation. There is a glow in the distance that is flickering. Richard is unable to determine if it from the lights of an emergency vehicle or a fire.


While cycling through the cameras, Richard tries to call 9 1 1 again... with the exact same results. Taking a look at his watch, it is now 00:46.

'Ok, lets try calling home...' Richard thinks.

Dialing his home number, he hears, "We are sorry, due to a state of emergency, The Office of the Governor has declared all uneccessary phone calls in the Denver Metro are to be blocked. Please turn on your radios and televisions, or visit the Goveneror's website to get more information.

Richard hangs up and tries to connect to the website mentioned, just in time for the local power to cut out. Listening to the generators kick on outside, minimal lighting comes on in his office. "That's about right..." Richard sighed, "This is so fucked. If I find out who invited the Demon Murphy to the whatever horror party this is, I'm going to fucking shoot them."