
Lance hastened to change the topic. "What was it you were talking about before I passed out? Something about"

The man knocked Lance on the head immediately and said,"Invincible earth my boy! You better not make that mistake again. Just know that these two will be words that will be associated with you throughout your life. Now that you are done staring, lets get to the orientation. It has already started for the faster candidates who managed to not faint." He chuckled.

As Lance caressed his head(the man was pretty strong), he asked,"So what do I call you? And what is this stuff about me being your descendant?".

"My real name is something that doesn't concern you right now, but you can call me Attok. That's Mr. Attok to you though. And regarding the matter of you being my descendant, that is true. My genes have been passed down through the centuries to finally give birth to you, Lance."

Lance looked at Attok with an odd expression."Centuries? So you are telling me that you are a hundreds of years old? Yeah right.", he scoffed.

"Out of all the things that happened to you, this is the one that you doubt? Lets just get to the orientation. All will be clear to you.", Attok chuckled.

As Attok started walking to the doorway between all the pods, Lance hurried to follow him. The room was so vast that he was scared that he would get lost if he didn't stay one step behind.

As he walked through multiple rooms, he noticed that all of them were so vast that it took 20 minutes each to just cross them with a brisk walk. Unfit as he was, Lance felt himself panting more and more as Attok just marched forward not looking back even once.

Each room seemed to have a specific function, with some like the one he had woken up in, filled with pods and others having strange equipment, either more pedestrals with floating orbs or machinery that seemed fused with the glassy floor and looking futuristic with blinking lights and numerous controls.

What was strange was that there were very few people in such vast areas.The few people he had seen were busy with their work, but each and every one of them were at the peak of fitness with muscles that could be seen even if they were wearing thick coveralls.

Seeing this and looking down to look at his tummy, Lance wondered if it had been the right decision to allow himself to get fat. As his mind drifted with his eyes just seeing Attok's feet in the corner of his vision, Lance found himself almost losing consciousness again due to over exhaustion.

As Attok finally came to a halt in front of a large doorway almost 50 feet tall, Lance ran into him almost on the verge of collapse. He propped Lance up and pressed his vein to wake him up, and if someone were looking they would see a reddish stream of light enter Lance's body from Attok's.

"I have taken back my powers completely. They were never yours to begin with, so you could only use them but not feel yourself losing them. The orientation is ahead. Just remember that everything you see is the real truth. It is what you have been searching for all those hours you were browsing the internet looking for clues about UFOs. Remember: carry yourself with dignity and do not bring shame to my glorious line."

Saying so, Attok pushed Lance towards the door with enough force to make him collide with it. As Lance realized this and cursed the old man in the split second before the collision, he suddenly felt as if he had plunged into a freezing lake. The next second, he found himself floating in a purple substance that made him feel as light as a feather. As he looked above him, as far the eye could see, he could see people of all races floating upwards in a dream-like state. They were all of a similar age to him, and as he was wondering what the hell was going on, he found himself getting more and more drowsy.

As his feet left the ground and he also started floating up, Lance fell asleep and the jelly surrounding him flashed for a foot around him. The flash was especially bright around his head, and this was the moment Lance's dream started.