Mission Eligibility Test

The next morning, as each Initiate made their way to the training ground after breakfast, they found a huge holographic image waiting for them. On it was rotating the iconic dragon around the earth which symbolized IE.

The holographic image dwarfed all the initiates, standing at around 50 feet height and width. It was in the center of the ground, so all the initiates gathered around it in concentric circles. As the image was hovering in the air, it was visible to everyone.

At the exact second the clock struck 8, a tall man with a shaven head wearing army camouflage clothes walked towards the image. As soon as he got under it, it was as if he had grown into a giant as the image had changed from the symbol to a 50 feet tall replica of the man.

The constant buzzing that had been there immediately quieted down seeing the stoic expression of the man.

As pin drop silence ensued, the man started talking.

"I am Donovan, the person in charge of the IE Initiate Training Program. Today is one of the most important days of your life. Today is when it will be decided whether you are a rising newcomer who can be groomed and nurtured with the highest amount of resources, or if you will go into the army to be a soldier of IE. The Earth is our mother and our home. As human beings born on earth, it is our duty to protect her from all threats foreign or domestic. Now is the time to decide whether you will do it as a soldier or as a commander.

The METs(Mission Eligibility Training Tests) will test each and every aspect of your improvement over the past month.

Some of you may think that you can fail the METs on purpose to train further and decrease the risk of you dying. You might think you will be fed such amounts of enidra every day allowing you to grow stronger and stronger.

Let me tell you, you will be sorely disappointed. The enidra supply of each failed initiate will be cut by half for each failed test or mission. On the other hand, if you pass the test and the mission, your diet will be upgraded to a more effective and precious form of enidra and you will also be awarded with various cultivation resources and weapons.

Fail, and your resources will be halved, along with our expectations.

Fail enough times, and you will be sent back to earth with your memories erased and your cultivation voided.

Pass the test and the mission, IE will spare no expense in grooming you to be the most powerful you can be.

Pass, and make your ancestors proud.

Pass, and earn the right to be part of Invincible Earth!"

Donovan shouted out the last words, with his fist in the air and eyes burning with passion.

He didn't need to use his prowess as a Legend to influence the ones around him. After finding out that failing meant possibly fading away in mediocrity, even the meekest of them all looked up with their chest puffed out, ready for the challenge.

"Are you ready to honor your duty?", asked Donovan in a thunderous voice.

"YES!", screamed the initiates, faces red and eyes bloodshot.

The ground shook and the wind roared, as if in anticipation of the new legends these seeds would write.