The Situation

Lance took over at this point.

He started by first asking the soldier how they had been discovered. It turned out that they were actually in a secret network of tunnels situated almost a kilometer under the pentagon.

This was the bottom most level, which housed the deepest and darkest secrets of the United States. Each and every country had a location like this which was so secure that even a fly couldn't get in.

The reason for them being found out was that each and every inch of the labyrinths was covered in motion detectors. If even a fly or mouse were moving through, the exact location could be detected.

Lance first ordered the soldier to reply to the command center that it was just a dead fly. He only did so after confirming that this was a regular occurrence, to not raise any doubts in his commanding officer.

After that, he asked the soldier for a location that was devoid of detectors where they could plan their next step. There was only one such place: the janitor room. Once an authorized entry was made, there would be no detection. Authorized entry though required a DNA and retina test which took place simultaneously.

Lance thought for a bit and told the soldier to lead them to the janitor room. Meanwhile, he started asking for possible locations where the dossier could be.

Thankfully, there was no need to sift through possibilities. There was only one place where all such dossiers were stored: the vault.

The vault was a foot thick alloy-made box that could not be penetrated by almost any method known to man.

There was only one entrance and one exit. The entrance was guarded 24/7 by 50 guards in consecutive checkpoints.

There was multiple equipment to prevent anyone unauthorized from entering. Apart from the regular DNA tests, any request to access the vault had to be authorized by the joint chiefs of staff.

As Lance started making a plan to hypnotize the chiefs, the soldier said that a legend level figure was always on duty in the white house, protecting key personnel.

This put an end to those plans. Also, it was surprising that information about cultivators was present here.

When asked about this, the soldier didn't understand the term "cultivators". Instead, Lance had to ask about power levels before finding out that that the path to power they were following was well known, at least in the top level of the military, and that although there were different terms used, the overall barriers for the power levels were the same. Legends were legends no matter where they were, so luckily this term matched.

To conspiracy buffs like the initiates, this was eye-opening. Even though much information could be learned from the internet, it seemed that there was much more that was hidden very effectively.

A brute force method seemed to be the only way possible. Sneaking in was out of the question.

As they reached the janitors room, Lance realized that in their hand was a soldier, not a janitor.

Wondering what to do, he asked Yu Ying:"Will he follow orders even if he isn't close to you? And can you hypnotize someone else right now?"

"Dummy, you're forgetting my sister. Instead of tiring me, she can do it. And, any human would follow all orders until you tell him not to, even if he weren't near me. If our INs needed our presence, they would be much weaker", answered Yu Ying with a look of pride on her face.

Lance had forgotten about Yu Yan. Yu Yan silently glared at Lance, seeing that he had actually dared to forget her.

Sheepishly scratching his head, Lance ordered the soldier to first order the janitor here for some plausible reason before going on his usual rounds. Of course, he was ordered to forget everything that had happened.

The former was suggested by Yu Ying, who said that instead of having to think of plausible scenarios, he could just order the soldier to use one. Such retainment of thinking faculty in hypnosis seemed very impressive.

"Yu Yan, I want you to .... er .... do your magic on the janitor as soon as he comes. Remember, don't give him a chance to warn."

Hearing this, all the boys turned towards Yu Yan, waiting for a similar show. Even Entsy, who usually acted aloof, constantly glanced Yu Yan's way.

Yu Yan blushed as she felt all the scorching gazes on her.

"Damn Ying. Each and every time, she uses her IN first and everyone expects me to do the same.", thought Yu Yin as she glowered at the mischievously smiling Yu Ying.