Yu Yan's IN

After a short wait, footsteps could be heard from the end of the corridor.

"Yu Yan, you're up.", said Lance, motioning her to come to the front of the group.

After she was in position, the team quietened down so as to not alert the janitor.

As the janitor slowly came into view, Yu Yan's transformation started.

Her shoulders drooped as she started looking around with a scared expression on her face. With her already astoundingly cute looks, this image would elicit in anyone the urge to help out and do whatever they can.

As the Janitor fully came into view from a corner, the 3 boys heard the most endearing voice that they would ever hear in their life.

"Mister, can you help me please? I'm lost.....".

Her voice trailed away while she started sobbing silently.

The guard had at least had the chance to question them. The poor janitor though, was entranced the second he saw Yu Yan.

What was incredible was that not just the janitor, but all three of the boys had also become temporarily entranced.

Lance was the first to snap out of it, shaking his head as he struggled to get that cute image out of his head. At that moment, his mind had been repeating just one thing:"Shes so pitiful. You HAVE to help her. Do whatever she says."

He had almost succumbed to the feeling but something had made him awaken.

Entsy was next, with Darius being the last.

Seeing this, Yu Yan raised her eyebrow, looking at Lance in a new light.

She had stopped her transformation after the janitor had become hypnotized, but like her sister she could not yet control her power to only affect a target of her choosing.

"Our INs work by using a combination of our brain waves and energy construct field to influence and take control of another's. But to activate it, we need to perform certain moments which trigger the usage of our IN. As you saw, my sisters and mine are completely different, but the effect is the same. Lance, you can order him now.", explained Yu Yan.

Lance nodded, marveling at the wonders of Intrinsic Natures.

"I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot. Your IN is really incredible, and I would really treasure being friends with you.", he said while outstretching his hand.

After cocking her head and looking at Lance for a second, Yu Yan smiled, shaking his hand.

"Apology accepted. Lets be friends. My elder told me that the stronger the IN, the lesser time is needed to snap out of our effect. You were first, so I'm sure your IN is going to dazzle us all."

Lance blushed hearing this. He had always been good at giving out compliments but never good at taking them.

Yu Yan giggled, taking back her hand and going to Yu Ying's side. The sisters held hands as they started whispering about something while waiting for Lance's next instructions.

"Plug the hole and take us into the room. Make sure no alarm is raised.", ordered Lance.

Nodding, the janitor took less than a minute to plug the hole, filling it with some sort of solution from a tube which almost instantly hardened.

Afterwards, he went to the janitor room and held the doorknob. In front of his head, a square shaped hole appeared into which the janitor slightly stuck his head in.

This was the DNA and retina testing mechanism. After a few seconds, a "BEEP" sound was heard as the door opened.

The janitor walked in and fiddled with a control panel inside before coming out and nodding at Lance.

The team quickly shuffled into the room, shutting it behind them, erasing themselves from all surveillance temporarily. Operation "Get the Dossier" would begin soon.