The Pride of the Free World(1)

"Why? You outsiders kidnap our families, raze our towns, burn our cities and you ask why? Truly despicable, trying to act as if you had no hand in all the horrific crimes committed. Not a year has gone by in which the body count can go below a million people. It is even considered a good year if only a million people die in your hands.", said another man with rage.

Lance simply couldn't process this new information. Over a million people were killed every year? This was simply an unfathomable number. Who were these outsiders?

"These are even only the deaths which can be counted. Some researchers say the actual number is many times higher but we do not have the technology to track each and every human."

Lance couldn't speak. With the seconds ticking away, the sounds of searching got more and more frantic.

"Nobody forced us to be here. All of us are people who lost loved ones at your hands. Given the opportunity to take revenge, it only gives us happiness to die for such a noble cause."

"Our pride stems from the fact that our deaths make a difference. Our names and deeds may be forgotten, but the fact that we contributed to protecting our homeland will forever be etched in humanity's past."

"Our pride is knowing that some day, you and your kind will be defeated and the earth shall have peace."

"We laugh because we know we won. And you have lost."

Each of the men and women stated their thoughts. As the group stood tall, faces beaming with pride and the joy of victory, Lance and his team could do nothing but look on.

This moment of pure devotion to their homeland would forever be etched in the deepest corners of each and every team members minds.

As if saluting to the groups outstanding loyalty, the vault started making rattling with sounds like the loading of ammunition radiating inside.

Lance could only kneel down and cry at this moment. Yu Yan and Yu Ying were also silently sobbing beside him, holding each other.

To die for your homeland. To protect it by giving up your last breath. To feel proud that your last breath will make your mother's breath easier.

Lance wanted to feel this. He wanted to go out and fight these damnable outsiders. How dare they kill earthlings? They had to pay!

He wanted to grow stronger. He wanted to have the time and ability to make a difference. He wanted to have the same expression as every man and woman who were in the vault with them. An expression free of worry. An expression of honor.

"I found it!", came a scream from the rows of files. Lance immediately stood up and ran towards the voice.

He came upon a mess after running for a few seconds. It seemed that Entsy had crashed down the shelf in frustration. Lance and the others simply hadn't heard the sounds due to the trance-like state they were in when listening to the group.

A few feet away from them both in the middle was a file with the same shining words.

Entsy was collapsed on the ground. "That's the last file. I've touched all the others. It must be the key. I've broken my legs because I pushed myself too much. Get it Lance!", he shouted after taking a long breath before collapsing unconscious.

Hearing this, Lance started running the fastest he ever had in his life. Each and every cell in his legs focused to spur him forward at the highest speed possible. The energy construct in his dantian started shining bright as the field grew in intensity. The golden light above though was still the same.

Sounds of gunshots suddenly emanated from above, making Lance slightly glance towards the sounds.

Time seemed to slow down as Lance somehow miraculously saw the bullets speeding towards him. One was going directly towards the leg he was going to set down next, which would definitely make him fall. The fall would open him up to the hail of bullets which would spell his end.

He was within inches of the file, his hand stretched out in front of him. If the bullet didn't hit, his next footfall would let him touch the file as he could leap forward.

He wished with all his might to reach it. He wished with all his might to live.

The golden light flashed.