Team Spar(1)

Meanwhile, Lance's team was gearing up for the spar. Although it was called a "spar", these fights usually resulted in terrible injuries especially if a vendetta existed between the two teams.

Due to the advanced technology and materials available, it was possible to bring back a person from literal death-with the condition that only a minute passed before revival. This was also common on earth where a defibrillator was used for the same, but here, even if the person was deeply injured, it was possible to resuscitate them.

Thus, spars were almost never stopped. Each team member's brain and body was analyzed real time and a member would be extracted and treated instantly in the case of catastrophic failures.

Any and all equipment owned by the team members was banned. Instead, each member was given a certain number of points which which they could choose some standard equipment.

For example, someone like Darius who had incredible attack and defense capabilities would choose something which boosted his strength over all, like a shield and sword. But someone like Entsy who predominantly leaned towards attack would choose shields above any other equipment.

Thus, each member could use their strengths however they saw fit. This was implemented to reduce the possibility of anyone taking any undue advantage.

The arena was randomly selected. As they were initiates, arenas were usually small and limited in choice. For them, the options were tundra, forest, desert and dueling arena. The first three were exactly as they were named: teams would be placed in opposite ends of the specific terrain. As for the last, it was an open area where teams would be placed just 20 feet away from each other.

The goal was to eliminate the other team while ensuring that at least one team member of one's own team survived.

There was one last thing to choose: virtual or real spar. But, again, this was decided by the challenger. It was only possible to counter challenge a team to a real spar in case they had originally challenged the team to a virtual one. This rule was set in place to caution teams from challenging others without thinking of the consequences.

Apollo had of course chosen a real spar.

After item selection was done, the team sat down to discuss a strategy. In Lance's absence, Darius was chosen as the leader. Although he might be a bit crude at times, he was the one with the best overall strategical skills.

Darius had opted for an item known as an energy amplifier. This device allowed the user to use less energy and hence time to perform the same task. If he had had this item during the mission, he could have been able to activate the earthquake in advance and join the team before the final assault.

Entsy chose a shield and a short dagger. He was most used to the style of hit and run.

Of the twins, Yu Yan chose an energy amplifier like Darius and Yu Ying strangely opted for a whip and a shield. When asked, she told the others that her specialty was engaging someone in close combat and distracting them using her IN before going in for the kill. Since childhood, she had trained with the whip and was quite proficient in it.

Yu Yan on the other hand had never had much interest in weapons. Her family had been very accommodating and had allowed her to do as she liked. Thus, after discussing a little with the team, it was decided that her role would be to use her IN to distract an opposing team member which would be taken advantage of.

The plan was decided: Entsy would be in charge of offense and Darius would defend the girls and also attack if he got the chance. Yu Yan would act if she had an opportunity to give either Yu Ying or Entsy a chance to disable an opposing team member. Yu Ying would cover their backs and make sure no one flanked them.

Although it seemed simple, it ticked all the major check boxes, at least on paper. Their strengths would be put to full use while anticipating for the enemy's strategies.

Little did they know that with the strength difference they would be up against, any strategy would have little to no effect.