
This man dressed in red was, of course, Lance. The look of fury on his face changed into a small smile of relief as he heard the announcement.

He first raised the twins who were on the ground. Events had moved too fast and they were still in a daze.

For the honor of the team, these two had not hesitated to put their lives on the line. True, they might not have died, but the courage to take the pain to preserve the dignity of the team had truly impressed him.

Medical staff were already taking care of Darius and Entsy who had both fainted.

Although their wounds were serious, it was nothing compared to those of Apollo. His chest was sunk in from the sheer force of the punches. His sharp jaw was now broken and would need to be aligned carefully.

Although there would be no lasting damage physically, there was nothing that could be said about the mental effects.

The doors banged open again as a man with spiky yellow hair wearing blue casual clothes stormed into the arena. He first went to see Apollo's condition before turning to glare towards Lance. Lance could guess who this was.

"Thank god you made it in time. Where were you?"

"How did you defeat them all in one punch?"

"Were you always this powerful?"

The twins who had recovered started raining questions on him.

As he turned towards them to answer, a small flicker of lightning appeared a few feet in front of him.

In the fraction of a second, it had morphed into the man with the spiky hair. Rage was evident on his face as blue sparks of lightning started flickering around his eyes, which were also an electric blue.

Lance and the twins felt the hair on their arms stand up. Just as he was about to push the twins behind him in order to protect them, a loud "CLAP" came from beside him.

It was Attok. There seemed to be a golden hue around him as he said in a loud voice, "Calm down Sellax. You don't want to hurt initiates do you?"

As if coming back to his senses, the signs of rage subsided in the man's face. His eyes went back to normal as he said in a cold voice, "Attok. Tell your descendant to act with moderation. We are all on the same side after all."

"Oh? Your descendant can use a lightning bolt and my descendant needs to be moderate? If I were him, I would have broken every bone in that kids body. He targeted a team when all the members weren't present. Your 'advice' isn't needed here. Go mouth off where people will hear. Shoo.", he said, at the end making a shooing motion with his hand.

After saying so, he completely ignored the man as if he still weren't standing there.

"Well done! You have surpassed all expectations! Our family's strength suit fits you perfectly! Too bad you had to deactivate it before entering. If you hadn't, that kid would have been dead with the first punch.", said Attok making the three of them flinch.

Seeing Attok completely ignoring him, rage appeared again on his face but multiplied a hundredfold.

"YOU DARE IGNORE ME?", he shouted, before pointing at Attok with a finger. A lightning bolt as thick as an arm appeared, shooting through the air towards Attok.

The loud sound of thunder seemed to crack the air, making the departing spectators turn around to see what was happening.

Attok smirked as if he had expected this. He winked at Lance before smiling and saying, "Watch this."

The bolt of lightning was in front of Attok in a second. Strangely, he did nothing to stop it.

As the bolt entered his body, it seemed to be swallowed up like Attok was a bottomless black hole.

He wasn't burned or singed. The bolt had simply disappeared.

A moment later, Attok started to turn red. His muscles swelled and ripped his suit, rippling with power.

He took a deep breath, allowing the muscles to grow more red and bigger.

At the end of the breath, he raised his left hand up and bent, punching the ground with a resounding "BOOOOM".

The earth split, jagged cracks appearing all the way to where Sellax was standing.

He was trying to disappear like before but found that Attok had done something to slow his teleportation. He could only watch on as the ground below him opened up and swallowed him whole.

Attok went back to normal after he hit the ground.

"Can't let you think your old man is weak can I. What do you think?", he asked, gesturing towards the fractured stadium

Lance gulped, not knowing what to say. He could only wish that this ancestor wasn't listening all the times he had cursed him for announcing that he was last in the rankings.

This was simply power that could split the earth in two, in every sense of the phrase.