The Plan

Hearing this, Lance hurried to open the dossier and read it.

There were a lot of pages which detailed many of the inventions of Nicola Tesla which never came to light. Designs like those of the infamous death ray, a teleporter and even a flying saucer were present.

Lance remembered though that the aim of the mission was to find out the power source of the IE super structure. Hence, he searched for the designs of the invention that he had heard of: the one which guaranteed free electricity to everyone by leveraging certain locations on the earth where energy was produced due to the property of the earth being one giant magnet.

It was towards the end of the dossier.

As they were in a race for time, Lance had no choice but to skip through the details of the invention. All he knew was that this enabled energy to be harnessed by the above mentioned mechanism and then somehow beamed into a certain layer of atmosphere from which anyone could "download" it with the requisite mechanisms. Simply, one could think of electricity in the way people thought of the internet right now: able to be downloaded and utilized easily instead of depending on expensive equipment and surcharges.

Flipping through, a page was dedicated to the Great Pyramid of Giza. In it, Tesla stated that the pyramid was located at one such location and was designed to harness energy both from its location and from the flowing Nile river which was once situated near it. To accomplish this, three main components were required-one under the pyramid, one in the middle and one near the top.

What followed was detailed instructions regarding how to access these locations and extract the components. It seemed that each component was the size of a man's head albeit in different sizes.

This was all he needed to know right now. Their mission was only to extract the components, so Lance tore the pages regarding the pyramid and stuffed them in his pocket. Although he was wearing the red jacket and gloves, they were again deactivated. Right now, they were just an object of luxury which also had the additional function to keep him cool. The suit was practically packed with nifty features like these but this was the most relevant right now. As it was just a convenience item, it was allowed.

Not caring that this dossier might have precious historical significance, Lance threw the dossier on the table. It was time to plan and leave.

"What do you guys think? Should we go through the city or the desert? If we get into the city, we can try to get on a local bus and reach the Pyramid faster. But I have no idea if it would be that easy. Frankly, because we don't have much information, I say we go by a vote. I vote for the city."

Unanimously, everyone else also voted for the city. Who would want to trek through miles and miles of sand if there was a faster, more convenient option?

Nodding, the team proceeded to leave. They had only the clothes on their back and the items given in the pouch.

Instead of designating Entsy as the scout, Lance decided to save energy and have everyone walk together.

After walking for a few minutes, they soon found a road with directions leading towards the city. It was in good condition although in the time they walked on it, there was almost no traffic. Only a few private vehicles sped past.

Lance felt it was strange. This was a road leading to a major city. There were very few scenarios which would lead to such a road being so empty.

Unable to shake off the feeling of uneasiness creeping up on him, Lance continued walking.

Billowing clouds of smoke could be seen in the air as they got closer and closer to their destination.