Fighting the Grey(2)

Seeing the Grey as soon as he burst through the sand wall, Lance unwillingly looked into its eyes.

He saw death and destruction. His death, his team's death, his family's death and the world's destruction. "All these things would happen anyway, so why even fight it?" Came the thought.

"If I fight, these things might not happen", a tiny voice said inside him, fighting against the pull of those bottom less eyes.

It had only been a second since he burst through and his team had immediately following him in. Seeing Lance staring at the Grey's eyes, dazed, Darius immediately hit his head from behind with all the force he could muster.

"WAKE UP! Everyone, don't look into its eyes!", he said, while Lance finally extracted himself from the pull that pushed him towards self-destruction.

Darius had hit him quite hard, but it had probably saved his life.

When he looked back at the grey, he made it a point to see elsewhere.

Instead he found himself looking at the room they were in. The whole room was made out of gold, with carefully carved hieroglyphs glittering in the light that came from an unknown source.

Treasure lay around the room, which made the room they had been in earlier seem like nothing. Diamonds as large as a human's fists, sapphires that shone brilliantly, extravagantly studded weapons that gave an image of both beauty and danger. The wealth of the race which built this pyramid was in full display.

The room was pyramid shaped, with the walls shaping upwards to end at a certain point. At this point was the most magnificent treasure of all: a pure gold capstone which was half the size of a human. It's shine eclipsed everything else in the room.

The Grey was standing directly below the capstone. It seemed to be trying to use its sand powers to remove the capstone, as a few sand devils could be seen around it, trying to pull it out.

"Stop it! I'll attack, the rest of you follow my lead! Twins, stay on standby! Use your powers if you feel it will make a critical difference.", he said to the team, trying to give out as little information as possible.

Activating the wishroot again, Lance leaped towards the Grey. By now, half of the energy he had stored was gone.

Only, this gave him a boost even stronger than before. Holes the shape of his feet even appeared on the floor made of gold.

The Grey smiled seeing him coming towards it. Although he was aiming at its face, he was still looking elsewhere.

It was a creepy smile, which exposed the sharp teeth inside. The smile went all the way up to its head, almost like its mouth would open to be big enough to swallow a human whole.

Such a terrifying sight might send someone to their death with its horror alone, due to the power of the Grey's eyes.

Lance, who was flying across the room, suddenly felt as if he were back in the water in the Time Manipulated Chamber. The swirling sand around the Grey had turned into a rolling river of sand, trapping him by slowly ablating all of his momentum. If he got stuck here, he would be helpless as there was no surface to even jump off from.

The now solid swirling circular river of sand around the Grey had the properties of quicksand. Lance had no choice but to be stopped and swept away by the flow.

The Grey came towards him, and he closed his eyes. A disgusting, wet sound of saliva came from in front of him. If he were alone, this would have been his end.

Only, he had a team behind him whom he trusted.