Obtaining The Other Parts

A passageway opened in the side as soon as they removed the capstone. The rumbling on the other hand stopped, as if whoever had been attacking the pyramid had backed off temporarily.

"Entsy, check where that passage leads to. If it leads out, go to this location and check if there are any enemies on the way", said Lance, taking the document and showing Entsy a place around a kilometer away from the pyramid. It was their 'extraction point', i.e where they would have to deposit the capstone if they wanted to finish the mission.

"Everyone else, lets go back. We have to get back to the fork to get the other two components. My plan originally was to get to the top and work down gradually so that we can directly leave after getting the bottom most part. Now that we may have an exit, let's split up and get the other two parts and meet back here."

"What about the giant though?", asked Yu Ying.

Right, that damn giant was still in the way. Lance had forgotten about it, because in front of the grey, it had been a lesser threat, maybe due to its speed.

"Change of plans. Let's go the giant's room together. There, we can decide what to do.", said Lance.

The team walked back to the entrance to the giants room. Lance had been hoping that the giant would be back in the coffin, but they had no such luck. It was actually patrolling the room, wary of intruders.

The plan to walk through trying not to alert a sleeping giant was scrapped. Now, they could only depend on Entsy.

"Can you run fast enough to get to the other end alive?", Lance asked. This was most crucial right now.

"Yes, but I will have to use my maximum speed. I can only do that 3 times before I disable my legs.", reploed Entsy calmly. It seemed that disabling legs was nothing rare to this short guy.

"2 should be enough. Run through and get to the fork. Check each route for this part.", said Lance, handing him the document. The other two parts were quite small. One was a metal box which was apparently crucial in collecting energy from the location. The other was the mechanism to be used to 'download' the energy, a contraption the size of a man's arm which seemed to be made of limestone. It was basically like a baseball bat, but carved with symbols.

"If there are enemies waiting, come back to the other side of the room and shout. These items should not require any special actions to extract as we have already grounded the pyramid."

Nodding, Entsy studied the documents for a bit.

Turning towards the giant's room, he bent as if he were going to jump up.

His leg muscles bulged, tearing the pant that he was wearing. His calf itself was so huge that it looked more like a buff bicep. It reminded Lance of the cartoon Popeye, where the MC would eat spinach and get bulging muscles just like Entsy.

After about 5 seconds, a 'WHOOSH' sound appeared as Entsy vanished from their sight. He had almost instantaneously accelerated to a speed of 80 km/h, almost flying through the air.

This was so fast that he was out of the room with the giant before the giant could even notice that something was wrong. Seeing a human on the other size, it roared at Entsy.

Entsy was holding the wall and panting. His legs had gone back to normal, but small drops of blood were seen where he was standing. The others had no idea where it was due to the instant acceleration or the technique he had used.

After taking a minute or two of rest, he set off to the fork.

About 30 minutes later in which the rest of the team waited with bated breath dreading news of more enemies, Entsy returned with a long, cylindrical carved limestone block and a small metal box the size of a palm.

Again, he gathered energy and sped through the room with the giant none the wiser. All it could do was stare and growl, helpless.

All the components were finally collected. It was time to end this mission.