
Tears rolled down the delicate face of Feng hanyan as she did her best to free herself from the hands of the dirty wolf. With all her strength she shook her arms and wrist which was currently tangled up by the hei's family servant. Feng hanyan's begging voice was loud to hear and everyone who heard it felt a sense of anger and pity, but they were powerless to stop them, everyone feared to anger such a powerful foe and in the end, it might end up with them with their families ruined.

Liuyun was blanking out from the pain of being tortured as he sees his skin being slowly teared off and his entire body was being disfigured. Suddenly, hearing Feng hanyan's pain filled voice quickly snapped Liuyun up as he forced himself to look towards the direction of Feng Hanyan.

The sight was horrible for him, the little girl's clothes were slowly being torn off by the ugly looking servant and her face was filled with fear and tears. He thought to himself… I finally get the chance to see her once more after so many years, I lost her once already… IM NOT GOING TO MOTHERFKING LOSE HER AGAIN!


Something snapped in the boy's mind as he lost his consciousness, his mind turned black and he could no longer think of anything. His body was out of his control as it fell to the ground lifeless.

His conscious entered a dark room with nothing inside, he pondered and wondered where he was… Where am I?

Looking around it was truly black and nothingness in here. He smiled sadly as he realized he must be dead… what a joke, dying once he saw his once loved friend and vowed to protect her, but what happened? He fucking died and his last memories of Feng hanyan was her currently in the midst of being raped while he himself was tortured to death. It was his fault for angering that noble...and his fault that currently Feng hanyan was being raped.

"Hahaha… I'm such a fucking bastard. Angering someone who I couldn't beat… why the fuck was I even reborn for?" Not sure if he was asking himself or someone that he hoped that can answer him. But it was all over… his life was over, his woman was humiliated and he died powerlessly.

Tears dripped and his eyes were swollen, for many years he has only cried twice when Li Yuyuan died and now.

"Brat! You haven't died yet moron"

This voice snapped Liuyun out of his sadness as he looked around to find the source of the voice.

"You are so weak how did you even get he… wait a minute your constitution…"

Sensing a shocked expression in the voice, Liuyun knew something wasn't right but he could no longer care less.

"What do you mean I am not dead yet?"

"Like I said you aren't dead yet, you are just in your soul realm and you're conscious just retreated her since you were at death's door.

"How do I get out of here! I need to save someone!"

The voice did not respond for a moment as it began to laugh.

"Hahaha! With your current strength? No way in hell, I saw what happened in your memories and even if you got out here you will be unable to defeat them."


Hollering at his loudest voice he can muster he shouted back with authority. The voice once again turned silent as it seemed to start pondering slightly.

"Hmm… I do have a way."

"What is it?!"

"Sacrifice half of your soul to me… if you do so I will save you and your girlfriend."

"As long as you promise me you will never harm her and her family I don't care, I will gladly sacrifice half of my soul."

The resolution in Liuyun's voice was strong as he fearlessly and with no hesitation, he was fully willing to sacrifice himself for Feng hanyan.

"Hahaha Boy, I like your guts! Very well I will save your girlfriend in exchange for half of your soul."

Suddenly the voice stopped as Liuyun wondered what was happening when suddenly, he felt a piercing pain of something within his body being torn off from him.

"Ughh!!" The pain was something that would make most people faint in pain and they would wish to die faster. But Liuyun endured the pain, he knew this was the only way he could save Feng hanyan.

The pain seemed to last endlessly, and when it finally ended, Liuyun dropped to the ground and started to breathe heavily, his mind was dizzy and he felt as if he would never be complete ever.

"Well then… wake up and it will be time to kill the weaklings…"


A sharp glint appeared in Liuyun eyes as he seemed to awaken his killer instincts… his mind was cleared up in an instant and he released a deadly and suffocating aura around him. He was going to return back there and kill those who opposed him.

"You ready?"

"Let's go."