The Feng Clan head (I)

4 years later…

In the forest nearby the city of Xiangyu, an elderly old man was currently battling against a young handsome man. His hair was bright red and it seemed to be burning strongly like a young flame, his eyes were dark blue like the ocean, seemingly full of depths and calmness that was rarely seen in kids his age. After 4 years, the young seemed to have grown a head taller and his face was more masculine than before, but there was still a hint of immaturity to it.

The young man was Liuyun, and currently, he was sweating profusely as he frantically yet skillfully wielded his blade, trying to injure a wound to his master. His master, Feng Yang Zhe was looking at his moves seriously and though it seemed to be quick in many people's eyes, to him it was as if he was watching a slow snail moving.

Feng Yang Zhe swiftly dodged the blade and immediately vanished into the air, his entire body was gone and nothing was left behind. Seeing his master's disappearance, Liuyun was shocked for a moment before he calmed himself down and used his Nature energy to try to sense for his master.

Immediately afterward, he jumped forward and slashed down. If people were looking at him without understanding what was going on, they would probably think he was insane. The blade was about to slash down but immediately he felt a certain force holding him back and Feng Yang Zhe suddenly reappeared behind him and his left hand knocked onto his head.

"You've lost."

Immediately after saying so, Liuyun's battle aura faded away and he sat down on the ground unresigned. Obviously he was slightly disappointed and angry at his lost.

"Damn it, I almost had you there master."

"Hahaha! If you can get me with that attack I would just stop calling myself a cultivator in the fate stage realm."

"Ugh… I will defeat you someday!"

Even though they were saying taunting words to each other, their relationship was very close, as if they were grandfather and grandson. They cleaned up the mess they made in the forest and immediately went back to the Feng clan's manor.

Inside there, Feng Hanyan was sitting in the courtyard beside her room and was cultivating. Her aura fluctuated and suddenly, bam, the nature energy within her dispersed and recollected quickly, in an instant, she made a breakthrough.

"I broke through! Phew took me a while but I did it!"

She was happy about her breakthrough but now she was older, she became more mature and was calmer about things now. Ever since that day she kissed Liuyun, she started to cultivate more diligently and even started to learn about formations. It was all to prevent herself from becoming Liuyun's weakness and she wanted to stay by his side. Of course, the people who are most happy about Feng Hanyan's changes are her parents.

In the past, she used to run away when it was time to cultivate and study, but now, seeing her proactively working hard to become stronger and even showing signs that she was cultivating and formation genius, made them want to shout out loudly to the world that they were proud of their daughter.

Feng Hanyan felt a familiar aura entering the house, she quickly stopped what she was doing and immediately rushed out to the door. Seeing Liuyun and her martial uncle step into the manor, she jumped into Liuyun's arms and hugged him.

"Welcome back Liuyun!"

"I'm back mistress…"

Even though Feng Hanyan always hugged him every time he can back from anything. He did not get tired of it, as a matter of fact. He enjoyed it, even more, every time.

"Ah… Yan'er… Aren't you going to greet Martial uncle as well?"

"Ah! Yes, welcome home too martial uncle. Liuyun come in and rest awhile."

The obvious disparity in the treatments of the two people made Feng Yang Zhe silently cry out in his heart. His precious niece, who he treated as if his own daughter, was totally head for heels for Liuyun. How can one feel happy when someone is trying to steal your precious baby away from you. He silently marked Liuyun down and decided that the next training session they will have will be 20x harder.

Poor Liuyun did not know about this and enjoyed the warmth and comfort of Feng Hanyan's arms.

The two of them enjoyed their time chatting together, eating together and training together. Liuyun wished that time can stop now so that he can enjoy this for eternity.

"Liuyun. I broke through to the origin high-level stage! I am the same as you now!"

"Mistress… That is awesome! You broke through to the origin stage in just 3 years while having undergone Master's foundation training. But sorry to say but I am at the Profound low-level stage."

"Wah?! Dang, it! I still haven't beat you yet! Mumumu."