10 year promise...

Hearing such bold, determined and sincere words from Liuyun. It was as if an arrow shot through Feng Hanyan's heart, she was a goner, her heart was completely tamed by Liuyun. Meanwhile, the clan head's heart crumbled and tore into pieces, he was obviously furious and his eyes turned into a sharp glint.

The clan head's aura started to burst from within his body and this time even more ferocious than before, a strong killing intent can be felt from within the aura. He directed the aura onto Liuyun's body and Liuyun started to be overwhelmed by the intense and raging pressure. His body started to perspire and in mere seconds it was covered in cold sweat, his legs shivering from resisting the pressure as he tried to stabilize his footing.

"Brat! Remember this when you die, my name is Feng Yi He! In your next life don't ever try to go after my baby girl ever again!"


Feng Hanyan immediately shouted to her father with a worried-filled voice, but it was ignored by Feng Yi He as he continued and even added more pressure to his already devastating powerful aura. Liuyun started to feel dizzy and his body was on the verge of collapse. His mind blurry and he felt as if his body was no longer responding to his mind. Damn it! You think I will let myself get killed here?! I made a promise to Yan'er and I will uphold it!

Liuyun forced himself to remain conscious as he bit his own arm hard to use the sense of pain to prevent himself from fainting. Seeing this, Feng Yi He was shocked! This kid can still move under my immense pressure… Not even an Ascended stage cultivator will be able to resist it. But still, he concealed his own shock and continued to apply the pressure.

"Hmph! You want to kill him? This old lady has yet given her permission yet!"

A sweet sounding yet firm voice could be heard clearly throughout the room and Liuyun's body started to glow strongly. Immediately afterward, a black portal opened up beside Liuyun and a woman appeared from within. This woman was all too familiar for Liuyun and Feng Hanyan as they both shouted out her name.

"Jia Yi!"

The pressure was immediately lifted off Liuyun and he immediately collapsed onto the floor, panting hard and tiredly. Feng Hanyan ran towards him and checked on his condition with worries filling her eyes. Feng Yi He immediately stopped his pressure and coldly looked at Jia yi before asking her.

"You… Are from the Dragon Clan?"

"Indeed this majesty is."

Jia Yi was completely calm even under the intimidating stares of Feng Yi He, a Fate middle stage cultivator. As expected from a member of the dragon clan, she was completely full of pride and is unwilling to bow down to any power in the world.

"You and that brat, what is your relationship with him?"

"Nothing much, I'm residing in his body temporarily since he paid me half his soul for power. Power to protect your daughter."

Hearing her words, Feng Yi He's state turned into one of confusion. He wasn't informed of the incident between the Hei clan and his daughter, so he turned to his wife and asked her about it. Feng Hua Xue's eyes turned cold as well and she began recounting the incident, word for word, to her beloved husband.

As she spoke, the angrier Feng Yi He became and eventually he burst out in rage, his eyes completely filled with murderous intent and he was about to lose control of himself.

"Hei clan… good, very good. Those damnable bastards dare to hurt and even tried to violate my precious daughter…"

Recalling the moment, Liuyun's eyes filled with regret and pain as well. He couldn't protect Feng Hanyan at all back then, he was so weak. Now that he was a cultivator, he wanted to destroy them with his own hand.

"Please lord father, let me be the one to destroy them entirely."

This time, Liuyun was no longer joking around and he kneeled down to Feng Yi He.

"You? You are just a weak profo… Profound? Wait brat you are just 11 this year?"

Liuyun did not say anything, but his body disappeared and he re-appeared behind Feng Yi He. He gathered all the nature energy within his body and condensed it into his fist before punching out to Feng Yi He.

Naturally, Feng Yi He blocked it with just body alone with ease. Lifting his arms, he opened his palm and caught Liuyun's punch. The battle tension disappeared and Feng Yi He no longer looked at Liuyun with disdain in his eyes anymore.

"Profound stage low-level as an 11-year-old with such godly foundation…Wait. That aura was..."

Seemingly pondering over something, he looked at Liuyun and saw resentment and hostility. It was not directed at the Feng family, but rather he seemed to direct it to himself and the Hei clan.

Feng Yi He started to laugh out loud and his hostility towards Liuyun disappeared along with his laughter.

"Alright brat, you got me. But I say this first, 10 years… You must destroy the entire Hei clan before I accept you as my daughter's lover."